
A month in misery was too long for Clarke.

He did not want to do anything at all or he would drink to death so he'd pass out and do the same thing the next day and the next.

A week after though, his cousin barged into his apartment and just cleaned his place. Not speaking at all. But that's what he wanted at the moment.

He is swallowed in his own bubble of immense grief, tragic loss and palpable misery.

His cousin, Viviene, who was in time, but actually eyebrow-raising and indeed questionable at the moment of why she is New York, got to look after him just when his sanity was borderline hanging on a thin line.

On the third week, finally, he had to make arrangements as he is bound to return to the Philippines.

The loss of his father really rocked bottom his being.

And the loss of his ex girlfriend is another thing.

Although to think about it now, maybe it was meant to happen.

Clarke is not a person who dwells in the past heartache from a relationship. He believes that when a relationship fell apart, one, it is maybe for another one to come together to reality which is something better or the relationship is not yet meant at the moment. Whatever he falls on, this loss cannot compare to the loss and brokenness brought about by the loss of his dad.

Philippines, his homeland, is the only way to go.

New York seems too close, too tight and too cold for him.

By the last week, he got to come to terms with his father's loss as his mother kept on calling him, telling him she needs him. He was unresponsive at first for taking all the blame but on the next days, his mother put sense on him. One time their call went like his mom finally waged war with him.

"Son, do you want to lose your mother too?"

His mother openly threatened.

Gone is the ever caring voice he so got used to since he was a kid.

And that went straight to his sanity.

From then, he started to clean up his messy pad.

He kept away all the broken shards of glass.

He put in the trash bin all of Franz's things.

It's as if throwing away their past too.

Since he witnessed the proposal, Franz had not called him even once.

This made him think that he had bern used all along.

Maybe it's really true.

Love is not blind. But because it sees big, it's willing to see lesser.

He had clues on Franz's intentions, but he chose not to see them.

It took all his willpower to stop dancing to the played songs with her. He knows its bringing attention to them instead of giving all the attention to the newly wed couple.

The feeling for Clarke is all too familiar. The need to wrap around this woman in his arms is resurgent. He puts his hands away from her every after ending of each played song but sooner, unconsciously, his hands would reach for her and next thing he knew, he is already holding her close.

Is she weirded out with me? He asked himself.

Worse is she would be finding him a touchy and clingy man or worst, she finds me now a pervert. He stilled upon this thought. He had to put some distance.

God damn it!

Sky noticed that Clarke now is putting some distance after being so close to her every now and then. This gave her a relief to think to herself too but at the same time longed for his nearness.

Got used to it so soon? She castigated herself.

Does he realize I am not worth it?

Is he changing his acts because someone just came in the audience who's really the one who matters to him?

Am I that disposable?

This inner thought battle unknown to Clarke but waging war to Sky is all too familiar. She didn't know she transpired to another world and stopped literally in her track.

Even her eyebrows scrunched altogether making a connected line on her face.

To which Clarke reached out and massaged between her eyebrows, seemingly pacifying it, bringing Sky back to reality.

Actually Clarke was the same too earlier. Just Sky didn't notice it because she's into her thoughts right after he got into it first.

So much ran in his head making him elope from reality and next thing he knew, he found Sky the same. Only that he got there first so he got back sooner than her.

Is this what's going on between us also the reason why she got into deep thinking? He thought.

Now, seeing again this lovely woman he's dancing the whole event with, he can't be sure now of why he had to go through the most recent pain he had to with his last relationship.

So he had to ask her,

"I just actually met you but it feels like forever. Do you somehow understand me?"

It took Sky a while to answer him. She looked at the man in front of her intently.

She sure is feeling the same way but her sense of reason isn't going with it.

And because her mind wins over her heart all of the time, she concluded.

If they are meant to stay together, they will stand by and through time.

So she just smiled at him and planned on how to break his heart sooner than later..

For the first time..