Chapter 13 "Father"

(Authors Note: Sorry my darlings that its been longer the usual for me to update. Its been super busy around here. But I promise I'll try to get nack on schedule again. MUCH MUCH LOVES!!)

Its been 3 months since the kids were born and things have been great. Xavier is teaching still my mom is not working as much she spends most her time with the kids. I spend all day being a stay at home mom and student. I do some university courses online. Today my mom took the day off so I could go catch up and hang out with my best friend Angie. I just got dressed in my baby blue sundress and was putting on my white flats when the door bell rang. I have just put down the kids about ten minutes before. I rushed down to answer the door thinking it was mom showing up to baby sit. I opened the door and there in front of me stood the person I thought I would never see again.

" Hi sweetheart long time no see did you miss me." He said "Reginald!" I said a bit shocked. He stepped forward and into the house. I backed away and keeping myself on guard. " Reggie what are you doing here?" " Well first of all its dad to you and I heard from a little birdie that you got married and had a couple of kids. Figured I come meet my grandchildren and my son in law. Also see my daughter its been a while you know." "Reggie you left when I was 5 and didn't come back. Mom divorced you. Reggie you need to leave I'm not ready for this." just as I said that mom walked in the door. " Bella sweetheart.." she took to calling me that since she calls Alexander AJ. "....your doors unlocked how many time do I need to remind you that even if your home you should lock your doors or anyone could walk right..." just then she noticed Reggie standing in the living room " Hi ya Stac" he said to her. "Reginald what brings here?" " Oh Stac you kno I like it better when you call me Reggie and to answer your question Im here to meet my grandchildren and my son inlaw and to see my daughter of course. And I have every right to" "Reggie you gave up that right when you walked out on us 15 years ago." She glared at him I've never seen her glare at anyone like that. I decided that it was then i needed to repeat myself " Reggie I said it once and Im gonna say it again its time you left. I am not ready for this and mom isn't either. I need to discuss all this with Xavier before I let you see the kids." Reggie let out a sigh and he bent down and wrote something on the piece of paper on the table. He the picked it up and headed towards me and handed me the paper "Heres my number call me when your ready princess" with that he walked out the door. mom and I both let out the breath we both didn't realize we had been holding in.

I had called Angie and told her I couldn't make it and explained that my sperm donor had made an appearance. She said she understood and said she'd come over instead she wanted to see her niece and nephew anyways. Mom, Angie and I were all in the kitchen at the table drinking coffee the kids were in the playpen just across in the living room when Xavier came in. Xavier took of his shoes and jacket and walked over to the playpen where he picked up Chyna and gave her kisses and put her back down and picked up Alexander and gave him kisses and put him back down. He then walked over to me in the kitchen and leaned down to give me kisses. He looked at both mom and Angie. "Hello Stacy and Angie." he then looked back at me "Hello lovely wife how was your day?" "Hello handsome husband my day was interesting" " And that's my cue to leave" Angie said. We said our goodbyes and Angie left.

"Ok now tell me what happened today" Xavier said looking back and forth between my mom and me. I took a deep breath and said" My father came by today" " Your father?" " Yes my father" and I went on to tell him everything. I told him how my father left when I was 5 how my mom divorced him and that we hadn't heard from him in 15 years. " How did he kno we had gotten married and that we had kids?" "I don't know all he said was that he heard it from a little birdie" Xavier had asked and I replied. Xavier and I both looked at mom. "Well don't look at me! I didn't tell him. I haven't said a word to that bastard since the day he left this house. I didn't even talk to him when I decided to divorce him." We all laughed. "Well I'd like to know how he found out" I said. " I don't want him near the kids or you til we find out" Xavier exclaimed. "I agree I'll come over more often as much as I can and since I can work from home it would be the best idea" mom pitched in. I nodded my head in agreement and that was the end of the conversation. We made dinner together and ate. Mom went home and Xavier and I fed and bathed the kids and put them to bed I swear I have the best well behaved kids in the world they sleep through the night most the time so Xavier and I don't lose too much sleep. As usual Xavier and I enjoy watching the kids sleep they look like Angels.

The phone house phone rang as Xavier and I were getting ourselves ready for bed. Xavier went down to answer it. I didn't pay attention to who it was calling I just wanted to get ready and go to bed. About 10 mins later Xavier came up and climbed into bed next to me. "Who was it calling so late?" I asked him. "It was the prison where Victoria is...." he replied to me. "What did they want?" "They wanted to let us know that Victoria has escaped but not to worry too much because they already let the authorities kno and that they have police canvassing the neighborhood" I sat up in bed and started freaking out. "Its ok Bella the police are out there and you have me here." Xavier quickly calmed me down " to be on safe side will you go get the playpen and bring the kids in here I want to be where I can see them please" I said to him. He nodded and did as I asked. He left the room and next thing I know is everything went black once again.