
"You are most likely unaware of this, but the Central Continent is the only place in the world where one can break through to the Ascension Realm." Mira was stunned by this information, but Aelina continued, "This is because only the Central Continent has the specific energy necessary to break through to the final Realm of the mortal world."

"Does that mean the Ascension Realm uses an energy other than Qi?" Mira questioned. 

"Yes and no. From what I know, you need to use something called Origin Qi, otherwise known as Immortal Qi, to break through. Unfortunately, that's all I know, so take it with a grain of salt." Aelina shook her head ruefully, "Here's the problem with this. The Central Continent is completely blocked off from the rest of the world. I'm not sure how they did it, but nobody is allowed in or out of the Central Continent without authorization. Not even I, the Sect Master, cannot go through without permission from the Central Continent's higher-ups."