[Bonus chapter]Teasing

When Mira sensed people coming in her direction, her expression went from gentle and playful to neutral. She may have come to accept these new emotions she's feeling, but that doesn't mean everyone is worthy of seeing them. 

At her very core, she's still the same Mira who would slaughter men, women, and children alike if it aligned with her goals. 

However, when she saw who it was, her face was no longer so cold.

When she looked over towards the doorway, she saw two people who looked oddly similar to Maria. Naturally, these two are Maria's parents, Erika and Cole Zaria!

A few minutes ago, they just got a report that two unknown beast-like individuals entered the residence along with a giant golden wolf. When they heard this, they immediately stopped whatever they were doing and ran over to where these people were last spotted.