Inter-Sect Tournament Resumes

Mira followed the City Lord and the Sect Masters to collect her reward and receive her title. Mira didn't really care about the reward nor the title, but she's not going to say no to a free lunch. Though she isn't very fond of the word 'Hero'. In her mind, a Hero is someone who puts their life on the line so that others don't have to. A Hero is someone who is righteous and strives for peace and equality. A Hero is someone who is idolized for their courage and achievements, and noble qualities.

Do any of the things that make up a Hero define Mira? The answer is a definite no! She doesn't give two shits about some random person in some random city. She kills to make things more convenient for her and she's never been an advocate for peace and equality, though she is tired of being bothered by other people though.