Today is the day Bigbang Corporation was founded. Tonight is the culmination of twenty-seven years of the founding of Bigbang Corporation. All the invited guests have started arriving, the hall reserved for five thousand invitations is slowly filling up. The luxurious decoration shows the class of this multinational company, every detail invites the guests' praise and admiration, especially since the celebration has attracted all the attention of national and international media.

The entire family of the five group companies that are members of Bigbang Corporation also attended. The beauty of the dresses used by the president's wives invited praise and envy from the women who attended the party. The tuxedo suits worn by the president added to their valor and the sleek, virgin-like wine glasses made them look even more charming.

The same thing happened with the five crown princes of each group, they seemed to portray the life of a crown prince naturally. A little talking, a little greeting invited guests and maintaining an attitude to get a feeling of reluctance from invited guests. The resistance learned from their respective families made their faces look cold as ice, they were even nicknamed ice princes. The men of their age who were also present secretly harbored grudges and envy even though their faces carved smiles in front of the five crown princes. While the women who were present, never stopped spreading temptations for them. There were those who openly stated their wishes, some were just quietly paying attention but then made the five crown princes a topic of conversation on social media and pann for a month.

The five young people understood what the invited guests were thinking but they couldn't do anything about it. They are contracted for life to play the role of crown prince in the middle of the 20th century. Like it or not, like it or not, the fact is, they were born into the richest family in Seoul. Being born with a golden spoon can make people think that their life will always be smooth and beautiful but no one knows how bad their life will be inside. They always say they are disgusted by the life they have but live it anyway. It is very easy for them to deceive others, look happy and hide all their disgust.

President Kwon's eyes began to comb the side of the hall where he could see young women who had come, not to find a replacement for Mrs. Kwon but to find a woman he could make a wife for his son, Taehyun. He suddenly became interested in the incident that had just happened between Taehyun and a young woman who accidentally spilled a drink on Taehyun's expensive clothes.

"Omo! Sorry. I'm really sorry. " The young woman immediately took a tissue from her bag and cleaned up the spilled juice on Taehyun's suit.

"It is okay. You can go. " Taehyun did not see the face of the woman who initially panicked because of the spilled juice on Taehyun but lately her expression seemed to change.

"Tsk. What an arrogant child. " The woman pouted at Taehyun, who just passed by.

"You guys wait here, I'll change my clothes first." Taehyun left his friends and walked to the special elevator in the hall.

President Kwon who was watching from afar did not turn his gaze at the woman who collided with Taehyun, so that President Choi, who had been talking from earlier, stopped the conversation and looked in the same direction as President Kwon but did not know what his best friend saw.

"What do you see, Kwon Jiyong?" he asked.

President Kwon did not answer. Once again President Choi followed President Kwon's point of view, this time more closely. He paid attention to everyone that President Kwon might be looking at, until he found someone with a familiar face. A woman with a face that looks like Yoon Eunhye was sitting among the other invited guests.

"Very similar. Kwon Jiyong, he looks a lot like him. "

"I know, that's why I will find out about him." President Kwon left, he walked towards the young woman he had seen earlier. President Kwon even ignored President Choi's calls.

President Kwon was right in front of the young woman. While the other invited guests slightly lowered their heads to greet him politely, the young woman who had distracted her attention from earlier did not notice her existence.

"Excuse me, Miss." Greet President Kwon politely.

"Eh?" The woman turned and found president Kwon, who was foreign to her, standing close to her.

"Can we talk in private now?" asked President Kwon still with the politeness he had.

Sorry, but I don't know you. Can we just talk here? " The young woman refuses softly, she doesn't know President Kwon but she can see from the attitude of a man who is more suitable so that her father is not a bad old man.

"Oh, it's okay. May I know your name? " President Kwon couldn't get what he wanted right away, he tried to hold himself back and his face didn't change.

"Eunsoo. My name is Yoon Eunsoo. "

* * *

After that incident, President Kwon was no longer calm. His memories of Eunhye returned to spinning in his head. At one point, president Kwon asked one of his confidants to find out about a young woman who had a similarity with Yoon Eunhye - her former lover -.

Power and money showed their ability, in just a matter of hours all the information they were looking for was collected in one brown envelope. It didn't take long for him to think, president Kwon was on his way to the residence of the young woman he meant.

President Kwon gently knocked on the apartment door. One time there was no answer. Twice. When President Kwon was about to knock for the third time, he heard the sound of the door opening. A head popped out to see the guest he had not invited.

"Sorry, who are you?" The young woman asked President Kwon.

"I'm Kwon Jiyong. Are your parents home? " President Kwon asked the young woman in return.


Before finally opening the door, the young woman's eyes glanced at the line of men in black suits to the left of President Kwon. He walked in after inviting President Kwon into his apartment.

"Eomma, Appa, there are guests for you."

A middle-aged woman appeared first from the kitchen to see the guest the young woman meant, "Who?"

"Mr. Kwon Jiyong." Eunsoo replied calmly.

"Who?" he asked once again. He felt that he heard the name wrong. When he saw President Kwon's face, there was a loud boom that hit his body.

"Yoon Eunbi?" President Kwon was no less surprised to see a woman he had known decades ago in front of him.

"Jiyong oppa? H-how can ... "he whispered.

"Who is coming, yeobo?" a man's voice was heard. A tall man with a full body walked closer to Yoon Eunbi standing up.

"Oh, this is my husband, Yoon Seunggoo. Yeobeo this is Kwon Jiyong, ah I mean president Kwon Jiyong. " Yoon Eunbi introduced her husband and president Kwon.

Yoon Seunggoo was a little surprised after hearing the president's frills in front of Kwon Jiyong's name so he was a little awkward to bow in greeting.

The three of them sat on the sofa opposite each other. The atmosphere was quite awkward. The young woman who was called by Yoon Eunbi as Eunsoo came out with a drink and a plate of snacks for their guests and then returned to the room. For a moment he was curious because he thought he had seen President Kwon before, until he was about to close the door. Eunsoo just remembered where he met President Kwon.

"Aren't you in Canada?" President Kwon opened his voice to break the awkwardness between them.

"My husband transferred to Seoul last year." Eunbi replied modestly. There was worry that caught him when he found President Kwon staring at Eunsoo's room.

"So, Yoon Eunsoo is your son?" President Kwon asked again.

"Yes, he is my son." Yoon Eunbi answered firmly.

"Doesn't he look so much—"

"I also don't understand why their faces are so similar, but she's not Eunhye eonnie. She's my daughter, oppa. He is my son." Yoon Eunbi cut President Kwon's words. Worries mixed with fear that something she never imagined might happen after this just because of the similarities of the faces of two women born in different eras.

"I know." President Kwon smiled as if he understood Yoon Eunbi's worries.

"Then why did you come here?" even though his voice sounded calm, but still felt the trembling of worry.

"I want to make him son-in-law." Short for President Kwon.

Not only Yoon Eunbi and her husband who were surprised to hear President Kwon's words. Eunsoo, who apparently eavesdropped on purpose, was surprised. Son-in-law he said? Eunsoo thought.

* * *

How could two people from different eras have very similar faces? Is this a coincidence or a miracle? Or part of reincarnation? Inner CEO Kwon on the way home after visiting Yoon Eunbi's house - Yoon Eunhye's ex-boyfriend's sister.

"Secretary Song, tomorrow, pick up Eunsoo at 8 o'clock at his house and take him home. I will introduce him to Taehyun. " President Kwon said flatly.

"As fast as this, sir?" stammered Song's company secretary.

"Since when did you start questioning my orders?" President Kwon said sarcastically.


At the Eunsoo family apartment.

Eunsoo still can't stop thinking, how can his parents not say anything when President Kwon said he would take him as son-in-law? Even though the company where his father worked was one of President Kwon's companies, was President Kwon not being too much?

"So, after all he has done to my family, in the end he wants to make me son-in-law as his request for favors? Aaiissh! Seriously?! How lucky to live for Kwon Taehee, Kwon Taeyoh, Kwon Taehyun or whoever it is! I will see, the perfect life of President Kwon's son who will take away the most important thing in my life. " Eunsoo did not stop grumbling in her room after receiving the news that tomorrow she would meet her future husband.

* * *

Morning has arrived, Kwon Taehyun woke up like the previous days. He had to do a re-examination of the work in his office, when finished he would move to the open library at home to read a novel.

"He looks… cute." Eunsoo, who had just arrived at the Kwon family residence, immediately saw Taehyun, who was concluding a smile, a smile that no one else, including his four best friends, had ever seen.

Secretary Song who saw that, acted politely by asking Eunsoo to return the road to the meeting room. In the meeting room, president Kwon was waiting, who greeted him with a warm smile, making Eunsoo's nervousness disappear a little.

Not long after, Taehyun arrived at the same room but didn't notice Eunsoo's whereabouts. He immediately faced president Kwon, "Father called me?"

"Recommend him, Yoon Eunsoo." President Kwon pointed at Eunsoo with five fingers pointing directly at him.

Taehyun immediately followed the direction of President Kwon's hand and how surprised he was to see Eunsoo's face that looked similar to the woman he hated the most in this world. Yoon Eunhye? Inner.

Eunsoo who got Taehyun's eyes became embarrassed. He didn't know what Taehyun's point of view meant, but from what he could guess, Taehyun seemed to have seen a ghost.

How can? Her face is very similar. Is she his daughter? Taehyun thought with a gaze that could not be separated from Eunsoo.

"Eunsoo will be the daughter-in-law of this family, that means she will be your wife." President Kwon firmly.

"WHAT?" Taehyun was surprised to hear President Kwon's words. He turned his gaze to President Kwon. His forehead creased.

"Why?" asked President Kwon.

"Why? Do you need to ask "why?" This time, dad? " Taehyun teased President Kwon.

"Are you really enjoying this show, President Kwon? Interfering in the life of a son that you have never really considered a child. " he continued. No longer calling father, Taehyun was too furious to see President Kwon's behavior this time.

"KWON TAEHYUN!" President Kwon snapped.

This scream made Eunsoo surprised. Not knowing what to do, Eunsoo sank his head in a bow. His heart was beating fast because of this. Getting caught in an argument between father and son was the thing he avoided the most.

"I've followed all your wishes. Join the company, make your company in the big three in no time. You know, only a senseless person would do that. Your company is on the line when you ask me to fix things, I did. Making the company that was on the edge of a horn stable even shot to the top within a year. Now. You also meddled in choosing a wife for me? Do you think I'll let it be this time? " Taehyun excitedly explained all the fatigue in his heart. He didn't plan to say everything but President Kwon's crazy idea gave up his control.

President Kwon fell silent. I don't know what he was thinking, Taehyun couldn't even read it and it made him panic.

"Why are you silent, President Kwon? Are you that shocked by all my words? "

"Taehyun-ah, as a father I have the right to choose the best match for you." President Kwon's voice softened.

Taehyun was surprised to hear President Kwon's gentle tone, "Dad?"

"Should I celebrate because you finally called yourself 'father'?" Taehyun laughed sarcastically.

"Don't make things clear, President Kwon, ah I mean dad. Best you mean of course not for me but for you. " It was clear that Taehyun was still angry with president Kwon.

"I just wanted to do what a father should do. Can't you appreciate it a little? " President Kwon is still trying to soften Taehyun.



A slap landed on Taehyun's left cheek. President Kwon was surprised by the sight in front of him, as was Eunsoo, who was not moving from behind. Taehyun raised his head and found someone he knew very well standing in front of him with wet eyes.

"Mother ..." Taehyun was surprised to see his mother's face right in front of him with wet eyes. Naturally, Taehyun's tears had welled up.

"It's obvious you are his son, why do you still need recognition? For what, Kwon Taehyun? " Madame Kwon's voice trembled. The pain in his heart had to smack his only source of strength.

"Mother ..." Taehyun once again was only able to call out.

"It's only I who raised you, only I took care of you, but have I ever asked you to be rude to your own father? Have I ever told you to spoil his pride? I didn't realize that I failed to educate you. You let me down! " Madame Kwon staggered downwards, her knees too weak this time.

Taehyun was surprised, he caught his mother's body in reflex and sat on the floor. Her tears could not be stopped anymore, "I'm sorry, mother. Sorry."

Taehyun's heart feels sad to see his mother have to sacrifice her feelings for her husband, who is not even moved to see the mother and child strengthening each other. He does not plan to change whatever he has set. Even though there are wounds that open even wider before they are closed let alone healed.

Taehyun helped his mother stand up and support, no, Taehyun carried his mother - Mrs. Kwon - out of the meeting room. Before exiting, he stopped right in front of Eunsoo and didn't look away.

"I don't care about your plans or my father's plans but you will never get what you want. You understand?!" Taehyun threatened.

* * *

Taehyun already arrived in front of a house, he knocked on the door several times until someone opened the door and was surprised to see him.

"Good morning, eommonim." Taehyun warmly greets middle-aged women.

"Eommonim?" he asked in surprise.

"Introduce me, Kwon Taehyun." Taehyun introduced himself to the woman who he believed was Eunsoo's mother.

"Aigoo, I don't recognize you. You look so much like your father. " Yoon Eunbi - Eunsoo's mother - opened the door wide, indicating Taehyun was allowed to enter.

"Is it true? I think I'm more handsome than him, right eommonim? " Taehyun teased, which made Eunsoo's mother chuckle.

"Sit down, I'll make you a drink."

"Thank you, but I didn't see Eunsoo from there ..." Taehyun deliberately hung up his sentence, fishing for info from Eunsoo's mother.

"What are you doing here?" Eunsoo appeared from behind, making Taehyun a little surprised to hear his voice.

"I'm picking you up. Where were you so early in the morning? " Taehyun smiled kindly. Very friendly, like the smile of a lover to his lover.

Eunsoo had not yet had time to answer Taehyun's question, Taehyun gave him a warm hug. For a moment made Eunsoo surprised.

"I miss you." continued Taehyun.

Eunsoo's breath caught at Taehyun's confession. Meanwhile Taehyun tightened his hug to Eunsoo like someone who really missed him. Eunsoo could not move, he was half resigned and half completely unable to move his body.

Taehyun began loosening his arms and releasing the links of his hands from Eunsoo's body. She winked her left eye, "Shower and dress up, we're going on a date today. Make sure your makeup isn't too pretty, okay? "

"Eh? Why?" Eunsoo's mother is still standing in her place. He is the only audience for Taehyun and Eunsoo's love drama which is currently broadcasting.

"I don't want other men to pay too much attention to her, eommonim." Taehyun blushed in response to Eunsoo's mother's question which made Eunsoo's mother blushed too. Meanwhile, Eunsoo was confused by the events in front of him.


A brief kiss landed on Eunsoo's forehead, once again Eunsoo was surprised and his face turned red. Taehyun gave Eunsoo a light kiss.

"Palli. I'm waiting in the car, okay? " Taehyun was about to set foot when Eunsoo's mother held Taehyun to keep waiting for his daughter to get ready here.

Eunsoo's mother pulled the princess into the room and prepared to go on a date with Taehyun. From outside, Taehyun could faintly hear the conversation between the mother and the child and even Eunsoo's mother's laughter could be heard.

Not long after, Eunsoo and his mother left the room. Eunsoo looks cute with a salem overalls combined with matching bolero, his right hand holding a small handbag that also matches the shoes he wears.

"Didn't I tell you not to be too pretty? What if all men's eyes were on you? " Taehyun teased Eunsoo again, who this time touched Eunsoo's defense, he began to smile shyly.

Taehyun reached out, ready to take Eunsoo out. After saying goodbye to their mother, Eunsoo and Taehyun started to descend the apartment and walked towards the parking lot. From a distance, Eunsoo could already see the rows of men in black suits he had seen when President Kwon visited, waiting for Taehyun and himself.

"Do you always take them around?" whispered Eunsoo as they got closer to the car.

"Not always this much, at least one or two. Are you uncomfortable with them? " Taehyun asked back. Eunsoo nodded slightly. He was not used to this sight.

"You, take them back home. Tell dad, you guys make Eunsoo uncomfortable if you continue to follow. " Taehyun said casually.

Eunsoo got into the car after Taehyun opened the door for him, following Taehyun's presence behind the wheel of the car and driving his car into Seoul traffic. The atmosphere was still awkward, Taehyun tried to break their awkwardness by playing comfortable sounding music. Gradually their awkwardness melted when Taehyun occasionally corrected Eunsoo's hair that was messy because of the wind.

"Sorry, I should have used a car with the hood closed but I wanted to show you to the world." Taehyun's bragging and ragging succeeded in making Eunsoo ducked in embarrassment because the heat started to spread to his face.

Taehyun steered his car toward the outskirts of the city, the view of the building had changed to shady trees and the air was getting cool. He was on his way to the villa where his four friends were waiting. Today, they have made an appointment to have lunch together at the villa. Eunsoo was flabbergasted to see the shape of the luxury villa that was getting closer. Taehyun parked his car and smiled when he saw that the other four cars had arrived. He helped Eunsoo down and took Eunsoo's palm to hold. They started walking into the villa.

Laughter began to sound when Taehyun and Eunsoo traced the path inside the villa to the source of the sound. The two of them appeared and made everyone who was laughing quietly stare at them.

"Eheii ... Look, who brought a woman here?" Mino opened his voice, he stood up and walked towards Taehyun then threw a small fist to Taehyun's left chest. Made Eunsoo look down embarrassed and Taehyun smiled a little.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Yoon Eunsoo ibnida." Eunsoo introduced himself in front of Taehyun's four best friends. He bent his body slightly in courtesy to the first person he met.

"They are my best friends. The one next to me is Dong Mino, that one is Choi Seungyoon, next to him is Lee Jinwoo hyung and the one over there is Kang Seunghoon. You know Bigbang Corporation? They and I are the heirs. " Even though it sounds arrogant, Eunsoo doesn't mind it because someone who was born with a golden spoon should behave like that.

"Please choose where to sit, I'll prepare a drink. What do you want? Green tea, coffee or hot chocolate? " Taehyun asked as he led Eunsoo to sit on a single sofa.

"Aigoo, uri Taehyun-ie made my heart melt. He treats his women very sweetly. I can not stand." Seunghoon teased Taehyun and Eunsoo, who blushed again.

"Hot chocolate." Eunsoo answered briefly and slowly.

Taehyun accepted Eunsoo's request and walked to the corner of the room where there was a mini bar which they used to mix their own drinks. Eunsoo, who Taehyun left with the four heirs of Bigbang Corporation, felt a little embarrassed while the other four who were sitting close together looked Eunsoo up and down and whispered to each other.

"His face looks familiar, right hyung?" Seungyoon whispered to Jinwoo.

"Hm ... I think he looks like the late Yoon Eunhye." Jinwoo replied.

"You mean President Kwon's ex-girlfriend? The woman who— "Mino didn't continue because Jinwoo gave him a sign. Of course they know about Taehyun's bitter story.

"Are you talking about my resemblance to Yoon Eunhye? Do you know my aunt? " Eunsoo spoke up because he heard Yoon Eunhye's name, which was the talk of the four men who were sitting not too far from him.

"Eh? Yoon Eunhye is your aunt? " asked Seunghoon, who was answered by a nod by Eunsoo.

"No wonder your faces are very similar. I almost thought Yoon Eunhye's aunt came back to life. " said Mino.

"Aunt Yoon Eunhye? You weren't even created then, Dong Mino. Ha ha ha." Seunghoon managed to make Mino pursed his lips and gave him a sharp glance.

"Whoaa, daebak !! The world is so small isn't it ?! " Seungyoon clapped his hands together.

"Here, slowly. It's really hot. " Taehyun gave Eunsoo a cup filled with hot chocolate. He was still standing near Eunsoo while watching the young woman's movements.

"Aigoo ... Aigoo ... You made me want to hurry to Aeri." Pitched Mino.

After making sure that Eunsoo was holding the chocolate cup, Taehyun lowered his body so that his eyes were in line with Eunsoo's eyes. He smiled at Eunsoo, Eunsoo too. The other four people looked seriously watching the young couple in front of them, waiting for their next action after giving each other smiles.

"After a cup of hot chocolate, what else will you ask of me, Miss Yoon Eunsoo?" asked Taehyun.

Taehyun's question not only made Eunsoo surprised but the four men behind Taehyun were shocked. How could Taehyun ask Eunsoo so rudely? Aren't they romantically drunk?

"Luxury apartment? Luxury cars? Cruise ship? Mother's private island? Or shares in dad's company? " Taehyun continued sarcastically. His eyes looked gloomy at Eunsoo, while Eunsoo's eyes began to fill with tears.

"Yes! Kwon Taehyun. " Mino scolds.

"So this is what your cute attitude means today?" Eunsoo's voice sounded trembling, he was holding back the tears and turmoil within himself. Eunsoo tightly held the cup of hot chocolate and didn't care how hot it started to spread.

"Do you think, I will really like you? Wake up from your dream! " Taehyun sounded sarcastic, he even smiled sarcastically at Eunsoo. Her tears could not be stopped anymore, the grains had come down Eunsoo's cheeks.

"Stop it, Taehyun-ah." Jinwoo tried to stop Taehyun from over-speaking because he knew Taehyun was the only person who could use hurtful words without thinking about the impact on the mental state of his interlocutors.

It's not Taehyun if he still listens to other people's words when he's emotional, "I reminded you the other day. No matter what your plans or my father's, you won't get anything from me. "

"Kwon Taehyun, stop! Aren't you going too far? " Seunghoon joined the voices.

"Keep crying, Miss Yoon. Or do you want to go now to complain to him? Go. Mix up everything I tell you, and that way he will be even more happy to ignore and hurt my mother. After that, I will be even cuter, cuter than today to you. " Taehyun smiled sarcastically. He ignored everything his friends said because what was in his head right now was how to make Yoon Eunsoo suffer. Same suffering as his mother.

"People who are rude are still much better than people who are cute just to hurt others like you." Eunsoo glared at Taehyun between the tears that were still flowing.

"I don't care what you think. Every human being has a hypocritical side to his life, like you who accepted this match immediately without considering anything. I will also show my hypocritical side by acting cute as if everything went according to your plan and father. " Taehyun straightened his body and looked at Eunsoo who didn't move from his place.

"If it weren't for my mother who asked, I wouldn't hesitate to fight President Kwon so that this matchmaking was canceled. Unfortunately, because this is my mother's request, I will make sure you are the one who will nag President Kwon to cancel this match. " Taehyun became and Seungyoon finally stood up, walked closer to Taehyun.

"Never mind, Taehyun. Stop it. " Seungyoon reached out his hand to grab Taehyun's shoulder, but Taehyun lowered his body again to meet Eunsoo's eyes.

"Whether you're really Yoon Eunsoo or Yoon Eunhye's reincarnation, for me you are still the most craziest woman in the world who ruined my mother's life all this time." closed Taehyun.


Taehyun's face turned red because Eunsoo just threw the contents of a hot chocolate cup into his face. That's all Eunsoo can do at this time. After dousing Taehyun with hot chocolate, Eunsoo got up and walked out of this room. Never had he imagined going through a day like this.

* * *

"Those around you can turn into hypocrites. First understand the extent to which you can be hypocritical, that way you can distinguish who is being hypocritical to you. "- Kwon Taehyun.