Chapter 23

"Let's walk along the riverbank until we get to the place we reached when we crossed the river," Maryam suggested them.

"I don't think it'd be possible," Bilal told her as he pointed at an enormous rock which remained at the riverbank a few yards away from them. "That rock is too big and it's blocking our way."

"Then let's try to go by the surrounding areas of the river," Maryam suggested again.

"Look at all those prickly plants and grasses over there Maryam," Thasneem said, pointing at the thickets which had enveloped the riverbank. "I don't think we'd be able to walk through those wild bushes. See my hand! I got a scratch from that thorny shrub over there when I went close to it and it's bleeding now. I'm sure we can't go through those bushes!"

"Then what do you suppose we should do now?" Maryam asked her impatiently, her feet had started to feel itchy because of the wet socks and it made her feel irritable. "It's almost very dark now. And we are still here!"