Item Trial: Chaotic Silk Part 2

Mira had no concept of time during this trial so she had no idea how long it's been or how many years she's experienced. No, it could be said that Mira has experienced thousands of years, if not more, but at the same time, she hasn't spent any time in this trial. 

All she knew was that the longer she was stuck in this trial, the worse it became. 

At first, it only messed up her emotions, thoughts, desires, and form, but as time went on, the trial started affecting her memories, even going so far as to implant new memories.

Every few seconds, Mira would outright lose a portion of her memories, causing her to lose her sense of self. Although it didn't happen immediately and was a gradual change to Mira, it all seemed to occur simultaneously as her timeline was all messed up.