Consequences and Contracts

I stepped into the SCP section of the breach shelter as the door shut behind me. I looked around, spotting some of the other humanoid SCP. Each had their own little section they had to stay in, about the size of a closet. I spotted two SCP's I haven't seen in a while, SCP 166 (Teenage Gaea) and SCP 191 (Cyborg Child). Gaea was in a special cell about 16 feet away, due to her anomalous abilities. Cain sat in his holding cell, pacing the floor anxiously. He looked up and spotted me, smiling as I was led to my cell next to his. I was uncuffed and the door closed behind me. Stress toys were in the corner to help me keep calm, with a couple of pillows granted to me by 0-5.

"Are you ok?" Cain asked through the wall, "What happened back there?"

"My escort was shot," I calmly explained, "I had to make my own way over."

"Dang," Cain replied, "I was brought out of an Info-Backing session when the alarms went off."

I laughed. The foundation gives Cain information in case of a catastrophe so the information won't be lost to time. He has sworn to secrecy, and so far, he's kept his word.

"Hey, Cain?" I asked, "The breach was caused by these guys in black armor suits."

"The MTF? You've seen them before," Cain said.

"It wasn't the MTF," I explained, "They had different guns and their outfits had more camouflage patterns on them."

"Hmmm," Cain thought for a second, "Sounds like the Chaos Insurgency. Their known for causing the foundation trouble."

I laid down on the pillow and started to fidget with a squishy octopus. A low rumble made the floor shake, "I wonder what they're after?"

"Who knows," he laid down on his side. "Get some sleep. It might be a while."

I sighed, still fidgeting with the toy. I was not excited to spend the next few hours of my life in my breach cell. The octopus was still in my hands as I lay on my side. The enclosed space made me feel a bit claustrophobic. Curling up to keep calm, I closed my eyes and took deep, calming breaths to slow my heart down a bit, which was still pounding. Before I knew it, I fell fast asleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

My eyes opened and I looked around. I was in a mahogany-lined room with a crystal chandelier hanging from above. A fireplace sat in front of me with a familiar statue of apollo staring at me with emotionless eyes.

I've been here before.

I looked over my shoulder to see a heavyset man standing there, with a grey beard and hair that rolled off his shoulders. He turned to look at me and chuckled, "Well, hello again Iris."

"Dale," I rose to my feet again, "What is happening? Why am I here again?"

Dale chuckled to himself, "It's funny, no? How a simple act can change a whole timeline. Still, I'd rather this one than the original timeline."

"What? Are you talking about those guys who caused the breach?" My brain began spitting out theories from what he said, "What do those guys have to do with the timeline. Also, what do you mean by "TimeLine"?"

"I'm not talking about the Cayos Insurgency," Dale replied, "I'm talking about you."


"You," Dale repeated, "I don't know how you've done it, but you've just spun your entire universe off its planned course."

I clutched my hands over my heart. Flashes of my last visit here reemerged into my brain.

"Do you remember what I said last time, Iris?" Dale asked me.

I nodded as a chilling feeling crept up my spine, "You are something far more otherworldly and dangerous than they suspect." I quoted, "The potential you have to wreak changes on the realms around you is far in excess of what could be expected by man or god."

Dale smiled, "So you do remember."

I looked up at him, "Dale... What does that mean? What are you saying I've done?"

Dale walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. Something was in his eyes. Something old and strange.

"Young woman," He spoke, which sounded painfully like my dad, "You are about to be presented with a big choice. One that could change the fate of this whole world. Please, don't let us down."

I was about to ask a question when something poked my shoulder. I looked over to see an MTF agent standing there.

"Iris," His tone was cold, "It's time to return to your cell."

I looked back to Dale to see the whole scene had changed once again. I was in the breach shelter again, and Dale was nowhere to be seen. I shook my head and got to my feet, "Alright." I held my hands out, ready to be cuffed.

The agent raised his hand, "There's no need. Please follow me."

I looked up in surprise, "Oh, ok."

"Don't talk," He ordered. I looked down with my hands at my side. He walked onwards and I followed. I glanced at Cains's cell and spotted him looking at me, a worried expression on his face. I looked away as I exited the room. The guard's helmet didn't allow me to see his face, but from his tone, he sounded in his mid-20s. I looked around and noticed we were heading to the more office-like area, where the scientist usually worked. I grumbled in my head. Maybe I was needed for a test.

I used to like doing them because I could discover the extent of my power. But now I feel like some sort of science project whenever I do it. He lead me to a side room and stepped aside, nodding at me to go inside. I stepped in and stopped when I saw what was inside. Dr. Roth was there, with Jack Bright as well.

"Well, seems we meet again," Bright says jokingly.

"Bright, shh," Roth whispers.

I look at the head of the table and freeze. Sitting there was a man, his arm crossed and a cold gaze that made everyone avoid his gaze. I recognized him in a second. This was the man who kept me here, who kept me from leaving site-17.

"Director Thomas Graham," I said cooly.

"105," He stood, "Sit down."

I wanted to refuse, but the nudge from the guard's gun told me I didn't have much of a choice. With an annoyed grunt, I plopped into the chair and stared back at him.

Roth's tail flicked back and forth, "Why isn't she cuffed?"

"Because I specifically told Aaron here to not," Graham nodded at the agent.

Aaron nodded back and I rolled my eyes, "So I'm assuming this isn't a test, correct?"

"Correct," Graham gestured to Dr. Bright, "This is Dr. Jack-

"Oh, we've met," Bright interrupted, "She chased me down."

Graham looked at Roth in confusion who had her paw on her temple, "It's a long story."

He shook his head, "Anyway, they've probably told you why they're here?"

"Something about information leaking to the Chaos Insurgency or Serpents Hand?"

Graham nodded, "Well, they've certainly got a lead, considering the Cayos Insurgency broke in today."

"Yeah, I noticed," I said, "They killed my escort and I had to make my own way over."

"He died honorably," Graham said solemnly.

"Not really," I said under my breath, "He didn't really know what he was doing."

A weight landed on my shoulder as the guard stepped forward. "Be careful how you speak about my brother," He said coldly, "There are a lot of unfortunate ways to go, Skip." Up close, I noticed he was Hispanic, with the same facial characteristics as the other guard. His eyes were dark brown with a hit of orange, scars running across his face.

"Aaron, stand down," Roth said, "We have bigger fish to fry."

He held my gaze for a second longer before lifting his hand and stepping back. I turned my gaze to the floor, staying silent.

"With that in mind," Graham spoke again, "Do you know why CI attacked today?"

I looked back up, "To cause chaos? I mean, it's in their name."

"Very good observation, but no," Graham replied, "They seemed to have attacked that area for a more specific reason. Specifically, for you."

I perked up, "What? For me? How do you know that?"

"Because," Graham spoke, "They took your camera."

I felt my heart stop.


That was my last connection to my parents. My one connection to my previous life. Now it's gone.


"However," Graham spoke again, "We managed to retrieve it."

Never mind.

"They seem to know something about your anomaly because they each had one of these," Graham pulled out a journal and pushed It toward me. It had my face on the page with scribbled notes around it, consisting of the words "Polaroid", and "Wormhole".

I looked up at Graham, "ok. And?"

He stood up, "I would like you to join in this investigation."

"WHAT?!" Roth and I said at the same time.

"Sir," Roth stated, "I must protest. She is a Skip!"

"Oh no. Another SCP?" Jack chuckled.

Roth glared at him before continuing, "One that has tried to escape many times in the past! You can't trust her to not try an escape!"

"Hmmm... Good point," Graham pointed at Aaron, "You. You're being promoted to guard her during missions."

He curled his lips in, as if he wanted to protest but thought better of it. "Yes, director."

Graham turned to Dr. Bright, "You'll be teamed up with her often. I assume you have some complaints about that."

"Not really," Bright put his feet on the table, "I'm actually excited to work with her. One SCP to another." He looked at me and finger gunned. I smiled back at him.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.