Ikhulu namashumi amabili nesishiyagalombili (128)

*Thank you to everyone who has been reading "Breathe" consistently and going along with the sea snake of a journey so far. It means a lot and it is really encouraging for me to see that some readers are even commenting and engaging with my cracked-up story. Consider the next two chapters to be your official reward for putting up with the angst and agitation provided to us by the world's most confusing demi-god. READ WITH DISCRETION and enjoyyyy ;)*


"Where are we going?" Melissa giggled as Nikola pulled her in the direction of the lake. "Don't tease me. I would not mind a little dip right about now," she said and looked away bashfully. Nikola chuckled and kissed her hand before rushing faster with Melissa almost running to keep up. "This is discrimination against short-legged people, just so you know."