Ikhulu neshumi nambili

"So, you just left them on the floor? Gods, Kat, even Hir has more sense than you. If you don't get your feathered ass in there to put where they're supposed to be, I'm not going to step in when Nik comes to kill ya ass," Natori had been on edge since she heard about the plan. But when Nikola stormed into the room through the double doors with no words to share only instructions. She gave them a concise list of orders. That was this morning. Before their dinner. Natori had slaved away on the Holodials and in the igloo. She hated confined spaces, but she didn't care. She needed everything to be perfect for her queen. And it was. Everything fit what Nikola was going for to the T. Everything. From the food to the décor. Even the temperature of the room was the perfect 21 degrees Celsius so that the Northerner would not be too hot and the hot-blooded lioness would not run too cold. It was perfect. 

That was 6 hours ago.