Section 1

You have never repeatedly read the lyrics of a song and wondered what it means because you don't love it, you don't know how to love it, you don't know what honor it gives to smelling the hair how proud your loved one is is of yourself.

You don't know how your eyes shine when looking at a person. You don't know what it means to select letters one by one and write a message. Because you have a second alternative.

You don't know this feeling. What is a commitment? You don't know what friendship is.

Since you always have a second face, you always have interests. You run away from yourself to endear yourself to people, to be loved by someone else. You travel miles away from yourself or leave because you love yourself. For your loved ones to love you, you leave your identity and imitate it. You like them more But he quits.

While leaving himself in his arms and sleeping peacefully ... The most painful thing is that he plans to break away from you while you surrender in his arms, including your soul. You are sleeping. You tried it because you loved it. But it was not enough for him.

You have to. But he's going. You registered yourself, your identity, yourself. You have a heart with a bone missing, your hands are cold before it, cold when you're there, but your presence blows up the volcanoes within you. Your whole body is colder than you.

That volcano was extinguished. Not being burned .. Nothing later, you can't heal. Because you don't know how to be yourself ...

Wherever I Came From, Mistakes That I Could Not Avoid Damage Have Piled Up..