Battle Maiden Sect

"Good. Why don't you start off by telling me a little more about this Battle Maiden Sect? What do they teach there? Is it only fighting? How strong is everyone there? How does one enter the sect? Why should I join the Battle Maiden Sect over the other sects?" Mira started to bombard Ellie with questions and this caused Ellie to finally wake up and realize what was going on.

"Eh? What's going on? I thought you were going to kill Diana!" Ellie started to scream and Maria was the one to talk first.

"She wasn't going to kill you as she figured it'd bring too much trouble towards herself. But it seems my friend here insists on you answering her questions as… payment for keeping you alive." Maria said that last part in a low voice as it sounded extremely domineering. Mira just nodded and repeated her questions. Ellie was a bit surprised that this is all she wanted to know.