Fourth World: The L-Word

"Ran-ge!" he yelled after Qie Ranzhe but he was ruthlessly ignored. It was over. Qie Ranzhe was going to slowly torture him and ruin his family all because of that slut Su Xin. Just like that Kai Zi was dragged into the car along with his men never to see the light of day ever again.

A few hours later, the so-called slut finally rose from his slumber after playing a round of cards with the system while waiting for the final judgement. He lost to that AI six times so when he woke up he was already in a bad mood which only worsened when he found out he was handcuffed to a chair with a burlap sack on his head.

He was confused at first with his mind foggy from the car crash but once he recalled everything he instantly began to panic. He started struggling with the handcuffs his heart pumping as fast as a high-speed train.