
In the end, Captain Jorvik wasn't given much of a choice. There was a rule amongst people like him that they'd never do anything for free. Since he was doomed to die if he said no, then he might as well get paid for his efforts.

Despite being an old man in the 2nd Stage of the Mortal Shedding Realm, he was far from his prime and had used up most of his potential to get there. He could still live for quite a few more years, and fighting Mira at this stage of his life was pointless.

As he watched Mira and her companions board the ship, he could only sigh. 

'Young'uns these days.' He shook his head in dissatisfaction. 'They have no respect for us old folk anymore. This new generation is really goin' to hell.'

Still, as someone who has faced an uncountable number of dangers in his life, he has developed a keen instinct. Something about Mira made him feel as if he was just a wee lad trying to escape a Kraken.