Prime Disciple Competition: Quarterfinals Part 1

Aelina, elevated upon the central platform, surveyed the finished arena with the satisfaction of a chess master moving pieces into place. 'Fufu~ Aren't things too easy now? The entire Continent is basically within my grasp, and there's not a single thing anyone can do about it.' 

The feeling of unbridled freedom was surprisingly liberating. Cultivators spend their entire lives gaining strength for various reasons. Some people just want to seek power. Others want to make a mark on the world. 

However, regardless of the reason, there's one common denominator between them all: freedom. 

Deep down, every cultivator wants to be free–free from society, from higher powers, from all constraints. 

But paradoxically, the stronger one gets, the more restrained they become. Enemies get stronger, the fear of death becomes real, and one fuck-up could mean not only the death of oneself but their entire legacy.