Tomb Of Heaven Part 3

After Mira passed the second step and started descending down the staircase, she didn't experience any deaths worth paying attention to for a while… Though, she's not exactly sure whether or not it's a good thing to be categorizing the ways she dies. Honestly, at this point, she's started getting used to it.

That's not to say that these deaths didn't bother her, it's just that they weren't enough to scare her anymore. As long as she keeps a strong will, this place will keep reviving her until she either breaks or passes.

Funnily enough, Mira wasn't too bothered with the deaths that came after the whole drowning incident. For the most part, they were rather swift deaths.

She got crushed by a mountainous sized rock, sliced apart by the wind, was repeatedly struck by lightning, consumed by darkness, and was pumped full of so much light that she burst apart.