Seungyoon has already told what President Choi told his friends, but Mino still has the question he asked Kiss Note about the medicine for Ataxia where it became an impossible question.

Now he was at the door of the room where there were people looking for orchids just as Kiss Note had told him. His face looks serious thinking about the path he is taking now for Aeri, even though Seungyoon has warned him not to accept any help from Kiss Note. Now compared to Seungyoon's warning, he prioritized Aeri.

Mino held the doorknob and opened it, inside he was greeted by Han's secretary — the person who contacted Mino, "Professor," said Secretary Han.

"Gentlement, this is professor Dong Mino, the owner of the mission you will do." Get to know Han's secretary. The people who had been standing with their backs to Mino started to turn around and stare at him.

"Professor, they are the ones who will carry out this mission. He's Mark from Mississippi, "Secretary Han pointed to the burly white man who was on Mino's far left.

"He's Takeshi from Japan. He's a Blues from Mexico and the one on your right is Joe Taslim from Indonesia. " Connect Secretary Han.

Hearing the origin of Joe Taslim, Mino walked over to him, "Are you sure, you know Borneo very well?" inquired Mino.

"I was born there and also have some good friends there, especially people near Mandarang river." Joe Taslim replied confidently.

"Okay, you can flight tomorrow, I've prepared all you need for the mission. All. You just need to search the flower and bring it to me. It will more good if you bring with the root too, I'll pay more for it. " Mino stared at them while hoping for a successful mission before time ran out.

"The flower only bloom for three days, stick my words in your head." Mino gave a warning.

"Oh, you are not going with us?" asked someone named Blues.

"No, I have much to do here," answered Mino.

"Never try to bring the flower to other. I will find and kill you for sure. " Threatens Mino.

"How about the payment?" the man from Japan interrupted.

"When the flower arrive in my hand, I'll pay you as much as you want, just say the nominal and I'll transfer it to your bank account. And for your information, I already transfer five hundread thousands of dollars as downpayment. " Mino turned and walked out of the room like a big boss and left a squeak of admiration for the team.

* * *

A few days earlier ...

Jinwoo made an appointment with president Kang and his wife as doctor Seunghi by not including Seunghoon in the appointment.

President Kang and his wife arrived at Jinwoo's room where Jinwoo was immediately invited to sit down. A nurse came to bring two cups of lavender tea for Jinwoo's guest. President Kang showed a guilty face, as did his wife. Jinwoo understood their feelings which was why he gave lavender tea to calm the mind and reduce the anxiety of the two.

"Please have some tea." Jinwoo said softly. The husband and wife took a cup of tea then began to sip it slowly.

After making sure President Kang and his wife started to relax, Jinwoo slowly sighed while still looking at them, "Are you guys okay?"

"You shouldn't have to ask." Answer President Kang.

"It is the job of a psychiatrist to ask questions like 'what's wrong? Why is that? You are okay? how do you feel? "sort of." Jinwoo responded by carving out his signature smile.

"Do not listen to her. You can ask me, Jinwoo. " Said Kang Jiyoung, the mother of Seunghoon and Seunghi who was greeted with a smile from Jinwoo.

"I asked for your time to meet because I think you have more right to know Seunghi's current condition even though President Choi takes full responsibility for this," Jinwoo opened, who began to get the attention of the husband and wife.

"I thought Expressive Writing would be more efficient for Seunghi to undergo the therapy but it didn't work so well. I remember that he was studying design, so I changed from Expressive Writing to Expressive Drawing so that he could express himself more freely. It was true, Seunghi drew some pictures that seemed to represent him telling me. "Jinwoo handed over a document clipping to president Kang and his wife after explaining what he got during Seunghi's treatment.

Kang Jiyoung - president Kang's wife received the document clippings Jinwoo gave her. His hand touched the first picture he saw, "it's the same dining place I saw in Seunghi's room in your house."

"But Seunghi drew very different from what I saw in the room at that time. The dining area looks neat with the food arranged on it, like real and different from the original mess. It has a meaning, do you know what it means? " Jinwoo's explanation made Madame Kang's eyes glaze over. Slowly, Madame Kang shook her head unknowingly while President Kang was silent.

"Through that picture, Seunghi said, 'mom, your cooking is so good. Even though it was put in a place that made me cry, it didn't change the taste. "Jinwoo mentioned the message from the picture Seunghi made. Madam Kang could not hold back the speed of her tears which filled her lids even more, her sobs broke as the feelings she had been holding against Seunghi.

Jinwoo pointed to the picture on the right side of the clipping, "This tuxedo suit image is the image Seunghi aimed for you." Jinwoo continued.

"" Dad, you become very handsome and handsome if you wear clothes that I made especially for you. "" Jinwoo gave the message behind the picture Seunghi made. The message made President Kang lose his strength and tried to hide his sadness.

Madam Kang turned the scrapbook while crying, until she found a picture that made her heart touch even more. Jinwoo looked at Madam Kang's hand that stopped at a picture, he took a deep breath.

"Seunghi drew it two days ago, I thought it was a portrait of your family. President Kang, Jiyoung's aunt, Seunghoon and himself. The message I capture from this picture is that in the end you will be together like before. No matter how much time it takes Seunghi for you, President Kang, to take it back, he will still wait and believe that one day you will hug him and say "my daughter". " It was clear that it was Jinwoo who made President Kang's sadness break.

Not only sobbing, President Kang cried bitterly because of the enormous guilt for Seunghi. He lowered his head to hide his crying face from Madam Kang and Jinwoo, President Kang even hit his chest which felt suffocating. Jinwoo didn't plan to calm her down, because the only way to let President Kang's feelings escape was to let her cry.

* * *

Forgiveness is much harder than apologizing. If you are able to forgive the mistakes of those who hurt you, rest assured that you have become a better person. Be a forgiving person so that your life can be better.

- Lee Jinwoo -

* * *

Today four of the five young people are busy with their own business, but they are still in the same room. Mino struggles with thoughts about the search team he paid to find flowers to use as an Ataxia medicine.

Jinwoo and Seunghoon sat on the sofa that was on the right side of the main room near the giant bookshelf, talking about things related to Seunghi in whispers. Meanwhile Taehyun sat behind a classical piano reading the novel in translation that he bought yesterday.

The main room door opened a little rough, making the four young people look to a point where Seungyoon was the one who opened the door, then returned to their respective activities. Seungyoon looked at his four friends who didn't pay attention to him anymore. His hands were squeezing each other, there was confusion he felt at this moment and made him walk back and forth from the right side to the left side, and vice versa.

Mino first felt annoyed by Seungyoon's attitude, "Did something happen?"

"Not." Seungyoon replied briefly but did not stop his steps.

Mino straightened his back. He started to feel annoyed at Seungyoon, "Choi Seungyoon! Did something happen? " Once again Mino asked, this time his tone rose a bit until Jinwoo and Seunghoon stopped their conversation and paid attention to Seungyoon.

Seungyoon stopped, he looked at Mino with a confused face. Still thinking what he should do. Even though Seungyoon stopped pacing, Mino still felt annoyed. He couldn't read what's inside Seungyoon's head right now.

"Oh, I'm getting annoyed to see you looking at me, Choi!" said Mino.

Seungyoon immediately took his place beside Mino, "I have something to ask you." Seungyoon said innocently. Jinwoo and Seunghoon watched the two people while Taehyun didn't look away even though his ears caught his best friend's conversation.

"What?" asked Mino sarcastically.

"What's your diagnosis for someone who has dialysis once a week." Seungyoon asked.

"Once a week? Who is it?" asked Mino in surprise.

"Answer first." Said Seungyoon. His hands squeezed each other again waiting for Mino's answer.

"Who is it, Choi Seungyoon?" Mino started getting annoyed because Seungyoon didn't answer his question.

"Answer your diagnosis first, you fool!" replied Seungyoon, no less annoyed. The atmosphere became serious because of these two people.

"Aiiissh !! Kidney failure." Mino answered, still annoyed because Seungyoon didn't answer his question.

"Is that bad?" asked Seungyoon innocently.

Mino investigated, "What kind of question is that? Of course it's bad! The person could die if he did not perform a kidney transplant immediately. Why are you being so stupid when your IQ is high. " Mino scolded who was still annoyed.

"WHY ARE YOU TAKING WITH IQ? I'M NOT A DOCTOR SO THAT'S I ASKED YOU. IF I KNOW, I WILL NOT ASK. " Seungyoon grumbled by raising his voice at Mino's words.

Jinwoo and Seunghoon chuckled at the commotion between Seungyoon and Mino. Taehyun? He just shook his head while still reading the novel.

"You are right. Sorry. So, who is that person? " asked Mino trying to be patient.

"One more question." Seungyoon said. Mino growled at Seungyoon's words. But he must be patient.

"What should I do if that person is the father of my friend?" he asked innocently.

"Of course you have to tell your friend. The sooner he knows, the faster he can make decisions. " Jinwoo spoke up. Hearing Jinwoo's answer, Seungyoon nodded his head.

"Because the high level of compatibility between the kidneys of parents and children is the reason you should immediately tell your friends, especially if your friend's father has reached the dialysis stage once a week." Mino continued to make Seungyoon nod his head in understanding.

"I have to tell the child, right? OK." said Seungyoon.

"Right. You have to tell the child. Then, who is Seungyoon-ah? Maybe I can help them. " Mino asked softly.

"You heard right, Kwon Taehyun?" call Seungyoon.

Not only was Mino confused, but Jinwoo and Seunghoon, including Taehyun, were also confused by what Seungyoon said. What does Seungyoon say? Is it as bad as they think?

"Yes! Choi Seungyoon! Mino told you to tell your friends, why did you call Taehyun? " asked Seunghoon representing everyone there except Seungyoon.

"A few days ago I went to Ildong Hospital to visit my acquaintance who was being treated there, while I was at the nurse station I casually looked at their patient list. At first I was not surprised to see a name that looked familiar there, then when I saw a bodyguard I knew, I started asking the nurse about the patient. The nurse said that the patient I asked was a VVIP patient from group B. Not sure, I tried to wait for him to be discharged from the hospital. I didn't want to believe it but my eyes saw President Kwon walking out with the guard who had passed me earlier. " Seungyoon's story.

Even though Taehyun didn't look away, he was stunned until he didn't realize that his grip on the novel had stretched and made the book fall out of his hand.

"YES! IMMA !! So from earlier the person we're talking about is president Kwon? " Mino was still in a state of confusion. Seungyoon nodded innocently.

"Aiissh! Kwon Taehyun, immediately take your father to my hospital! " Mino moved from his place, walked towards the door.

Taehyun was still shocked to hear Seungyoon's words that Mino had to break Taehyun's unconsciousness by yelling at him, "Hurry!"

Taehyun regained consciousness, he tried to stand up but then staggered almost falling if he didn't immediately hold on to the classical piano. Mino, Jinwoo and Seunghoon reflexively reached out their hands, surprised by Taehyun's state.

"Seungyoon, just ask President Choi. Taehyun or even the four of us wouldn't be able to take President Kwon to the hospital. " Seunghoon's suggestion.

"Right. I'll go back to the hospital, prepare everything needed and wait for you to come, "said Mino.

"Hyung, please take care of that child." Mino pointed at Taehyun.

"Wash blood once a week? Is that ahjusi crazy? " Mino grumbled as he walked away from the room.

* * *

President Kwon was in his office checking his company reports when the door opened and four men in black suits suddenly walked in. President Kwon is furious to see what's happening now.

"What is this? How dare ?! Aren't you the Choi family's bodyguards? " President Kwon pointed to the incoming guards one by one, he recognized the guards from the CG-shaped pins worn on the left side of their suits.

"I'm sorry, but President Choi ordered us to take you now." Open one of them.


"We're sorry, President Kwon. We got the power from President Choi. " replied the same person.

"BUT THIS IS MY HOUSE, STUPID!" shouted President Kwon.

Seemingly indifferent, the four bodyguards walked closer to President Kwon and then started trying to hold President Kwon's body but he was pushed over by President Kwon, "I can walk alone!"

On the way, President Kwon tried several times to contact President Choi through regular and special lines but President Choi did not answer his calls.

"Yes sir." Close the bodyguard who is in the front seat.

President Kwon snorted in annoyance, "Tch, he didn't answer my phone but he called his subordinates. You old fart! "

President Kwon's car had entered the main gate of the Dong Group hospital. Not wanting to ask a lot of questions, President Kwon just kept quiet and watched where he was being taken. The car continued to climb into the building's parking lot until they stopped at a door. Several other bodyguards were waiting for his arrival.

President Kwon got down and walked in through the door. A special door that was deliberately made for a special path for the president who wanted to avoid the public and the press. The special door will be directly connected to the VVIP area which was created for the Bigbang Corporation family.

Inside, President Kwon has been awaited by everyone closest to him including his family and future son-in-law, Yoon Eunsoo. Seeing that, President Kwon became confused.

"What is this? Why are you all gathered here? " he asked in surprise.

"Sit down first." President Choi's orders.

President Kwon sat next to President Lee, he avoided his family a little after seeing his wife holding a handkerchief tucked between his fingers and occasionally wiping away tears.

"You really are god, hyung. Your kidney damage is already severe but you can still cut off Watanabe's head. " President Lee whispered offensive.

"I won't die even if I only have one kidney, Lee Seungri." The answer is not evasive. Now he understands why everyone including his family is here.

"You're not that stupid with Daesung. You think you can hide important things like this forever from us, huh? " President Dong sneered.

"Hahaha," laughed president Kwon.

"I did it because I was able to handle it alone, unlike someone who pretends to be capable but can't in reality. Don't equate me with him. " Arrogant president Kwon.

"You should be grateful there are still many who are worried about you." Come out, Taehyun.

"I told you, I won't—" he interrupted.

"Stop it! Come inside. " Cut President Choi.

President Kwon stood up and followed Mino into the special room. In that room, President Kwon did all the tests related to Mino's diagnosis. Within two hours, all the results from President Kwon's test had come out.

Mino brought all the results back to the room where everyone had gathered earlier.

"How?" asked President Choi.

"What Seungyoon said is true. Chairman Kwon's dialysis stage has indeed entered the stage once a week, I'm surprised that he can still do his usual activities with this kidney condition. " Mino explained.

"I told you he's a god." Come out, President Lee.

"Taehyun must immediately do a fitness check and kidney condition so that I can quickly perform a transplant operation for president Kwon." Connect Mino.

"Just let him die." Taehyun stood up and left the room with words that shocked everyone, except for president Kwon.
