Frozen Sangfroid Temple

Upon returning to their quarters at the inn, the group convened around a sturdy wooden table, scattering the acquired scrolls and the luminescent orb from the Crystal Spire across its surface. The orb cast a virtual image over the map of the Northern Continent, revealing intricate details of its geography and the locations of its different powers.

Mira immediately began to examine the scrolls while the others focused on the illuminated map. "The Northern Continent is a land with a slightly different power structure than what we're used to," she observed, her voice carrying a note of intrigue. "Here, the Orthodox Sects are known for their control over elements like ice, water, darkness, and snow. While the Unorthodox Sects master fire and lightning."

Hana leaned in, her eyes tracing the map's symbols. "Where are these Sects located?"