Kai Zheng Vs A Jar Of Vinegar

"See, I have one too," he said as he now stood in front of Wen Qinxi showing off his necklace with a lock on it, "you now have the key to my heart..... so don't take it off." Just as he said this he crossed his thumb and index finger together to form a heart shape as he winked at Wen Qinxi. He then grabbed Wen Qinxi's laptop bag and said, "Let's go," to the stupefied nerd.

He might be smiling but he was sweating bullets internally. He hadn't wanted to mention the high school thing at least not yet. Qie Ranzhe wasn't certain what Wen Qinxi would think when he finds out that he had been secretly in love with him ever since high school and was too cowardly to confess.

"I love it... thank you," replied Wen Qinxi but his face was as hot as summer as he followed behind. For the rest of the day he was in a daze with the words 'a long time ago' echoing in his mind.