amashumi ayisikhombisa nanye

"This is not possible." Melissa asserted. She was sure. Unwavering. The woman she loved would NEVER betray her. 

"Perhaps you misheard her," she reasoned. 

Riley glared at the smaller woman; unshed tears still nestled in the pockets of her eyes. She was on the cusp of a meltdown, but she refused to inflict it on the woman in front of her, or worst yet direct it toward her. She was not to blame. Nikola had a lot of explaining to do. 

"I heard her. She was conspiring with that feathered bitch. I heard everything!" she growled. Her eyes were a blazing amber and her claws on full display. She was ready to fight. Thankfully her opponent of choice was not within reaching difference. 

"Maybe it was her playing the bird girl?" she asked. She sat beside the princess on the bed and placed her hand tentatively on her arm. Her claws were still extended.