Ikhulu namashumi amathathu nesishiyagalolunye (139)

*We're reaching the last stretch of the story soon. The next few dozen chapters are going to be very tense!*

Riley walked into her room and stopped in her tracks when she saw what was on the dresser. 


She immediately walked down the hallway and knocked on the door. The nerve that Nikola had to do something sweet after being such an asshole. She wanted to see her and to slap her. she mostly wanted to kiss her she did not want to give her the satisfaction of thinking that that was a thank you. She decided. She'd first slap her … and then she'd kiss her. 

Frustrated that her idiot of a wife was not replying or answering the door, she barged in and face to face with a panicked Melissa. Before she could unpack the younger woman's face something caught her eyes. 
