Dominique's Training

"When do we start?!" Dominique yelled in excitement.

"We will be starting right now. I'll give you your training schedule and I want you to stick with it until you reach the Qi Condensation Realm. I'll only watch over your training today to make sure you do everything I say correctly. From tomorrow onwards, you'll have to do it by yourself. How much you get out of my training depends on how much you put in and I refuse to teach anyone who can't put 100% effort into what I'm teaching them. I'll know if you are putting in all of your efforts or not. And if you dare lie to me about your training, then I'll throw you back to the village you came from. If you can't even be honest with me, you won't be able, to be honest with yourself, and if you're not honest with yourself, then you're not using your maximum potential. Follow me!" Mira gave Dominique what seemed to be a pep talk right before a workout. Dominique lost her child-like behavior and nodded her head in determination and drive.