Reasons Why

Y/n pov

I opened my eyes to find myself in room too familiar to me. It was the room where Taeyong would torture me.

I looked around the room, there was no one there. I saw dried blood on the walls and bloody hand prints everywhere. It's worse than the time i was here.

I was tied to a chair, with tape on my mouth. I tried to free myself by pulling on the rope but it was no use.

I stopped my movements when i heard the door behind my open. The door closed and footsteps were coming closer to me.

"Well well, if it isn't my babe." the voice sent shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes shut hoping it was all a dream and that when i wake up i would be in Jungkook's arms. But i guess it wasn't a dream because when i opened my eyes Taeyong was standing in front of me with that disgusting smirk.

"I'm not your babe." i tried to sound like i wasn't afraid, but hell i was.

"What's with the attitude babe, don't you miss me....miss us." he touched my cheek lightly. I shook my head and he gripped my jaw harshly.

"Be careful little one, get me mad and things won't end well for you." he stepped away and went to the cabinet across the room. And i started sweating and shaking. I know too well what is going to happen.

"This one was your favorite, right?" he turned to me with a whip in his hand. He grinned and went back into the cabinet.

"Or was it this one?" he showed me a whip with a tiny blade at the end.

"I like this one, i'll use this one." he said while scanning it. "I'll aske you some questions okay, simple questions and if i don't get the answers i like,...You will have some new tattoos."

"What do you want Taeyong, you don't love me so why do you still want me. Just let me go, go live your life and be happy and leave me alone!!" i shouted.

"You don't get it yet. Your brother was part of the 'strongest mafia group' and i want that title. I found out you were Yoongi's sister. *chuckles* and you so happen to like me. So i thought if i date you i might get closer to him." i looked at him in disbelief.

"When we started 'dating' i figured out that your brother kept everything from you. He didn't tell you about his gang, his secrets nothing; you were useless." my eyes became teary thinking about how he used me.

"I was going to kill you but our little sweet Yuta didn't want to crush your little heart, he suggested that we wait and maybe just maybe we might get something and we could use you as bait. So i didn't kill you. I loved Hwasa, we were partners. She said that when you say 'i love you' for the first time that i would tell you how i didn't love you and i would just torture you and wait for your brother to come and look for you." he ran his fingers through his hair.

"But no, he didn't come, and you ran away. You got knocked over by a car. *Scoffs* i thought, well if i trick everyone that you died your brother would come and try to kill me. And then i would defeat him and his gang and i would be the top. I paid the doctor to keep quiet, but then they sent you to an asylum." he paused and looked at me then continued.

"I gave up on you. I thought you would just rot in there and i would have to find a new plan. But a little birdy told me that they saw you with some group of men. How could that be i thought. A group of men from your brother's gang came to my house and tried to kill my gang and i. I guess you told them about me.

I saw you in that supermarket, i tried to kill you but your friend came to save you. It's like- it's like the universe doesn't want me to succeed. There was a mission i had but my Hwasa said she would do it for me, nice of her right? But then there was a knock on my door, Hwasa's main girls came in and told me that Hwasa was dead. A girl that worked with BTS killed her.

You killed her, You killed my love-" i cut him off.

"AND YOU BROKE MY HEART, YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOURSELF!!" i shouted at him. "You won't win, Jungkook will kill you."

"Ohh, you think your little boyfriend is going to save you." he started. "I want to know where BTS lives, all their secrets, weaknesses. Everything."

"I'm not telling you anything-" he hit me with the whip and i cried out in pain. "P=please s-stop." he hit me again. "Ahh!!"

Jungkook pov

"I gave her a tracking bracelet all we need to do is follow it." Jimin said. "Well then what the f*ck are we waiting for!!" J hope yelled.

I pressed the gas while Taehyung told me where to go.

I swear that man won't see the light of day again for taking my princess.

Time skip

We arrived at the place. Namjoon and Yoongi took out the guards on the outside. Then we made our way inside.

"Jin, Jimin check the perimeter, Taehyung ,J hope come with me." we shot everyone that was in the building.

I saw one of the knives i told y/n to always keep in her shoe on the ground.

"She might be this way." Yoongi pointed to a hallway. I nodded and we ran there.

Meanwhile y/n pov

"I'm n-not t-telling you a-anything." i was losing my energy, he kept hitting me. If i had to die protecting Jungkook, yoongi and BTS i would.

"Well i guess you will have to die then." Just as he said that gunshots were heard. He untied me and held me close to him with a knife to my neck.

Then the door slammed open.


"Jungkook." i softly mumbled.

"So your boyfriend came to save you huh. I will just have to kill all of you." Taeyong said.

"You put her down right now and fight me." Yoongi said to Taeyong. "Ah ah ah, you move and this knife goes through her. All i need is for you to surrender and make me your leader."

Yoongi shot Taeyong's leg and he groaned in pain. He let me go and i fell to the ground.

"Y/n!!" Jungkook ran to me.

"Hey hey, it's going to be okay. Your safe now." he kissed my forehead.

I saw Yoongi fighting Taeyong and then i blacked out.


I woke up to bright light covering my vision. Heaven?

"Hey, you're awake." i blinked multiple time and saw Jungkook smiling.

"J-jugkook?" he nodded and i pulled him into a hug. "Thank you." i sobbed out.

Jungkook pov

"For what princess, you know i wouldn't leave you with him, i promised." i caressed her cheek with my thumb. She looked into my eyes.

" I love you." she said and that made my heart beat. "I love you too baby, so much." i kissed her lips passionately.

She wrapped her hands around my neck pulling me closer.

"Where is he, did you kill him?" she asked after she pulled away. I sighed. "Some of his men distracted us and he got away. But trust me, he won't touch you ever. I have never seen anyone like you. You are the strongest person i have met. These scars are there to prove it.

I will love you because of it." she kissed me again.

"Y/n?" she pulled away and looked at the door.

Y/n pov

"Oppa." she smiled and Yoongi ran into her arms.

"I love you oppa, thank you for saving me."

"I love you too."

The rest of BTS came and hugged me.

Last was Jimin.

"Thank you Jimin."

"I told you, we are going to keep you safe, you are one of us now." i smiled.

"Alright, it's time for my sister to rest, let's go boys." Yoongi oppa said.

I grabbed Jungkook's hand before he went away.

"Stay with me please." he smiled and nodded. He climbed on the bed and held me close to him. His hand around my waist and the other on my cheek.

"Have i told you how beautiful you are?" i giggled at his words.

"If not let me tell you now, you are so so so damn beautiful....i don't know what happened to Yoongi hyung." i laughed and hit his chest lightly.

"You are very handsome as well." he flicked his hair dramatically. "I know." he said.

He kissed my forehead and we fell asleep.

This is what i want to wake up to.