I hope this is the only trial I’ve to go through.

Shen Xiaoxi's POV

"I'm saying, we won't go to the police." He said.

Honestly, I was very infuriated this moment. Who does he even think he is? Does he think I am his puppet, that he can make me do whatever he wants?

"What?" I said surprised.

"I said we won't go to the police. Are your ears working? This is the third time I said." He said joking.

"I heard you just fine. I'm just a bit curious. Why won't we go to the police? Is it because she's your sister-in-law? Oh my god, look at your double standards. You're such a hypocrite. When you thought it was me, you stopped at nothing to ruin my life. But now when you found that it's your sister-in-law, you're hesitating to do anything. Where's all the love for your brother now? I kind of had some respect for you, but honestly you don't deserve it. You're also like those typical rich people, a hypocrite. I can't even believe you. I understand now, this is why you wanted to accompany me. So, that you can get rid of all the evidences, against your family and let me become the scapegoat. Am I right? I guess this is why you didn't let Zhang Yue know about this all. You're such a-"

"Can you just shut your mouth for a second? You don't even know why I'm doing this. I'm doing this all for our sake. I-"

"Our sake? Oh please say your sake. It's only for you and your family's sake. You're such a selfish person. Honestly, I can't even look at you now."

"Let me first finish and then cut in please. If we present this evidence to the police, the one's going to jail won't be Song Qin but us."

"What do you mean? But why it would be us?"

"Cause we broke so many laws to get this evidence. We hacked public places, used fake ids, broke into a private property and even stole from there. If the police came to know about this, first of all we'll be arrested for around 5-10 days. After that they'll acknowledge the evidence. Moreover this is not concrete evidence. This is only circumstantial evidence. It might even be proved, that we are the ones who planted it. And then, we'll be arrested on charges of murder and so many other things."

"But now a days hacking is used to catch criminals. Then, why is it illegal?"

"If this was done by the police, or any authority which is sanctioned by the government, then it would be legal. Remember, there is a very small line between ethical and non-ethical hacking. Hacking a private or a public network for state's benefit is ethical or legal. But doing the same for personal benefit is unethical or illegal. We did it for ourselves, so this is illegal. That's why I didn't let Zhang Yue know about this. And that's only why we can't go to the police station. If I found out that the person, behind this all is my sister-in-law or even my mother, I'll be the one to drag them to jail. My brother matters to me the most and not my family or my family's reputation."

Honestly, him saying this made me feel very guilty. I judged him very quickly. I acted like him too. When he was angry, he judged and slandered me without knowing the truth. And right now I did the same. I don't know why, but I kind of understand his feelings now. I understand why he was so quick in judging me. And honestly I felt very bad for him.

"So this all was for nothing?" I asked.

"It's not totally waste. We do have a lead we just have to go in that direction. Anyways, I'm a bit tired; I'm going to rest for some time." He said and went to his room.

He looked so down that I felt bad for him. He must have been very upset, because he forgot to take my phone too. I tried to divert my mind and turned on the TV to watch. After about an hour he came back and went towards the kitchen.

"Hey what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm warming up some milk."

"Couldn't sleep, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah somewhere along that line only." He answered.

"Replace the milk with wine then, let's celebrate our misery."

"What do you mean celebrate our misery?" He scoffed but then took out few beer bottles.

"Let's talk about life now." I said.

"Listen even though I agreed to drink with you, it does not mean that you are my best friend and I'll share my secrets with you."

Oh so is this a challenge Mr. Jiang Yi Nan? Just wait and watch how I will make you spill every secret of yours.

"But we can't just drink. Let's play 20 questions, then." I said.

"20 questions, what is that?"

"Do you belong to the ancient times? Whatever, in this game I ask a question and you'll answer and vice versa."

"I know I'm going to regret this later but whatever."

"Since I suggested the game, I'll ask first. Honestly I am very curious regarding this." I said.

"Sure, ask away."

"All renowned and wealthy people in Beijing reside in Sapphire Black Dragon Street, but why does your family not live there?"

"That's actually because of my father. He was a headstrong person and believes in individuality and uniqueness. That's why he absolutely hated Sapphire Black Dragon Street. Even though my mother kind of wanted to live there, my father was totally against it. He said he'd rather live in one room for his whole life, than go there. He wanted to build his own house and live there and that's how we have the Jiang mansion now. He wasn't born rich, but he had ideas and dreams. There was a time when he was given an option to merge his ideas with a very big company. But it meant losing his individuality. That scared the shit out of my father and he refused. This personality was seen by my mother's father and he invested in him. Honestly that's how he met my mother and they fall for each other. I think I diverted from the real question. Anyways, my father is the reason we never went there and honestly, I'm thankful for that. Those boring, colorless houses will never match our mansion. I think it's my chance, right?"

"Yeah ask please!" I said.

"You said you wanted to be a crime reporter, then how come you are paparazzi?"

"To answer this question I have to give a background about myself. I come from a small town, Nanjing. I was not particularly good at studies and stuff like that also. As a result, I couldn't get very good marks. Now my parents weren't particularly rich, and naturally they'll spend their money on their real children. So, I went to a third rate college. Due -"

"Wait you are adopted?"

"This is not how the game goes but, yeah. I'm adopted. Anyways, due to going in a third grade college; I couldn't get a proper job offer. I came here with a friend of mine looking for better job opportunities. But every office needs experience, so what about a beginner like me? I had no reference also. I tried in for so many jobs but couldn't get even one. At the end I got an offer from IBN News Channel. I was ready to work as an intern or even an assistant, but the offer was only for a pap. I was running out of options and was short of money too so at the end I had to take up this offer only. I know my life is pathetic, no need to give any condolences. Anyways it's my chance. Your whole family is full of businessman, then why did you take a detour and learned hacking."

"I knew you would ask this question. I was like you too. I mean I'm not adopted but I sucked at studies. Honestly I was like the black sheep of my family. My brother was an excellent student and I was the worst student. I was only good at two subjects, Computer science and English. From my childhood I was amazed with technology and computers. So, it was obvious I took computer science as my major. My father originally wanted me to study in America but I went against him and studied in Beijing only. Honestly, I stayed here only for my brother." He said smiling a bit.

"So you're like those typical youngest children of rich people, right?" I asked teasingly and he laughed.

"Anyways, my question is who was the friend you came here with and why aren't they with you right now?"

"He is Li Jun Yi. He was my best friend since high school. When I went to high school, his father was transferred to Nanjing and that's how we both got to know each other. He was kind of like an escape from my family. He would always understand me and we were the best of friends. We both went to the same college and came to Beijing together. We even got the same job and worked in IBN News Channel together. I never had a good family or a love life, but I had the best friend and honestly, that was enough for me. But, I never thought that this was all a myth. It's rightly said that relationships are tested during hard times. Mine was tested too. He was the one on video call and he knew that I wasn't wrong. He knew I was being framed, but he was scared. I kind of understand his fear, but I would be lying if I said that I'll forget this all. Yes I may forgive him for this but I won't forget this all." I wiped my tears and took a sip of my beer.

"I'm sorry." This was the first time I heard him apologizing and it felt like he actually meant it.

"I won't say it's alright, cause it's not. Anyways, it's my turn. How was your relationship with your family? I know about your brother but what about the rest of your family?"

"I'll answer that but honestly; this doesn't feel like a game rather I feel like I'm in a court and going through a trial." He said laughing.

"I hope this is the only trial I've to go through." I said.

"I hope so too." He said softly.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.


I swear I heard him say that but I gestured him to continue.

"When I was small, I had a very good relationship with everyone in my family, especially my brother. I was the smallest child and thus was loved the most. As I said, I was intrigued with technology from a very small age, but my interest turned into passion as soon as I entered into high school. My brother was an awesome student and he was everyone's favorite. Even though, he passed high school before I entered I was hidden under the shadows of his over-achievements. Every teacher, relative used to praise him and I was only scolded. It hurts to say this but I hated my brother during these years. Whatever I did, I was compared to him. My brother tried very hard to mend our relationship but I always misunderstood him. The relationship with my father was also severed a lot. My mother was the communication between the three of us. When it was time for me to select a college, I wanted to go to Beijing University. But my father was adamant for me to go to America. My father's health was worsening too. I had a fight with both my brother and father regarding this and went out of the room. That's when I heard my brother. He persuaded my father to let me study what I want and I felt guilty. I felt guilty for being so selfish and treating my brother so badly. After that, my brother became everything to me and our relationship became better. I tried to mend my relationship with my father too but my father's health was very bad and he died. And now my brother is not here too." He said crying. That was the first time I saw him crying and I felt very bad for him. I wanted to comfort him but honestly, I didn't know what to say. So, I just let him cry.

"So it's my turn to ask questions right?" He said.

Before I could reply, his phone rang and he picked up.

"Yeah I understand. Thank you for your work. I'll come tomorrow." He said on phone.

"What happened?" I asked.