A lich knocks at the door...

Something was terrifying about the boat approaching from the open sea, and like everyone else, Cassie stopped on the quarterdeck by the rail to watch. She could hear the captain's orders even more astonished. They were going to collect sails from the bow bunion and mizzen. She watched a large black cloud in the sky approaching from the southwest. Was it going to be a gale?

Had they boarded?

Younger sailors always comment that the firmer the approaching storm cloud, the greater the winds, along with lightning and thunder. Time simply changed without anyone expecting it. She admired the jagged streaks of lightning ripping through the open sky and the motions that had begun on deck.

-Collect the candles from the big bunion and the auxiliaries, men! - Richard's voice reverberated tensely.

Richard cursed in disbelief.

Cassie watched from afar like it was a dream...

It was too late to escape the wind. The squall was formed without anyone expecting it and without any indication from nature.

It was hell. The storm didn't seem at all-natural. A large vessel like the Gaia took a while to respond to the helm. The result was complete as expected. He held the helm with both hands when time poured out on them; had started the turn and was on the side of the wind. It was without a doubt the worst possible position.

-Collect the damn candles! - He screamed again and a start took over him when he saw Cassie approaching, a little scared. - What are you doing here? I want you inside the cabin. Now!

Gaia began to swerve to the lee. The change first came slowly and almost imperceptibly. The permissible weight of the ship's keel and ballast, in addition to the tons of provisions and gunpowder that supply the pores, refused to comply. Gaia could sink!

Was a dream. The most vivid and vivid dream of her life. The feel of the cold, storm-wet wood...

The wind became relentless and unforgivable and Gaia surrendered to the merciless fury of the squall.


-Get in now! It's a damn order. I'm still the captain! - he roared furiously. - Try to carry out my orders, girl. Now!

He had never seen a storm like that. There was strange, unnatural electricity in the heavy, charged air. He also observed that the corsairs clung to the tightest and closest accessories to avoid being thrown into the sea. The lee scuppers were underwater almost to a man's knee. The ship's crew found themselves thrown in an instant of terror and fear that Gaia would be swallowed up by the storm.

-We will! Drop the halyards, let the damn sheets run.

Gaia was trapped in that position like a wounded animal. The raging waters of the Ravlen Sea invaded the hull through the open hatches. If the vessel was forced too long in the sideways position, the ships' ballast and supplies would shift to leeward, bringing chaos.

As a last resort, Richard seriously considered cutting poles. hells! He had no intention of losing the fluyt to the storm's fury. The rain continued relentlessly, and the impossible and unexpected happened after screams.

The ship seemed to react in a defensive jolt and lurched sharply back to life. He could feel it under his feet and in his hands as the wheel began to obey and relieve the terrible tension. But the ballast remained firm with gravity exerting pressure. It was an unbelievable spectacle. Richard first glimpsed the three masts coming out of the water until the yards were completely free.

He shouted with euphoria admiring the masts now once again pointed skyward in defiance. The seawater finally ran down the deck and out through the scuppers. The Black Gaia came back to life, her position was once again vertical.

The fluyt sails astern, the sea still foaming over the upper quarterdeck. It was almost impossible to unfurl the full sails sailing backwards.

An even louder noise reached her ears as her cabin windows burst to threaten to flood her cabin. He needed to be careful not to break the rudder which was almost useless with the pressure holding the water. Finally, Gaia turned her bow to leeward, they sailed downwind.

Men were gathering sail, fighting the wind on the masts, and the wind seemed to change direction. A furious, deafening boom echoed above the storm. Wherever the storm passed, the destruction was complete.

The dark waters of Ravlen churned. Astonished, the men again joined the rail for an unpredictable spectacle.

A short distance away, three masts rose against the fury of the cutting winds, bearing black, weathered sails. A ship of dark and frightening vision emerged from the depths of the sea. Richard gazed at the flag hoisted atop the mast in even greater amazement.

It was simply not possible. The damage and harm to the Armada...

-Look! It's the Duke's Revenge himself who returns from hell with his captain! - someone shouted.

Duke's Revenge?

The strong wind was blowing to the northwest and the sky was starting to clear. His gaze was dismayed to poop with breakdowns brought on. Several candles, including the big bunion, were torn into useless rags. The longboats that hung tied to the port side were torn off and another one was smashed with water carried by the gigantic waves.

A loud, scream echoed in the silence of the sailors as they beheld the ghostly sight of the sinister vessel.


Richard left the helm, advancing between crates to his cabin with a start. The cabin, sir! The cabin had its windows smashed in the fury of the storm. The girl ...

- Cassie! - he shouted as he kicked the door open and then lunged with violence, forcing the solid wood against his shoulder. - If you're doing your magic again...

Richard stopped.

Compassion! Was that a man?

Richard stared in disbelief at the frightening figure in his quarters. It looked like the body of a corpse coming back to life. His black clothes showed residue of fire, and the stench of rot and stench of death hit his nose.

That thing stared at him with a deep, dark hiss, its face like a skull with human skin revealing deep red sockets where eyes should have been.

-What a hell ...

-It's not you I'm looking for. The ghastly voice echoed cavernously as Cassie screamed again in horror. - Where is it?

- Get away from her! -Richard ordered, unsheathing his sword reflexively, refusing to notice that maybe, just maybe that wasn't human.

He swore with renewed fury, realizing the strength of his renegade heritage surging through his blood indifferent to his every will. His eyes glowed black as night. Was that an ICHICHO?

A devilish laugh rippled through his cabin. The creature or whatever it was didn't seem to mind his presence. Cassie, lying on the floor, backed away shakily, eyes wide.

-You'll get in trouble if you touch my wife! - she roared her possessed.

JackWill smiled again, showing sharp and very white teeth. The skin on his face was pale, whitish, and almost translucent. They were slits where he had eyes, holy God! That thing should at least have been dead for centuries... Only there was one disturbing detail. She moved and smiled at Richard as she stared at him with his interest.

Is not real! That does not exist!

-Wolves! The haunting figure emitted obvious contempt as he looked around. - Not so much time has passed since the scum of your species still walks the earth.

Richard nodded in amazement. What did ancient legends say? God!

What killed a freak like that? He was starting to feel foolish wielding a weapon that was sure to be harmless.

It's not an ICHICHO. No way. Ichichos serve the Sucessorium, old man. Do you know what this is?

-Equally, it's not a pleasure to meet you. Get off my ship. Now. You are not welcome on my vessel.

Compassion. That was skinny, not scrawny. Was it a staff he carried in hands that resembled hideous spiders? A destroyed staff. That thing resembled a forgotten corpse, the bones were almost seen with black clothes that they wore under the same dark-coloured cloak. He could now glimpse with apprehension the empty, flame-lit eye sockets without liking.

The staff seemed to flicker an intense, blinding light, and Cassie screamed again.

- Awaken my servants. Once again the lord of Vengeance was summoned. I who am the beginning and the end, destruction and death until the Pieces of 4 are once more gathered. The blood of a pure lineage... Tribute will soon be exacted


- I hope it's not your admirer, girl. - Richard complained and advanced with his sword and fist.


-It was just a little mishap, girl. - He said worriedly. -Everything's under control. Well, almost everything.

After cannon fire, a hideous scream of pain and agony rippled through the cabin.

-Rick! He's a Lich. It won't kill you with a sword. Cassie pressed herself against the cold wall.

Richard glared at her.

No! No way. Lich does not exist. He's not a lich.

-And how the hell do you expect me to kill that thing, woman? Any suggestion?

A volley of cannon fire rang out loudly and Gaia's hull shook under her feet.

The creature roared with murderous fury, hurling tables and chairs against the wall, stark white. A bone-shaped hand gripped the sword with complete indifference as it averted its face towards a girl.

-Rick! - Cassie screamed with all her might in terror.

-It's impossible that you don't know any protection spell! This thing will... will destroy my ship...

- And what do you expect...

She was beginning to feel an agonizing cold. The hideous creature absorbed all the heat around it. Her breath started to become laboured.

-I know! - Richard yelled angrily, trying to reach her. - Only it's not a lich!

Once again he could hear gunshots. The crew was loading cannons and as unbelievable as it might be, JackWill roared like an animal and squirmed as if he had been shot. His eyes gleamed in his eye sockets, displaying a death glare.

- Very soon we will meet, wolf. His voice was dark. I'll come back for you. Before however, a pact was selected and JackWill always kept his word.

She woke up startled. The cabin was still empty. The men had gone hunting in the village. The most vivid memory she had was of him. Richard furious screaming.