Coincidence? I Think Not

The vibrating alarm ranged across the room and this made the sleepy guy jumped out of his bed. He lazily scratches his nape and takes off his shirt. Grabs his towel and went inside the bathroom to bathe.

Before leaving his room, he dialed his secretary multiple times but no one is picking up.

"Huh? Why isn't she picking up? This is very unlikely her." Volt mumbled with furrowed brows. He's running out of temper when someone answered the call.

"Finally you picked up, anyway Kei-" An unfamiliar voice responded to the call. Upon hearing him, his mind started to get confused.

"She's currently asleep, not feeling well so she's not coming to work." The voice reported.

"Not well? She's fine when she got off to work last night." Volt mumbled after hanging up. He noticed that in the past few days, Keisha seems to be distracted from work.

After knowing the reason for her absence, he calmly went downstairs as he figures out what he's gonna do in today's meeting. His calmness dealing with the situation is interrupted when his mother showed up in front of him suddenly.

"Mom..." Voltaire calls as he approaches his mother who seems worried and anxious. Her hands were trembling and cold.

"Volt, your brother Ellion..." Mom started and her face suddenly changes into a bright one, having her eyes and lips smile.

"We finally have news about him!" His mom said with excitement in her tone.

Voltaire is stuck in his position, confused at how he should react. There's a part of him that's relieved, however, there's also the tendency of having a competition for the position of CEO in their company which made him a little anxious.

He smiled at her as a response and went to his car to drop at his company and get the additional documents he needed for a later meeting.

"My brother is found at last. Is he gonna be back?" He asked himself as eyes pinned on the road.

"If that happens, I'll have my rival..." He mumbled as he lets his anxiousness takes over him. He felt that he's losing control of his emotions, so he decided to pull over to the side of the road. He inhales a deep breath and laid back, closes his eyes, and relaxes his mind.

"No, I won't lose."

Voltaire decided to eat breakfast before he resumes his day. He thought that his sudden panic earlier is due to hunger since he skips his meals often. Being too focused on work is resulting in him neglecting his health.

The man quietly sat on a place near the window as he patiently waits for his order. He decided to play his mobile game app to release his frustration in the game when, coincidentally, he's teammates with the player he despises after a conversation with him.

"Ugh, this dude again?" Volt whispered in annoyance.

They started the match normally. They farmed to gain more power for their character and protect the torrets from the destruction of the minions. He noticed that his teammates, other than growling_jel, were not capable of defending their lanes resulting in the destruction of two torrets in the top lane and one in the mid.

"Argh! noobs again? Seriously, when will you give me useful teammates?"

The waiter approached his table and placed his order on the desk but Volt didn't notice his meal.

The mid-game is approaching but the intensity of defending feels like it's the late game. Each ally became feed, especially their marksman, to the opponents making them stronger, this resulted in killing the turtle gaining their team's extra XP.

"Should we surrender now? There's no more hope in this game. We'll lose eventually." Volt murmured to himself as he presses the surrender button. Three of them agreed on surrendering but growling_jel refused.

growling_jel[assassin]: hey morons, it's too early to surrender. we can still catch up especially I'm ur teammate.

Voltaire frowns at his arrogance so he exits the app, leaving the game ongoing. He just ate his meal and scanned the documents he has in his hands.

However, having the phone in his sight distracts him more so he opened it again and saw how persistent growling_jel in defending.

"Stupid, just surrender." Volt mumbled before he takes a bite of his burger.

He was right, they lose at the game having growling_jel as the MVP. Sadly, the game was a rank so they all lose stars.

"Ugh! Defeat!" A girl on the table parallel to Volt's said loudly as she massaged her temples.

Voltaire thought it's a coincidence but the timing and the reaction of the girl are so accurate. He squints his eyes and looked closely having the familiarity in her.

"If I'm not mistaken, is she..."

Voltaire got surprised at the sudden eye contact with the familiar girl. The girl looks at him in disgust and scowls. She stands up in her place and approached Volt's table.

"Hey pervert!" The girl hissed at his face. She takes the seat across him and glares. Volt didn't seem to bother instead he just threw her a cold glance back.

"Ha! The nerve of you to stare at me like that!" She hissed causing other customers to look in their direction.

Volt massaged the bridge of his pointed nose and shrugged. He's frustrated at the embarrassment that this girl is causing him.

To escape the situation, he gathers his folders, stands up, and walks his way out.

Completely ignoring the nagging lady.

Thus, his actions made the girl more infuriated. She followed Volt until at the door of his car. When she arrived there, she used her body to block the handle and faced him having her arms crossed in front of her chest. Volt stares blankly at her.

"Miss, go away. I've got no time to deal with a nuisance like you. My time is way more precious than your existence." Volt bluntly muttered with a straight face. The girl looks at him in disbelief. The annoying glances that he's giving her cause her to be more upset.

"Wow! This audacious punk has the guts to say words like when in fact, you caused me discomfort?! And, how dare you!" She points her index to Volt's face and leans closer to him. "..How dare you invalidate my existence by comparing my life to your ridiculous time?!" She gritted her teeth and stares with blazing eyes.

Voltaire looks around at the people gossiping about them. He gave them his deadly cold stares causing them goosebumps which made them walk away. Now, he's figuring out how to tame this angry tigress.

"Why is she so irritating? My glares aren't working on her, what's with this girl?" Volt thought.

"You know what, let's agree to disagree. There end of the conversation, so would you please get out of my way? I'm in a hurry so..." Volt said in a deep voice but the girl didn't agree with him.

"Apologize first." She emphasizes while staring straight at his face. She senses the feeling of familiarity in him.


"For being a pervert staring at me and my body!" She hissed. Volt frowned at her and scanned the whole of her.

Wearing a gray shirt and white short partnered with brown flip flops.

"There's nothing attractive with this woman yet she demands like she's the hottest celebrity in the world." Volt said in his thoughts.

"I didn't even know what you're wearing not until now." Volt muttered which made the girl scowl.

"Argh! You're so irritating! I can't believe people like you exist!" The girl glares at the unbothered Voltaire Flammia.

"But..." The girl leans closer to his face as she critiques him.

"You're familiar..."

"Now, whose staring to whom? Take note, UP CLOSE." Voltaire told, arching a brow and shakes his head. He lightly moves the girl on the way by gently holding her shoulders then he steps inside.

Volt sat in the driver's seat and sanitized.

"Who knew what kind of germs is in her shoulders." He muttered to himself as he smirks. He started the engine and drives to his destination with relief in his face.

The girl is left dumbfounded by the man, his touch is so warm and.. comfortable?

"His mouth is so rude but his actions states the opposite, he has the comfort of a gentleman." She thought before a guy interrupted her thinking.

"Jelena! Why are you causing such fuzz? Geez! It's so early in the morning yet you're bickering with a stranger." The guy teased while holding their take out orders.

"You know what, Aki? I hate you. I really saw him staring at me! It's uncomfortable for a woman you know." Jelena rolls her eyes in irritation. The guy, Aki, laughs it off and calls a cab.

"Haist! Aki, did you know that I lose in today's match. Take note, it's a rank game! Huhu I lose star then that guy destroyed my mood! How dare him." Jelena clenched her jaw and clasped her fist in frustration. While Aki, patted her head to calm her down. He looks at her with worried eyes and sighed.

"Jel, don't stress yourself too much. Look at your self. You look older than your age!" He joked earning him a spank in his nape.

"Heh! Anyway, do you think this is what the headmistress is talking about when she said 'order my recent meals because visitors are coming.', hmm?" Jelena asked as she tries to impersonate the headmistress of their orphanage. Aki laughed at her friend's silliness.

The two friends arrived at the orphanage and went inside the office of their headmistress. They knocked before opening the door and felt embarrassed as they saw a man with white hair and a tuxedo sitting on the couch.

"Ugh, good morning sir. Where's the Headmistress Swift?" Jelena politely asked.

"Oh, she went outside to call the director." He answered.

Jelena nodded in his response and turned around to go out when he saw Aki, staring blankly at the man. Her brows furrowed at the face of her friend.

"Aki, let's go. What are you staring at?" She whispered to the serious Aki.

Aki seems to be awake in his thoughts and just shrugged as his response. He went out first and placed the food in the dining area.

"The old man is here." Aki said in his thoughts.