Pickup game part 2

I watched the ball smash against the backboard and into the net. Woah, I did not expect him to be this good. So far he has carried his team, scoring around 7 or so points. Well, he wasn't very efficient, only scoring around 40% of his shots. But you gotta put it into context, this was a 6 year old kid playing against grown men. Even the shortest of the men was 40 cm taller than the both of us.

Aomine got the ball again and checked me up. I decided to give him a little space this round to test his range. In the last few possessions I had guarded him too tightly, allowing him to blow past me to the basket. I stepped back, giving him a wide open space, perfect for taking a jumpshot.

"Why u leaving me open bruh, stop slacking on defense, u gotta guard me seriously if you even hope to win." Aomine taunted me.

"Nah bruh, you don't got no shot. I know u won't make it if u shoot from there." I said back to him, grinning.

Aomine gritted his teeth and started dribbling. He faked a drive to the right and did a hard crossover to the left. If this was a normal person, he would have crossed his already and have a open lane directly to the basket, but this was me. The space I had created was not only for him but also for me. It provided me sufficient time to recover allowing me to cut off his drive.

Aomine then did a hesi and pulled up for a jumper. Perfect. I jumped up at the same time and swatted the ball from his hands. I then landed and stated running after the lose ball, scooping it up and making it my possession.

I knew it, his maximum range is probably at the free throw line, I thought to myself. This is good, I would't know how to even stop him if he could shoot a three. But now it was my team's turn on offense and time to win the game. The score was now 9 all, all I needed was a three or 2 mid range attempts to win the game.

I checked up with Aomine, and called for a screen. My big came forward and set a screen to the left. I jabbed the ball to my right and starting driving to my left. Aomine who hadn't seen the screen got caught. However, I did not have an open shot as my big's denfender had now switched onto me. I did a crossover to the right and spun to my left. I then jumped into my defender, giving me enough space to strech my hand out and make an extremely though layup. Damn! Why is my body so small, its so hard to even score a point on these guys.

I then went back to the three point line and checked the ball with Aomine again.

"Hey you wanna see something cool." I said to Aomine.

"Nah, just watch me, I'm going to get you back for what you did to me earlier." He replied, getting into a defensive stance, looking extremely serious.

I then brought the ball down low and started rhythmic dribbling. Left, right, left, right, left. I faked the drive to the right and stepped back, pulling up for a mid range jumper. Aomine, was too far out and could't jump to contest the shot in time. I watched the ball fly to the basket and rattle around the rim, sealing the win.

I turned to Aomine and pointed my finger at him. " BANG! That's what I'm talking about." I said to him. Aomine gritted his teeth and said:"again"