Drunk Tattoo

Qie Ranzhe stiffened for a second as Wen Qinxi's tongue lasciviously licked his lips. A thrilling electric current struck his nerves making him lose his mind. His arm grasped Wen Qinxi's waist drawing him closer to deepen the kiss. But just as he had a taste the person was suddenly taken away from him.

"I leave you alone for two minutes and you are already all over him," said Wen Danzhe pulling his brother away, "that is a big bad wolf and he will eat you up till there is nothing left."

Wen Qinxi looked back with a sweet smile. "Oh, I won't mind. Come get me tiger..... *growl," replied Wen Qinxi almost breaking out of Wen Danzhe's hold.

"You are definitely drunk. Let's go," he said dragging him out of the nightclub. He didn't stop his brother when he climbed up that platform because he felt like Wen Qinxi was wound up tight for the better half of his life and needed this but when his brother vanished he panicked.