Who does this person think he is?

Shen Xiaoxi's POV

I couldn't believe what I just saw on his computer screen. The email was all highlighted, due to which we could see few characters, which were not present in the original email.

P 'Are you tired of being a E mediocre reporter with no fame?

H Does your boss not even remember K your name?

B Are you waiting for a A breakthrough in your career?

D Then look no more, here's an A interesting offer for you.

S As we all know Mr. Jiang Yi Xing has developed the new app. C But the thing that is not known by many is the source of G money. I If you think it's his inheritance, then you are R wrong.

P Here are the proofs that T show something is fishy in the app he made.

L If you want an exclusive N interview with him go to E Windsor R Exotica, Room No 1005 around 11:30 a.m.

R Don't think too much, because the distance O between you and fame is only 20 km.

E All the best!


"Who does this person even thinks he is? The Joker? Anyways, do you see these alphabets, they were not before. And if we try to include these alphabets, it does not make any sense. Do you understand what that means?" Yi Nan said.

"He's trying to pull a prank on us?"

"No I think these alphabets are the real hint. So, the alphabets are P, H, B, D, S, T, A, S, P, L, R, E, E, I, C, E, R, T, K, A, O, N, G, A, R. What do these alphabets stand for? A name of a person, a street, a place, or maybe a house? I don't understand. What about you?"

"Wait let me check on google." I said.

After some time I yelled, "I found it! It's jumbled up form of 'Sapphire Black Dragon Street'."

"But that's a very posh area with so many houses. We can't go and check each and every house. Plus the security system is very tight. It will definitely be a problem. What if it's another prank on us?"

"Hey, Yi Nan don't you think that this pin code 980035 sounds a bit familiar to you?"

"I can't remember. What do you think?"

"I can! It's the same last six digits of the phone number connected to this email."

"Oh yes you are right! Does that mean 56 refer to the house number?" Yi Nan said.

"It is possible. So, we got the house number, but there are more than 15 lanes symbolized by alphabets. And every lane has more than 20 house." I said.

"What if number 4 represent something? In a keypad number 4 represents R. Check whether R has house number 54?"

"It does!" I said.

"So we have the full address. Lane R, House No. 54, Sapphire Black Dragon Street, 980035."

"Wow I feel like I used up all of my brain cells just to find out the address. How do detectives even work for so long?" I said.

"I don't even know how to answer that." He said face-palming himself.

"I am seriously tired. Even workers have a 9 to 5 schedule. Let me sleep." I whined.

"Okay, okay I got it. We'll discuss the plans tomorrow."

As I was about to enter my room, he stopped me.

"Now what?"

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

Not again! "No I am not! Let me go." I said smiling sweetly.

"Give me your phone or else I won't let you sleep."

Ugh this guy, the moment he was getting a bit better, he again became the worst. I glared at him and gave him my phone.

"Good night." He smirked and ran to his room. Somehow I slept.


Today I woke up around 9 a.m. I was so excited to throw it in his face, but all my excitement disappeared seeing him cooking. Honestly, I didn't expect he knew how to cook. While cooking he was jamming to some song and honestly, he looked very cute. Before I could say anything, he interrupted.

"Are you done looking at my beautiful face? Now can you come and help me a bit?"

I helped in setting up the breakfast.

"Have you thought of any plan?" I asked.

"Actually I haven't thought of a proper plan. But I did think of something. First of all we will call and ask if the house is vacant or not. I will act as if I am interested in buying the house. This way I can check the security system of the area. Then-"

"Wait I have a question. How will we meet them as? What I mean to say is that right now, we are a bit famous. So, will they allow us inside if we go as our original identities?"

"That's a good question. But luckily I've prepared for it earlier. Here are our new identities." He said handing me two fake id cards. "Hello Mrs. Lin Shen I am your husband Mr. Lin Tao."

"I understand everything but why do we have to act as husband and wife? Could it be that you want to be my husband?" I said playing with my hairs.

"In your dreams Miss. Actually you should be grateful that you get to be my wife for few hours. I made us husband and wife because that's more convincing."

I glared at him.

"I have a spare number with which I'll call the realtor now." He said and called a number.

"Hello good morning. I'm Lin Tao speaking. Am I talking to Mr. Lu Zhiming?"

"Yes how may I help you Mr. Lin?"

"Actually I and my wife wanted to see a house in Sapphire Black Dragon Street."

"Is there any specific house you want to see?"

"Oh yes I've heard from my friend that House No. 54 in Lane R is vacant. Is that true? If yes then I'd love to check that house."

"I have to confirm it. How about this sir you meet me with your wife in an hour near the Sapphire Black Dragon Street and I'll show you the house. Does that work with you?"

"Yeah it does, thank you very much." He cut the call and said, "Get ready we have to leave within an hour. Do one thing wear sunglasses and cover your face with a scarf. That way it will be hard to recognize you. I'll also wear sunglasses."

"What if he starts checking our details and everything?"

"It's highly unlikely cause we aren't buying the house, we are just checking I out. If he asks for our profession, we'll say we are doctors. As for the rest things, we'll improvise. Okay?"

"Yeah." I said and we both went to change. After some time we reached the Sapphire Black Dragon Street. There we met Mr. Lu.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Lin."

"Good morning." I said.

"Good morning. How are you sir?" Yi Nan asked.

"I'm good sir. The house you two were looking for is actually occupied. The tenants don't live there, which must have caused the misunderstanding. If you want I can show you a house in any other lane or any other house."

"Actually my wife loves the letter R. We even want to name our first child with R. So, it would really be helpful if you could show us any house in that lane."

Honestly I was a bit confused. When was this plot twist decided? Nonetheless I smiled and nodded.

"Ha ha I understand. There's a house in that lane but it's currently being viewed by many celebrities. So, it may be a possibility that you won't be able to buy it. But since you guys insist, I'll show House No. 57 to you."

Inside the lane cameras were installed every 10 footsteps apart. This means that there were no blind spots. House No. 54 was the 12th house from the beginning and 57 next to it. All of the houses looked same from the outside. I saw that the front door also had a camera. I and Yi Nan looked at each other in uncertainty. Ugh how many cameras are in this area?

"Mr. Lu is camera installed in the house also or do we have to install it on or own?" Yi Nan asked.

"The cameras are only provided in the front doors. These along with the ones outside are connected to the security feed. If you want you can install CCTV or anti-theft system on your own. Actually we could have provided but this is a high- profile area and it can cause privacy issues. I hope you understand. If you want I can recommend good CCTV companies. Most of the furniture is not provided because everyone has their own choices and preferences. Treat this house as an empty canvas."

He then took us inside the house and it was actually really beautiful. It was a duplex with spiral staircase and a modular kitchen. Everything looked very classy and stylish. No wonder celebrities live here.

"Sir is House no. 54 also like this?" Yi Nan asked. Damn could this guy be any more obvious.

"Looks like you all are really interested in House no. 54." He said a bit weirdly.

"Oh yeah actually it's my wife's favorite number. Cause my birthday is on 5th April and my wife's birthday is on 4th May. Since, 5 and 4 are common so she loves it." Yi Nan said.

And yet again I was left confused. The way this guy lies, I'm pretty sure he wins in among us. Still I smiled and nodded.

"Oh that's so romantic. And yes all the houses are the same."

"Honestly I really like the interior but I would like to know about the security of the area first. What do you think dear?" He asked keeping his hand on my waist.

Oh my god what a flirt. The term of endearment was really very hard to digest. But I also played along and placed my hand on his waist and smiled. "I really like the house but I need to know about the security. Actually we both are doctors and our schedule is mostly packed. We will be leaving our kids here, so we need to be sure of the security level." I smirked at Yi Nan and whispered, 'I can also create plot twists'.

He just laughed it off and showed thumbs up.

"I understand, how about this we ourselves go and check the security booth? That way you all can be assured." We nodded and went to the gate of the lane.

Beside the fence there was a cabin. Inside the cabin, there were 4 guards.

"Two of the guards always navigate the camera, and the rest two are for navigating the area. The fence has 24x7 hours electricity running through them. Everything is password protected with the best encryption. You all can be assured now. Let's talk about buying the house. What is your decision?"

"We would really like to discuss all the factors before making a final discussion. How about this, you message me the details of the house? And I'll tell you our decisions within one or two days." Yi Nan said. We both took our leave from there.

"How are we going to get inside? The fence has electricity running through it. We'll die if we even think about crossing it. What will we do now? Do you have-" I was cut in between by him.

"First of all shut up. Secondly I can hack it. They said everything is connected with encryption, so it can be hacked. I need to go somewhere first, after that we can go home." He first went to a technology store to buy a drone.

"What is this drone for?"

"You ask so many questions dude. We don't know if the house has cameras inside or not. So this drone can detect the presence of camera. It can also deactivate it, if we want. Now I need to buy some flashlight."

"What are you planning?"

"I will tell you once we reach home."

Before I could I ask anything Zhang Yue called. As I was about to pick up, Yi Nan stopped me and said, "Do not tell him anything."