"What's the matter, Doctor Dong?" asked Eunsoo who was already in Mino's room. He was even more confused when he saw Mino not letting go of his smile.

"Congratulations!" said Mino.

"Safe? What for?" asked Eunsoo confused.

"I thought you didn't know about this." said Mino with an annoying smile.

"What do you mean, Doctor Dong? I don't know what about? Is this related to my kidney compatibility with President Kwon? " Eunsoo is really clueless with the congratulations Mino gave.

"You have a three week old fetus in your stomach. You're pregnant, Eunsoo-ssi! " Mino looked satisfied after giving Eunsoo a surprise.

"Pregnant? I?" asked Eunsoo.

"Isn't that nearly impossible? We only did it once. " Eunsoo still couldn't believe the news Mino gave.

"Even if only once, it doesn't guarantee that you won't get pregnant. Was it just before you did that, or was it just starting to start? " inquired Mino.

Eunsoo thought again, after finding his memory, only a deep sigh could be heard next.

"Wow. I never thought Taehyun would first become a father among us. " Mino finally said the words he had been holding back after hearing Eunsoo's sigh.

* * *

Some time ago the Choi family's youngest son made a mistake. Seungyoon is on his way to the place he has been visiting for a long time. He wanted to prepare a surprise for his four friends because lately their lives are full of pressure.

When Seungyoon pressed the gas pedal a little because of the deserted road, an old man pushed a cart full of garden produce out of the forest and Seungyoon was unable to avoid an accident. The car hit the cart quite hard and Seungyoon immediately hit the brake pedal so hard that it made his head hit a little.

It didn't take long, Seungyoon immediately realized what was happening and then rushed out of the car to see how he was, the old man's leg was hit by a heavy cart and couldn't move. Seungyoon immediately lifted the cart and saw the old man's leg which was bruised and swollen. Without asking much, Seungyoon took him to the nearest hospital. The emergency room doctor and nurse who saw Seungyoon carrying the grandfather immediately rushed over to the inpatient bed.

"Is anyone hurt, young master? Are you all right?" a doctor who recognized him as President Choi's son immediately asked with a worried face and eyes that checked every inch of Seungyoon's outer body. It was not without reason that the doctor recognized calling Seungyoon a young master. The hospital was founded by president Dong and displayed photos of all the core members of Bigbang Corp in a room where doctors and nurses would not be able to pass without looking at the faces of the core members of Bigbang Corp.

"Not. I am fine. You just handle the old man I was carrying. Make sure nothing is overlooked. " Seungyoon replied with a face that did not take his eyes off the old man who was being treated for his treatment.

"Yes, young master. You better take a break because even if you look fine, I will still make observations to make sure you are really okay. " said doctor Heo Seojin - seen from the nametag -

"Arraseo. Hurry up and handle him, Doctor Heo. " Seungyoon ordered, "Ah! Doctor Heo! " call Seungyoon.

"Yes, young master?" Doctor Heo immediately returned to Seungyoon.

"Don't report this to President Dong or my father. You know what they are like and how troublesome it is to deal with them, don't you? "

Doctor Heo nodded and immediately ran to the old man who was being handled by the intern then took over the action as Seungyoon wanted.

The old man Seungyoon brought had moved into the treatment room. Doctor Heo explained that the purplish bruises and swelling on his patient's legs were not completely due to an accident, also explained that there were no fractures in the bones. Seungyoon came in and saw the old man resting. He sat down and decided to wait until the old man came to his senses.

When the old man realized, "How do you feel, sir?" asked Seungyoon with a worried face.

"Oh-ah… I'm fine, young master. Sorry for bothering you. " The old man replied clumsily. He was surprised to see Seungyoon still here, when he received treatment the old man was told that the person who saved him was the young master of Bigbang group. The old man knows Bigbang group is an influential corporate group in South Korea.

"Do not. Don't call me young master. I was just lucky, and again, I didn't feel bothered. I'm the one who should apologize for hitting your wagon. " Seungyoon grabbed the back of the old man's hand and held it tightly.

"Ah yes, can I sign it on you, sir?" asked Seungyoon then.

"Grandpa Go, just call me Grandpa Go, young master. Of course you can ask. " Replied Grandpa Go.

"The doctor explained that the purple bruise on my grandfather's leg had been going on for a long time, not just an accident. How can you get it? " asked Seungyoon with a serious and curious face.

Grandpa Go changed his position, he tried to sit down and Seungyoon quickly helped, "I'm a farmer. My days are on the farm, planting, tending and harvesting. Every time the plants can be harvested, I immediately sell them to collectors. The shelter house was in the opposite village, so I had to push the cart and cross to get there. Because I did it alone, at an age that I was not young anymore, I often fell and never knew that there was a bruise on my leg. " he said.

Seungyoon pained to hear Grandpa Go's story, "Didn't anyone help grandpa? Children or… grandchildren maybe? " Seungyoon asked again slowly, afraid his question would offend.

"My wife has died a long time ago and her only son has caught up with her mother ..." Grandpa Go's voice was choked up. Seungyoon felt guilty for asking about that.

Seungyoon thought for a moment.

"Can I move Grandpa to another hospital?" asked Seungyoon then.

"Ha? Why do you want to do that? I am fine. The doctor said in three days I could go home. " Grandpa Go panicked a little at Seungyoon's question.

"I want to make sure Grandpa is really in good shape, it won't take long. I promise, after confirming grandfather's condition, I will immediately escort grandfather back home. " Seungyoon offered.

"But, my farm ..." said Grandpa Go doubtfully.

"Forgive me earlier, while waiting for grandfather in the ER earlier, I've asked several employees to finish my grandfather's job that was delayed by accident. If grandpa agrees, they'll continue to be at grandpa's farm until grandpa returns there. " replied Seungyoon softly.

Even though Seungyoon looks tough on the outside, in fact, Seungyoon is easier to feel sorry for others who look troubled and the compassionate heart he gets directly from his father, President Director Choi.

Once upon a time, Sohee had to wait three hours and missed three flights back from Japan alone because her husband and children, president Choi, Jiho and Seungyoon, were at a small roadside ramen shop helping an elderly woman who was selling alone because that day Japan was doing university exams and children who were supposed to help were taking exams.

Grandpa Go agrees to move out after Seungyoon reassures him. Seungyoon transferred Grandpa Go to Ildong hospital, the partner hospital of Bigbang group. Seungyoon chose him on purpose to avoid the storyline about the accident that happened today.

This partner hospital is not directly under the Bigbang group because it is a joint hospital with several other companies.

* * *

The fifth day after Grandpa Go was admitted to Ildong Hospital. Seungyoon returned to visit after the last few days he hadn't.

"How is grandfather?" asked Seungyoon as he put the fruit parcel he was carrying.

"Oh, you came? I'm really good, kid Seungyoon. I want to go back home soon. " asked Grandpa Go.

Seungyoon smiled. Today he received a report on Go's grandfather's health and it looks like Go's grandfather had to be treated a little longer than he expected.

"Looks like grandfather can't come home quickly yet. Doctor Ahn who treats grandpa just told me that they have to do a follow-up examination on grandpa, but grandpa is calm. My clerk will remain on Grandpa's farm until Grandpa returns. The proceeds from the sale of my grandfather's agricultural products have also entered Grandfather's bank account. Seungyoon explained.

"Is that so? Am I very sick? " he asked curiously.

"We have to wait for more certainty, Gramps. Sorry because I just came again, my friend's father is sick so for the last few days I've been accompanying him. " Seungyoon smiled uneasily as he opened the fruit parcel he was carrying and then opened one of the apples there.

"Then how is the condition of your friend's father?" asked Grandpa Go.

"The greatest doctor I know handled him well. Eat, Gramps. " Seungyoon gave the apple that had peeled skin to Grandpa Go.

Seungyoon starts the story again about the things he found as if he was telling his grandfather.

* * *

The three friends were already in the room. They sat waiting for Mino to open his voice about the reason they were called in the middle of their roaring bustle.

"What's the reason you told us to come, Mino-ya?" asked Seunghoon then.

"We'll wait for Taehyun, he also has to hear about this." answered Mino.

They are still waiting for Taehyun's arrival as they are busy talking about what happened recently. Half an hour passed and Taehyun hasn't appeared among them either.

"Aissh, where's that kid?" complained Mino. He took his cell phone to call Taehyun again. Still pressing the button to contact Taehyun, the door suddenly opened.

"What do you want to talk about?" Taehyun opened the door and entered with Eunsoo.

"Not us, but him." Seungyoon replied while pointing at Mino.

"Taehyun-ah, congrats! Well ~ you really are a real man. " Mino approached Taehyun while stretching his hand to Taehyun, making his friends including Taehyun confused.

"Eh? Eunsoo-ssi, you didn't tell him yet? " Asked Mino, who was disappointed because Taehyun didn't welcome his hand.

"Not yet." Eunsoo answered softly, looking down embarrassed.

"Aish. Taehyun, you're going to be a father! " said Mino.

"BECOMING A FATHER?" Taehyun, Jinwoo, Seunghoon and Seungyoon repeated together with shocked faces.

"So? Eunsoo is pregnant? " asked Seungyoon again.

"If not Eunsoo, who else? Me? "Mino sneered.

"Wooaah, daebak!" exclaimed Seunghoon.

"So, the first child was born to the maknae family again? Like me." Pouted Jinwoo.

Whether embarrassed or afraid of Taehyun's reaction, Eunsoo chose to leave the room. Leaving the five men who started making noise because of the news of Eunsoo's pregnancy.

"Try, explain to me." cut Taehyun who was still speechless while digesting the news that Mino had given him.

"Eunsoo is pregnant with your child, Kwon Taehyun. He is three weeks old." Mino explained.

Taehyun finally understood, he rushed after Eunsoo. But Mino stopped his steps for a moment, "You have to really take care of it because the womb is quite weak, Taehyun-ah."

Taehyun left after hearing Mino's message regarding Eunsoo's content. Looked right and left but saw no sign of Eunsoo's whereabouts. He walked down the hallways of the hospital, broadening his eyes to find Eunsoo. His steps stopped when he saw a familiar figure standing in front of the automatic drink showcase. Taehyun couldn't help smiling when he saw Eunsoo lower his face with his hand gently stroking his stomach.

Taehyun came to Eunsoo and gave him a backhug, "Is he really—"

"Your son?" Eunsoo took off Taehyun's hand that was wrapped around his waist. He took a step forward.

"You doubt if he's really your son, right?" continued Eunsoo.

"Aigoo, kyeopta." Taehyun said seeing Eunsoo's sensitive behavior.

"Huh?" Said Eunsoo who couldn't believe it when he heard Taehyun's "kyeopta".

"You are very funny." Taehyun repeated.

Hearing that, Eunsoo turned to look at Taehyun in surprise.

"Why would I ask you such a thing? You think I can't tell which is a good woman, which is a cheap woman? He's my son, I know that. " Taehyun said, smiling softly at Eunsoo.

"Then earlier?" asked Eunsoo.

Still with his smile, "I wanted to ask, is he really in your stomach? Can you feel his presence? Why didn't you tell me about this first? " Taehyun said that made Eunsoo bite his lower lip in embarrassment.

"Now, you need to rest more because my son needs a healthy mother to grow up well. You have also accompanied my mother here for two days. Go home and rest. Don't tell your parents just yet, I'll say it myself. " Taehyun gently stroked Eunsoo's head.

"Do not want. I want to stay with you, here. " Eunsoo refused.

"Do you want to be with me for today or forever?" Taehyun teased, who managed to make Eunsoo duck down in shame.

"If you want to be with me forever, go home and rest, Madame Kwon." Taehyun continued.

"Madame Kwon?" Eunsoo repeated with flushed cheeks.

"Hmm. Madame Kwon. " Said Taehyun.

As the two of them were immersed in little happiness, Seungyoon came rushing in. He looked at Taehyun with a worried face, "Tehyun-ah. President Kwon. Your father, vomited blood. "

Without thinking, Taehyun turned his body and ran away from Seungyoon who caught up with him and Eunsoo who also caught up with Taehyun even though it was a little slow because he had to take care of his womb like Taehyun's message earlier.

"Father, hold on. Please. " Asked Taehyun.

* * *

Taehyun arrived in front of President Kwon's ward and confronted Mino who had just come out of President Kwon's room, "How is it?" he asked.

"The operation must be carried out immediately." Mino replied briefly.

"What about the test results, Doctor Dong?" asked Eunsoo who just arrived.

"Are Taehyun's kidneys suitable?" asked President Choi, who also just arrived.

"Unfortunately no, but there is someone who fits." Mino answered.

"Who?" asked President Choi again.

"Yoon Eunsoo." Mino replied briefly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's do the operation. " Said Eunsoo.

"Can not." Mino refused.

"Eunsoo is pregnant. Her womb is quite weak, and again Eunsoo won't be able to give birth with one kidney. " Mino explained.

"Just do it, please. After all, he was only three weeks old. Many people hope that President Kwon will live a long life. " Said Eunsoo.

"What do you mean talking like that? You think my father will live happily after knowing, his grandson had to sacrifice his life for him? " Taehyun sneered.

"You think he will thank you afterwards?" continued Taehyun.

"No, Yoon Eunsoo! My father is not that kind of person. I'll find a kidney donor for him, the Chinese black market can give me anything. So, don't even think about doing surgery without my knowing. You understand?" Taehyun left Eunsoo with Mino, President Choi, and Seungyoon to enter President Kwon's ward.

"Taehyun-ah." call Eunsoo.

Taehyun's anger made everyone confused, even though he felt the idea of ​​a black market was true, but Mino didn't want to be rash. Better to get donors from people closest to first.

* * *

Seeing President Kwon still sleeping due to the effect of the injected medicine made Taehyun unable to think straight. Should he really buy organs from the black market? Especially after seeing Mrs. Kwon not stop staring at her husband's face while holding President Kwon's hand.

Seeing Eunsoo who was willing to sacrifice himself, let alone his baby, to keep President Kwon alive made him a little protest why his kidney was not the same as President Kwon?

"Euung." A small groan that came out of President Kwon made the three people in the room aware.

"Have you realized? You are okay? You have to live, Father. Because he must really want to see you. " Taehyun saw that president Kwon opened his eyes and tried to recognize them with his gaze.

"He? Eunsoo? " softly.

"No, president Kwon." Eunsoo shook his head a little and then his hand held his stomach. President Kwon followed Taehyun and Eunsoo's gaze.

At first president Kwon and Mrs. Kwon looked confused, then they realized that what their son and future daughter-in-law meant was a fetus growing in Eunsoo's stomach. Accepting this fact left President Kwon speechless but the tears were starting to fall. President Kwon looked at his son, of course Taehyun answered with a soft nod.

"That's right, I have to live to see my grandson born and grow." President Kwon quietly while holding tightly to Madame Kwon's hand.

"You saw it, right Eunsoo? How my father wants to see his grandson. You even want to present the death of his grandson in exchange for his extended age. Will he be willing? " whispered Taehyun to Eunsoo who could only look down.

Taehyun left, leaving Eunsoo and his parents to meet their friends and father. A guard from the Choi family approached and whispered into President Choi's ear.

"What?" Exclaimed President Choi's surprise that made everyone stare at him.

"What's wrong, Hyung?" Asked president Lee who approached.

"The Yakuza group that Jiyong defeated yesterday came in flock with the Dragon Club. They are downstairs now." President Choi replied with a confused face.

"What are they doing here?" President Kang asked.

"Arguing and competing to donate their kidneys to their master." President Choi replied briefly.

"This could cause a scene. You just wait here, I'll handle it, Hyung." Bargain President Lee.

President Lee went down to the lobby to meet the people President Choi was referring to. Exiting the elevator, President Lee was greeted with the sight of men in black shirts standing facing a sharp gaze.

"You think you deserve to be donors. Kidneys belonging to Yakuza like yours cannot be healthy. Mr. Kwon has to live a long time not a short life because of your kidneys. Tch. " Sneered at the man in the black shirt who stood at the front as if he was a leader.

"What's the difference with you? You think bodyguards like you are healthy? Who knows what got in and hurt your kidneys. " Mock back the man on the other hand with broken Korean.

"Are you guys fighting over toys? Do you think this is a playground? " President Lee walked closer to the crowd. Her question shifted the eyes of the two groups. The group of men in black immediately bowed when they saw President Lee, while the others were still standing then the group leader who bowed immediately pulled the other leader's hand to bow.

"Come back." Connect President Lee. The two groups of men stood up after saluting.

"But the president—"

"Do you think you all have healthy kidneys? Do you want President Kwon to die quickly using your kidneys? " said president Lee sarcastically.

"We'll contact you if you really need your kidneys, so go home now. There's no point arguing here. " President Lee ordered.

"You know your master doesn't always play smoothly. What if your presence caused him to stumble over something he shouldn't? " continued president Lee.

President Lee's words were not just arbitrary, he knew that President Kwon had two business networks, one of which was the lower network. That is, president Kwon is also doing illegal business under another name G-Dragon. The business carried out is not only domestic but also international illegal trade.

Follower loyalty is above all, hearing President Lee's words it didn't take long for the two groups to disband.

President Dong just arrived when he saw the group come out, "What's wrong? Aren't they? Why are they here? " asked President Dong when he arrived in front of President Lee.

President Lee invited President Dong to walk together while telling what happened earlier. The two of them arrived at a special floor that was only used for them. President Dong was surprised to see Mino still in the family waiting room while the doctor was supposed to be in the action room with President Kwon.

"Oi, Mino! Why are you still here? Shouldn't Jiyong have an operation right away? " President Dong asked his son.

"The only suitable kidney belongs to Eunsoo but she is pregnant with Taehyun's child so I can't do anything but wait for a suitable kidney donor." Mino answered.

"Does Taehyun's not match? Should I call Jiyong hyung's followers again? " asked President Lee who was ready to call.

"Do you want Jiyong to die quickly? Besides, there are already suitable donors who want to give Jiyong his kidney. " President Dong prevented President Lee with his words.

Mino didn't let go of his gaze at President Dong. He continued to stare without blinking until President Dong looked back at his son. There was meaning in his gaze but president Dong refused to understand the meaning and made Mino sound out, "Father."

President Dong smiled, "Why? You don't want Taehyun's father to be safe even though there is a kidney that matches him? "

Mino was surprised, he kept his eyes on President Dong. It's not like Mino wants president Kwon to be short-lived, just ...

"Why don't you want to tell them? Are you afraid that Haru's mistakes will repeat itself? " continued President Dong. Hearing what his father said, Mino immediately controlled his emotions because his father opened up wounds about Haru again.

"Never mind, Youngbae-ya." president Choi spoke up to mediate the feud between the father and son,

"It's been a long time since you wanted to kill me for blaming you for killing Haru, right? Isn't this a great opportunity? You can open my body, take my kidneys for Jiyong and then leave it, just like you did when you operated on Haru. " President Dong continued.

"STOP!" After shouting, Mino left the room.

Taehyun can't even blame Mino for deliberately not telling him that president Dong also has a kidney that matches his father. Taehyun understood Mino's feelings now and then, when Haru died on the operating table by his own hands.

* * *

Psychiatrist Lee, you have to come. Something happened to patient Kang Seunghi.

Jinwoo read the message from his hospital. Now he is confused because currently Mino needs him as a friend but on the other hand, Seunghi needs him as a psychiatrist.
