Amashumi amabili nanye


"So, you're really okay with being like me?" I whispered against Lissa's neck. I allowed my bottom lip to graze her soft skin. My beautiful girlfriend released a breathy moan and tilted her head backwards, still looking out into the florescent-lit waters before her.

I pushed her forward, her hands spread out against the transparent wall. I trailed my hands up her arm and over her wrists so that I could brush my fingers against hers. I moulded my body against her back, enjoying the feeling of her skin against mine. Our clothing was long gone – discarded somewhere in the room along with the rest of our inhibitions.

"I only want to be with you. Whatever I have to do … or become, I will," she breathed out. I smiled against her neck. I placed delicate kisses up her neck and towards her eyes, scraping my teeth against the shell of her ear. I brought one of my hands down her body and wrapped it around her waist.

I swiftly turned her body around and pushed her against the glass. I marvelled at the way the water's ripples reflected over her fair skin. I traced the patters of the light my light kisses, pealing one layer of clothing at a time.

"Please," she breathed out. I smiled, getting on my knees in front of her. She was my princess, crown be damned, and she deserved to be worshipped like one. I took my time exploring her scent and taste until she couldn't stand anymore and trembled in my arms. I stood up with her, taking her into my arms, her legs wrapped around my waist.

I planted, sweet kisses on her parted lips and on her cheeks until she opened her dark eyes. She smiled lazily at me and leaned in to kiss me. I took her lips between my own, melting into her touch and giving in to the taste of her lips. Of her tongue. I was trying to be gentle with her like I always was, but her taste had a way of triggering the most animalistic of urges in me. I wanted to toss her onto the bed and devour her until the end of the century.

"Jeg elsker deg," she whispered into my ear. I walked with her in my arms and placing her on the bed. She was looking at me with dark, lust-filled eyes that set my entire body on fire.

"I love you more, sweetheart," I said, staring down at the beauty sprawled out on the bed. I crawled onto the bed until I was hovering over her, never disconnect our eyes. Her cheeks flushed and her lips parted as she released a breathy moan.

I kissed her firmly on the lips, lowering myself onto her. She wrapped her legs around me and messed her fingers into my hair and I deepened our kiss. She moaned into my mouth as I moved my kissed down to her neck.

"After this, no one will EVER take you away from me again," I growled into her ear. She pulled my body closer in response. Breathing me in as my hand moved down her body.

In her arms, was the closest to heaven I could imagine. She was my home.


"Finally! I hope you rehydrated, Mel," Sammy said to his sister with a mouth full of food. She scrunched up her nose in disgust before making a plate of food for her and then me as well. I loved how instinctive taking care of me was to her. I took my seat beside her, kissing her cheek and whacking the upside of Sammy's skull. I smirked as he yelped in pain.

Merlin looked at my plate and scowled. He immediately piled on twice more food onto the plate, proceeding to do the same for Lissa as well. The only one he didn't need to force-feed was Sammy. The Norseman was miles ahead of him, scarfing down food like the planet was going to run out any second. The old man nodded his head approvingly.

"Are you ready for today?" He asked. I offered him a quick hum of agreement. The sooner, the twins were like me the sooner they were safe.

It still pained me that they were being discriminated long after the war was won. We had a peace treaty were the Northerners but apparently, that wasn't enough to contest with internalized bigotry. It made me wonder if they hated 'ghosts' so much how did they ever allow a mixed-race queen rule over them. My mother would never have allowed them to harm people on racial grounds alone.

"Luckily for you, I have the power to join houses so you and your lovely lady friend can be wed by nights fall," he said. Lissa choked on her food. I rubbed her back and glared at my mentor for his loose tongue.

"I thought I told you not to say anything before I had the chance to talk to them," I grumbled. I sighed, massaging my temple before meeting the eyes of the Nøkkenson twins. Sammy was grinning and Lissa looked somewhere between confused and overwhelmed. Merlin shrugged and busied himself with clearing the table.

I sighed and motioned for the twins to follow me. We all gathered in the living room, the florescent underwater lights were off, and the murky water was only illuminated but sunlight. The entire room felt like a hermit's hole.

"So, you are finally makin' the plunge, ey? You know you don' have to marry Lissa for me to see you as my sister, right?" I rolled my eyes at my best friend's obnoxious antics.

I bit my lip and met the conflicted eyes of the woman I love. Her purples eyes were clouded over with something I couldn't decipher. I knelt in front of her, taking her hands into my own. Her palms were sweaty and hot under my touch. I squeezed her hands to her to look at me.

"Lissa, schatje, look at me," I pled. She nibbled on her bottom lip and looked at me.

"I don' want this," she sighed. I squeezed her hands and searched her eyes.

"I thought you were happy to be like me?" I asked. She nodded but sighed and looked away for a second. I couldn't help but ask, "It is the idea of being mine? After nearly a decade you're having second thoughts?" I tried to joke but my heart was beating rapidly in my chest and my lungs were clenching in fear of rejection from the woman in front of me. I couldn't think of a worse thing in this life than losing her.

She pulled on my hands and shook her head. She sighed, pulling me into her and kissing me passionately. I melted into her touch and leaned my forehead against hers as we pulled apart, sharing in a comfortable breath. Sammy smiled softly at me over his sister's shoulder. I returned his smile.

"I have always been yours, Nik," she whispered, cradling my face between her soft palms. I was looking up at her, having sunk further into my knees after submitting to the sweet, slightly salty, taste of her lips.

"I want to be yours. I just … I never thought we could have this," she admitted. I met her eyes and grinned at the shy expression on her face and her gorgeous, flushed face. I pecked her lips and giggle. I actually giggled. I met Sammy's eyes once more. He nodded his head, proudly admitting he had considered me his sister for years already.

This was really happening.

"Well then," I said, still kneeling in front of the woman I loved with tears brimming in my eyes, I gently took her pendant between my finger and looked up at her. She had been wearing my family sigil for years but soon it would be her family as well. I took a deep breath before speaking, "Melissa Nøkkenson would you make me the happiest person in all plains of life by becoming my wife?"

I knew I was crying at this point. My heart was in my throat and I felt lightheaded with glee. This was finally happening and a part of me believed that it was all to good to be true.

A loud roar gripped ripped through the room and made the entire underwater bunker tremble in fear.

That part of me really needed to learn to shut the fuck up and let me be happy.

I stood up in front of Melissa, she had yet to reply. Instead, she was delivering the darkest glare I had ever seen on my beloved. The receiver of the death glare was none of them than her royal pain in my arse – Riley Mpande.

Sammy stood beside me and his enraged sister. In walked Merlin with an annoyed expression on his face. He was followed by a sheepish Quaahir and a smug Zain. Great, the whole gang was here, I thought sarcastically.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Nikola?" Riley growled stomping towards us. Lissa stood in front of me crossed her arms. Her expression was unfaltering as she met the princess's eyes defiantly. It was rare to see her display such dominance, but it was turning me on tremendously. I shook my head and stepped forward, intertwining my fingers with my soon-to-be fiancé. She smiled at our hands. Riley growled again, glaring at Lissa.

"What the hell is this?" she growled.

"What you are seeing is me agreeing to become Melissa Nøkkenson … Achebe," she boasted, using her free hand to bring my burning face to her and kissing me passionately. Between the overwhelming joy bubbling in my stomach to the lightheaded feeling that Lissa's lips elicited from me, I was on the verge of dying in the best way possible. I could bother myself with the heartbreaking roar coming from the furious princess. My heart and lungs were about to explode into a bliss reserved for the most acclaimed of Gods. Good thing I am a God.

"Yeah," I breathed out against her lips before meeting the gaze of the rest of the room, "Say hello to the future of the Achebe clan," I smirked at both my finance and brother to be. Soon the rest of the world would be forced to acknowledge what I had known for years.

Samuel and Melissa Nøkkenson were my family. I finally had a family again and nothing would ever take them away from me – not even my ancestors.