Ikhulu namashumi amahlanu nane (154)

*So, this was going to be the second volume but why cut a story just as it is getting dramatic, right? This chapter is a tribute to just how far Nikola will go to hurt herself and those around her… naturally, there will be alcohol, bad language, and a lot of sex. Read with caution, I guess.*

"It's been a month; don't you think it's time for her to eat some solid food?" Quaahir fretted at the breakfast table. Zane rolled their eyes. 

Natori scoffed, "Oh please, Hir. You know that Nikky refuses to ingest anything with an alcohol percentage lower than 25.  The only way we're getting a proper meal into Nikola is if we lay it on one of those naked Koda sluts that are waltzing in and out of her room day and night."