Amashumi ayisithupha nesishiyagalolunye

The group arrived at the Kunene estate without killing one another and that was a success. The security team was set up along the perimeter of the territory and making the first contact with the security line of the Kunene estate. 

As soon as the cars parked in front of the main manor, everyone prepped themselves for the impending greeting from their next target Chief. Natori was all elegance and smirks. Zane and Quaahir shared knowing looks and cast one Nikola's way as well. She was holding her sleeping wife on her lap, but she still caught their look and sucked in a breath. More lies were on the horizon. 

Claúdio hopped out of the front of the SUV and the driver released a noticeable sigh of relief. The rest soon followed. The double doors with golden eagle door knockers were opened from the inside by maroon wearing house hands.