Second World: Supressant Saga

Qie Ranzhe decided to take advantage by acting spoilt embracing Zhao Xieshu's waist while whispering in his ear, "I don't want to dirty your ears," replaying in his mind the gruesome things he did to that pirate king. After Zhao Xieshu left that day Qie Ranzhe kicked Haidao hard in his stomach till the pirate started to play dead. Not only that but he broke five of his ten fingers that is after cutting his face for each cut in Zhao Xieshu's body. He then threw him in the worst maximum security prison in the entire universe subjected to re-education that is the kind of re-education to force him to get over Zhao Xieshu. If he so much as thought of Zhao Xieshu his brain would be subjected to electrocution not enough to kill but enough for him to beg for death.