
The annoying sound of the alarm clock echoed across the cold dark room. It's been 10 minutes since it's ringing.

Volt threw tantrums early in the morning. He kicked the comforter and throw his pillow at the wall. He harshly scratches his head while his eyes are both closed.

"Ugh, I'm still sleepy. I just need 5 more minutes so shut the front door up you stupid alarm!" He complained as he slowly opened his eyes.

Volt wears his t-shirt as he lazily stood up in bed, almost trips. He went to the bathroom to do his usual morning routine.

After he took a bath, he went straight to his vanity table as he applies his skincare routine and fixes his hair.

Minutes later and he's finished. He grabs his bag and checked his things before leaving his bedroom.

"Good morning sir Voltaire. Breakfast is served." said one of the house's maids.

"Where's mom?" He asked without glancing the at maid's eyes.

"She left early, sir. Madame said that there's an emergency meeting." The maid reported.

Volt nodded and head straight outside. He went inside the car and started the engine. Since he doesn't felt like eating, he decided to buy a coffee first before going straight to the university.

He was peacefully driving when suddenly, a girl hastily cross the road making Volt suddenly hit the breaks.

The girl felt terrified and sat on the road in shock. She places both of her hands on her head, then closed her eyes and starts muttering words.

"Please let me live, I haven't finished my breakfast yet. Huhuhu I rarely eat eggs and bacon." The girl whispered to herself, waiting for the hit of the car.

Gladly, Volt managed to stop the car before it reached her. The bumper is five centimeters away from her position.

Voltaire furiously went out of the car to check the girl's condition. He shot a deadly glare at her.

"Miss, are you out of your mind? Why aren't you taking hazards? You'll cause me inconvenience! " Volt sternly hissed. The girl looked at him and rolled her eyes. She scowls as she stands then looked up to Voltaire.

"The audacity of this guy to victim blame. I'm a pedestrian yet you're driving like this is some filming of Fast and Furious! Besides, you don't own this road!" the girl shouted in Volt's face.

Voltaire gave her a piercing glare but the girl didn't seem to bother instead, she bravely looks into his eyes arching one of her brows.

"I can buy this road if I want to." Volt bluntly replied. The girl laughs hysterically at his words.

"You must be kidding me! Hahaha! Why? Are you the president or something?" she mocks while holding her belly, still laughing.

"No, I'm just the backbone of the economy that he's managing." Volt muttered as he turned his back on her. The girl is left dumbfounded, scratching her head in confusion.

Volt went inside his car again and started the engine. He beeped to the girl as she is blocking his way but the girl arrogantly standstill and crossed her arms instead.

He is losing his patience so he drives ahead, totally ignoring the girl. The latter, on the other hand, hurriedly run to the sidewalk and began cursing the arrogant guy in her mind as she was almost hit by a car, TWICE!

"Such a jerk! I hope you get bald in your late 20s!" She shouted while aggressively jumping in annoyance.

Volt pinned his eyes on the road and turned on some music to distract himself from the irritation he's feeling inside. He looked at his watch and saw that he's running out of time, getting late.

He got aggravated as he saw he's running late. That's one of what he hates the most, tardiness.

"What's up, sunny side up!", A tall tan man approaches him as he went out of the parking lot. Volt frowned at him as their eyes met.

Zylant took a step back as he saw an irritated Voltaire. He raised both of his hands in the air surrendering to his piercing glares.

"Oh, Voltaire! It's too early for a frown. Look at the sun, it's smiling brightly so you should too." Zylant teased at his annoyed friend.

"Shut up you stupid rat. The sun has nothing to do with me." Volt hissed.

"Ouch! Early in the morning yet my friend is being mean to me. How cruel this life is!" Zylant dramatically spoke as he held his chest while acting hurt. Volt looked at his friend being so done with him.

"Now I'm starting to wonder how you end up being my friend. You're a complete weirdo." Volt muttered in regret then rolled his eyes as he walks to their building.

"What?! Did you know how many guys and ladies out there are trying hard just to be a friend of mine?!" Zylant replied.

"Did I asked?" Volt bluntly replied earning him a punch in the arm.

As the two walk along the hallway, a commotion suddenly happened between a girl and a boy. The girl is yelling and hitting the guy but the latter is just dodging her.

"You're a complete bastard! How could you lie to me like that?! Why her?! Why Ashlyn!" The girl hissed before bursting into tears.

Many were starting to be intrigued including Zylant but Volt remained walking in his direction. He didn't bother to even look at them, for him, his time is precious and they don't deserve even a second of it.

"Dude, there's a fight. Gonna need some popcorn." Zylant murmured as he walks towards the ruckus.

"Ugh, don't involve yourself there Zy." Volt grips but Zylant didn't listen to him.

Volt knows that Zylant is a gossip freak. He's a man yet knows too many gossips. Always well aware of the scenarios at school and everywhere he went, he knows it DETAILED.

Volt decided to leave Zylant there and went straight to the room when suddenly.....

"Volt, is that Ashlyn?" Zylant called that made Volt stop.

"Ashlyn got discharged earlier in the hospital. She's probably resting in her room right now." said Volt without looking back.

"Huh?" Zylant squints his eyes as he looks closely and saw Ashlyn being dragged into the mess.

"Dude... that's definitely her." Zylant replied as he grabs Volt's arm.

Volt then looked at the commotion and scowled when he saw Ashlyn being pulled by the war freak girl. He walked fast into them and stand between Ashlyn and the girl.

"I had enough of dealing with girls today. Stop this right now." Volt ordered in full authority. The girl is astonished by his sudden appearance and steps back.

Volt walked his way to his classroom having his heavy aura on. Everyone he'll encounter gets intimidated by him so they'll move aside to give him the way.

As he enters the classroom, his professor turned to him and smiled. This made Volt weirded.

"Oh, you're late?" The guy said. He's wearing specs and holding a laptop. His attire is a brown collar dress shirt and a pair of black pants. Has an average height of 5'7 and age on approximately in his 30s.

"Uh, yes. Something came up, I'm sorry." Volt apologizes as he walks to his seat.

The professor looks at Volt from the distance and smiled again, a creepy one.

"Since one of your classmates is late, I should introduce myself again." he announced but Volt didn't bother to look at him instead, he looked at the window and gazes outside.

Someone from the outdoors caught Volt's attention. He peered at it making sure his hunch is accurate. Volt's aura became heavier as he confirmed who it was.

"Dang, what is it this time?" He whispered to himself.


In an isolated quiet place, a van and a black luxurious car stopped in front of an abandoned tall building. Four muscular men in tuxedo went outside the van and opened the car.

A woman went out of the car wearing a maroon dress and black high heels. She entered the building and went straight to a rusty metallic room.

"So, how are things going?" she asked in a deep elegant voice. The rusty door opened and a man in formal attire went inside the room.

"Perfectly as planned madame." He replied in a sexy tone. The woman went closer to him and caressed his face then his lips. She looked straight into his eyes.

"Make sure to bring me his position, and I'll promise to give what you deserve." she whispered before leaving the man dumbfounded.