Ikhulu namashumi ayisithupha nesikhombisa (167)

"They're attacking!" one of the scouts shouted and ran towards the manor. Zane rolled their eyes at the obvious announcement. 

"Thank you but I think the fire kind of tipped us off," Nikola said and waved over for her warriors to reinforce the front line. This was really happening. The war was here. 

"What is your plan, Sparks?" the sundial prince asked his queen and watch the extra warriors run out onto the field. This was the moment of truth. This was the moment that the last few months, if not years, have led to. 

"The plan is just as we discussed it. We will defend our line and utilize our mages to secure out lines of attack. We have the jaguars in the east and Koda in the east. All of our other forces are well versed in the attack strategy. They are well prepared. We are going to break them and remind those pompous swine why nobody fucks with the South!" She growled.