Fourth World: Lin Lin Is A Streaker Just Like His Dad

Wen Qinxi tried to pull Qie Ranzhe along with him but the man remained unmoved. "Go!" yelled Qie Ranzhe in an overbearing tone that terrified Wen Qinxi. He could only obey and ran a few feet before he heard a loud bam sound and a snake hissing while flying a great distance.

Just like that, the threat was neutralised but it didn't mean that Qie Ranzhe would hang around and wait for the snake to take revenge. Without thinking much, he caught up with Su Xin and grasped his elbow before leading him further away from the crime scene. Wen Qinxi who was a head shorter than Qie Ranzhe found it hard to keep up that he had to scurry along, not that he was complaining.