Ikhulu namashumi amahlanu nesikhombisa (157)

Melissa was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the pride. The siblings had taken it upon themselves to make sure everyone ate a proper meal to keep their spirits high after their house fell in status. If the Nøkkenson twins were being honest with themselves, they really needed the distraction these days. 

Melissa chugged a mug of coffee while she watched the muffins bake in the oven. Her brother walked up to her, she did not notice, and he placed his hand on her shoulder causing her to jump. 

"Woah, Mel, you oké?" Samuel asked and helped his twin settle onto her feet stably. He offered him a meek nod, but she saw right past it. He studied her face for a moment and then gave her a knowing look. "You are missing sleep again, huh."