The News

Mafia Leader pov

I was here sitting in my office on phone. I was really bored because i didn't have any missions today. I am the youngest mafia leader. I am 23 years old. People call me Mr.J as a sign of respect. "I am f*ucking bored" i said as i threw my phone away.

"Boss, you have to come and see this!!" one of my members said to me while panting, it seems like he was running to my office. "What is it?" i asked. "It's something on the news and Suga hyung is crying, May i repeat. THE COLD HEARTED SUGA HYUNG IS CRYING.!!" i got up and raced to the living room.

"She w-wouldn't do that, h-how did she die!!" i heard someone say, and when i got there i saw my other member Jin patting Suga's back to comfort him. I went over and looked at the TV. The news read that a girl named Min y/n got in an accident and her boyfriend said she took drugs and she was not in her right mind. She has broken bones everywhere and she was announced dead 30 minutes ago.

"S-she wouldn't -" he broke down crying. "Hyung who is she?" i asked him. He looked up at me with his teary eyes and said. "S-she is my sister!" He has a sister. "You have a sister!?" he nodded. "She would never do drugs, she always hated it when my father and i smoked, so i stopped."

"I'm sorry hyung, it's going to be okay!" i patted his shoulder but her pushed it off. "How is it okay, she was the only person i had left, i didn't tell her i was a mafia because i wanted her to be safe....Alive and now she is dead!" he got up and left to his room. "Just give him time!" my member Taehyung said.

It's been a couple weeks Suga hyung has not come out of his room. We are all worried he has never cried infront of anyone, so that girl must mean alot to him.

"I'm going to visit my sister." i said while heading to the door. "Can i come?" my other member Jimin asked. "Yeah sure come on." he got his coat and shoes and followed me to my car.

I am going to visit my sister Joy, she is in an asylum because she has schizophrenia (seeing things that aren't there).

The visiting days are Saturdays and Monday but since Mondays are my work days i go every Saturday. She understands that i am a mafia and i am busy so she knows why i can't visit her very often.

I stared the car and headed off to the asylum.

"You know if joy wasn't your sister i would make her mine." Jimin said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

After some time we got to the asylum, we went to the front desk. "Oh hello Mr.J, have you come to see Joy?" the secretary asked. I nodded. She then allowed me to go to Joy's room.

When i got to her room i opened the door and Jimin pushed me to get in first. "Jimin wait outside." i said, he has to keep watch. "alright, hi Joy" he said winking. "Hi Jimin." joy said. "So how are you doing ?" i asked joy while giving her a hug. "I'm good, i made a new friend she nice" she replied. "Oh that's good, the doctor told me you are doing better." she nodded.

Jimin pov

I was outside Joy's room with a straight face trying to scare people who walk by but that all changed when i got a notification from that new game i downloaded. "EEE, i leveled up" i said smiling. I put my focus on my phone and started playing.

"Let me go you disgusting waste of sperm!" i heard someone yell.

I looked down the hallway and saw a girl being held by guards and two nurses walking behind with scratches everywhere on their body. The girl had long black hair when she looked up our eyes met. She was pretty, then they took her away and she started laughing. I looked down the hall and realized she came from the special white room that are for psychos.

I have to tell J. I went into Joy's room and oh my my my what i saw.












"Ehem" i coughed. They both looked at me. Jungkook fixed his here and said. "Yes w-what is it?"

I chuckled," what were you doing?" i asked. "I-i ,W-" "we were playing dress up, didn't he look cute" Joy said while giggling. "Right, so J i saw this crazy girl, she came from the white room and i saw nurses with scars on them and she was being dragged. She is very pretty though." He stood up." A crazy girl you say." i nodded. "Well joy i guess i will see you another, be good." Joy waved at us.

Mr.J pov

I followed Jimin and he lead me to the cafeteria.

I saw a girl sitting alone eating her food. Then a group of girls came up to her but she sisn't mind them. I didn't hear what they were talking about but the the girl screamed, "JUST LEAVE ME THE F*UCK ALONE" she took up her fork. "Jimin please stop that girl." Jimin then went over to the girl and held her wrist and told the other girls to away.

Jimin then came back. "That's the crazy girl i was telling you about." the girl then put her hair on the other side of her face and got up. I could see her face no- No way. " How the fu..." Jimin looked at me. "What's wrong?" he asked. "T-that's y/n.!" he looked at the girl again. "Shit" .