Prime Disciple Competition: Bridge

The bridge beneath Mira's feet had an enigmatic shimmer to it, reflecting shades of silver and gold intermingling. It was oddly calming, but the serenity ended there. The vast expanse on either side of the bridge was a chasm, an endless void filled with just a dim ambient light that emanated from an unknown source.

For as far as the eye could see in front of her and beyond, there was nothing.

'So, the next island is at least over one hundred kilometers away.' Mira mused. With her speed, that normally wouldn't take long, but there was a slight problem.

She stomped on the bridge with about half her power in an attempt to speed off into the distance, but the bridge below her cracked. It didn't crack in just one spot either but over 10 kilometers!

'Well… That's new.' She thought before testing out if she could fly. But as she suspected, she couldn't, not even with her Paragon Wings.