20 Minutes later Ruby went back into the kitchen to the waiting third years.
„Got any idea what we could do now?" she asked when she went into the kitchen and sat next to Dia.
The raven haired girl was thinking at the question from her sister. „We could do some...." „Let us go to the beach!" blurred the blonde out, Kanan looked happy about that answer and her eyes shined a bit. Ruby got excited just from thinking about to go to the beach and Ocean and her tail showed it with wagging from left to right.
Dia wasn't a friend from the idea. „Mari-san, it's not nice from you to start speaking when someone is speaking already." Dia glared at Mari from her seat, „and it's nearly three pm. Isn't it too late already?"
„Come on Dia, it's summer we have still many hours with this bright sun." said Kanan, and than she leaned back on her seat and looked at Dia with than grin, „and we both know that you want to go too." Dia shrugged up at this words and started to scratch her beauty spot, a clear sign that she was lying. „Th-that's not true." „Please Onee-chan, it's so long in the past when we were on the beach it will be fun to go out again." with looking at Dia Ruby started to talk again, „when you are worried we still have our own secret place you know."
„Oh yeah you are right Ruby-chan! I forgot about this place" said an laughing Mari, „and with Kanan here we won't have trouble to find our way to our place"
Dia let out an defeated sign. „ok, ok. You won..." at this words Ruby hugged her „thanks onee-Chan", „yeah, yeah. You both can pack your things and something for us to eat and to drink into this box you brought and Ruby and me are getting ready so that we can leave in some minutes. Since you both got swimming things we can go to the place faster." with that Dia went out the kitchen and to her room. Ruby gave the other two an smile and got to her room to get her things.
At three pm the little group went outside the Kurosawa estate and went with the bus for a few minutes until they got to an fewer popular route since it has more rocks than other routes.
They went along an trample trail they went countless times until they came to a natural stone wall. The small rift was only see able when you know where it is. The girls went through the rift and went further ahead. Now walking through a little forest with some beautiful flowers left and right the way, until they came to an halt after 10 Minutes, now standing for an little lake.
„Kanan-san could you please cast your water magic on us? I just want to be sure that we won't drown." „yeah yeah" was the only reaction before Kanan got concentrated and an light green light emerged from Kanan and went to Mari, Dia, Ruby and the box.
After this Kanan took the box and sprang into the water, followed by Ruby, than Dia and Mari. They swam through a under water tunnel and got greeted by some Fishes and some pretty algae, who were shining in few colors. When the group swam ten more meters under water they dived up at a small sand beach.
Than they went through a tunnel and got into an big cave.
The cave was pretty big and wide, at the walls and top of the cave were ranks from plants a bit glowing but the bigger lights were from many gemstones who were shining from the inside.
For the girls were an large forest with smaller and weirder plants than on the surface. There were no animals other than fishes in the water, maybe some little water loving animals who could swim, in the forest were gemstone columns who were the light sources there.
Behind the forest were an big sand strand, sparkling because of little gemstones, next to the beach were an large water area who got lower when you swam a few meters out.
Despite being under water there was fresh ocean air and through some holes at the cave walls there is all time fresh water and some waves.
The girls were standing at the beach.
„Even when we were here pretty often over the years I love this place and it's magic." Dia said with an shine in her eyes. Kanan was unpacking the box and gave everyone their blankets and some other stuff.
Mari and Ruby were already unclothed now only in there swimsuits and playing into the water.
„True Dia, and it's an Wonder we found this Place as kids and that's nobody found it too." It was really am wonder that nobody found out about this place.
For over eight years the friends found this cave by accident because they were out with Ruby, but because Ruby couldn't keep the spell upon herself to let her ears and tail hidden, she did cling to her older sister. But after the group got separated because of an older group, Ruby did panick and were running away. Dia, Kanan and Mari did search for her and nearly crying they found her in the tunnel, who was not under water and because of the light and their child curiosity they moved more into the cave. Over the years, the tunnel was set under water because of the environment.
Kanan went next to Dia and both were standing there and looking at Mari and Ruby until Dia started to speak.
„How are things with Mari-san?"
„Pretty weird. You know how she can gets but we are both new to these things and are pretty much in an test phase." Kanan got a bit red at her cheeks.
„But we won't forget you Dia, that's the last thing we would want to do." She gave Dia an sad and apology grin. „.... I know that" Dia answered and both standing there awkwardly until for there feet's were landing an small ball of light. „Shiny!!!"
„Oneee-chan!!! Come and play with us Kanan you too!!" yelled Ruby and the two girls went to play with them.
They stayed in the cave playing and swimming until nine pm. Than they went back to the Kurosawa estate.
Because they did pass the last bus they were going back and they did take until ten pm before they were back. Than they take a quick shower and went ready to go to sleep in the living room, since that was the largest room.
Kanan and Mari were Lying next to each other and the Kurosawa sisters next to them.