If in the end I'm the culprit, I'll kill myself

Shen Xiaoxi's POV

I've never been so infuriated like I was now. But the main issue right now was, proving my innocence. As soon as I came out of the Jiang house, Zhang Yue said, "What did they say? Did he agree to remove the news?"

"Don't even talk about that right now."

"Okay it's alright. No need to tell me anything. Let's go out and eat something first. Then if you want you can talk."

We reached a restaurant and ordered hotpot.

"Now do you want to talk?"

"They are never going to believe me. I think I only have one way now, to get out of this mess."

"What way?"

"I'm going to get to the depth this. I will find out the real killer. That's how I'll prove my innocence."

"It's not easy as you're making it sound."

"But that's the only way left."

"It's very risky. Right now you are still a suspect. What if the police catch you with any evidence? If that happens, you will definitely be, treated as the killer. The best option you have is, to start over. Wait for some time, till this all cools down, and then go to your home. "

"Who knows when it will be over? The Jiang family is very powerful. What if the killer is in their own family? They will definitely blame everything on me. I don't want to be a scapegoat. Plus, the police have clearly told, that I'm not allowed to leave the state until the case is complete. The only option left is to prove my innocence, which is possible when the real killer is caught."

"Since I can't change your mind, I guess I'll help you. How are you going to find the killer?"

"Mr. Zhang I think we should try to find out who send the email. Do you know how to do it?"

"I suck at tech stuff. We need a hacker for it. But who will help us?"

"I will." A voice from behind said.

I turned in the direction of the voice to find Jiang Yi Nan.

"YOU?" I and Mr. Zhang said at the same time.

He came closer and said, "Yes me!"

"Why would you even help me?" I asked.

"First of all, I am not helping you. I am helping myself. I don't trust you even a little bit, so I need to make sure that you don't tamper with the evidence. But if at the end it-"

"If in the end I'm the culprit, I will kill myself."

"Wait, what?"

"Living as a suspect of a murder is already humiliating. If in the end also, I won't be able to prove my innocence, then it's better for me to die."

It looked like Jiang Yi Nan wanted to say something, but seeing my determination in my eyes, he kept quiet.

"Now the most important question, how come you knew where I was? Were you stalking me? How would you even help me? Why aren't you saying anything?"

"Will you stay quiet for me to answer? First of all, you aren't a celebrity, that I'll stalk you. Stalking is your job, not mine. Secondly finding your location was very easy. Do you know that, your phone has such an advanced level of security; that it was easily hacked? Lastly I studied hacking, so I can help with it. Now are you satisfied Ms. Shen, or do you need more answers?" He spoke in a sarcastically sweet voice.

"Now will you stop glaring at me and show me the email?"

"I have a question." Zhang Yue said.

"Sure ask." I said.

"How will an email address help us here? I mean the murderer isn't an idiot, that he will fill his real name and phone number in the email address."

"Of course no one will add their own credentials in the email address. But honestly that's not what I am looking for. There's something known as an IP address, which is linked with emails. IP address or Internet Protocol address is basically a number assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two main functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing. Mostly people create a firewall i.e., a protection for their IP address. So all I need to do is find their IP address, and that way, the location, from where the email was sent, can be known. Now will you please show me the email?"

I nodded and opened my email box.

"How come this person knew where my brother was? Only I and my sister-in-law knew about it.

'Are you tired of being a mediocre reporter with no fame?

Does your boss not even remember your name?

Are you waiting for a breakthrough in your career?

Then look no more, here's an interesting offer for you.

As we all know Mr. Jiang Yi Xing has developed the new app. But the thing that is not known by many is the source of money. If you think it's his inheritance, then you are wrong.

Here are the proofs that show something is fishy in the app he made.

If you want an exclusive interview with him go to Windsor Exotica, Room No 1005 around 11:30 a.m.

Don't think too much, because the distance between you and fame is only 20 km.

All the best!'

Who is this person even? Reading this is making me puke. How did you even trust this?"

"I didn't trust it, I just didn't think too much."

"Yeah cause the distance between you and fame is 20 km, right?"

"Technically speaking, she did become famous. It's just that the reason is different." Zhang Yue said this and all of us laughed.

"Alright, just give me some time I'll find out the details and IP Address. As expected, the details related to the email are rubbish. Name is 'You can't find me' and the phone number is 456980035. I called the number, and it doesn't exist. But I was able to find out the location from where the email was sent. It's 'Summer Café', an internet café in Winchester Avenue. Right now it's too late, so we should go there tomorrow. Let's wrap it up for today."

"Okay." He started going but seeing me frozen on the ground, he turned back.

"Are you thinking of sleeping here? Don't you have a house to go?"

"No thanks to you, I don't."

He looked a bit guilty, but quickly changed his expression.

"So where are you going to stay?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Honestly I'm not sure. I don't even know if I can get a hotel."

"I have a spare room in my house, you can stay there."

Before I could even reply, Jiang Yi Nan interrupted, "No, she won't stay at your house. Since I'm the reason for your not having a house, then I should be responsible to get you a place to live. You come and stay at my house."

"No I won't go to your house. I don't want another slap on my face."

"I won't take you to my house. I'll take you to my friend's house. He is out of station and told me to take care of his house. Let me tell you, I'm not doing this for you. I'm only keeping you there, so I can monitor you."

"No I'm sorry, but I don't want to live in a jail."

"If you don't agree, neither will I help you nor will I let anyone else help you."

I really wanted to hit or scream, but controlled my emotions and nodded.

"If you have any problem, you can call me. I have a case tomorrow, so I won't be able to accompany you two. I'll meet you tomorrow night. Good night. Bye." Zhang Yue said and left.

"If your romance is over, can we go?"

"What romance? I don't even know him properly. Seriously I -" But he waved me off and went ahead. His friend's house was actually very beautiful and well-furnished. I think this jail would be comfortable.

"Stop! Give me your phone."


"I said give me your phone. Do you need some treatment for your ears?"

"I heard you but why?"

"Because, I don't want you to have any connections with the outside world."

I was right, this is actually a jail. This is worse than sleeping on the street; at least I would have freedom there. But I knew he had the upper hand here, so I didn't protest and gave him the phone. Sleeping without a phone is the hardest thing on planet Earth. "1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep…"


I guess counting sheep really do work. At least I had a good sleep. I went out of my room to see him watching TV. Look at this man, he took my phone away and himself is having the time of his life.

"Oh you're up! I thought you were on anesthesia or something. "

I couldn't understand what he meant, until I saw the clock. "It's 1 p.m.? I've been sleeping for more than 12 hours?"

"Yes, your highness. Get ready within half an hour or I'll leave you."

After some time we reached there. I asked, "So what is the plan?"