ikhulu namashumi amathathu nanhlanu (135)

*Okay... we're finally back to the main story and you guessed it... Nikola has stepped up her game and graduated to full idiocy! *

Nikola spat out blood in her mouth and shook the daze from her head. This should not be happening. She should be healing or at the very least be about to take more of a punch than one of Quaahir's lackies dealt out. She was wrong. She felt weaker than she ever had in her entire life. Her bones were heavy under her skin as if someone had slipped metal sheets into the marrow to weigh her down and her lungs were battling to transport the oxygen into her heart. She was on the verge of passing out but she refused to give up and drop her dignity alongside her immortality. Although, how immortal could she truly claim to have been post-mortem?

"ye sure you're up for this fight, Nikky?" her Norse brother asked with apprehension blatant on his face.