A Not So Good Reunion

His manly scent wafted inside the car while driving. There's nothing new with his daily routine. Home to School to Work then repeat. It's boring actually, he can't even have fun nor express himself.

Sometimes, random thoughts came into his mind. Voltaire is very persistent and hardworking with his job, being the CEO, thus it's making him feel empty. All his intentions and goals are all about the company, what about himself? his dreams? his happiness? He's very uncertain.

"What if this is why my brother left? We are rich but we can't afford to live a normal life like others of our age do." He mumbled having a sad smile on his face.

Voltaire understands Vermillion, honestly. He is certain that his brother has his deep and valid reasons, he believes in him. However, the board members never heard him out. They were too focused on pointing fingers, accusing stupid things.

At last, he reached his company place. He unbuckled his seatbelt and went out of his car only to witness a man and a woman lying on the ground. Voltaire squints his eyes on the unusual behavior of those two. He tilted his head and was about to ask them when someone calls his attention.

"Sir! An employee is found injured and unconscious inside the stock room.", Keisha pulls out her phone and proceeds on dialing the emergency hotline. Her actions were calm but her eyes states otherwise.

Voltaire walks to the said employee and was determined to check his condition. He saw him, having his pupils bloodshot stunned and nape bruised.

"What happened here?" Volt asked in his deep voice as he checked his vitals and current condition.

Everything is fine and normal but what wonders him is his facial reaction. The employee looks like someone who's been hypnotized and is now daydreaming.

"Sir Flammia, we found him in the stock room earlier being unconscious." One of the employees answered him.

"What was he doing there?", Voltaire waved his hands in front of the employee's face and confirmed his hunch.

"We don't know either sir. The last thing that happened before that was he's at the system room for the fixation of the broken tubes together with the plumber."

"A plumber? What's his company name?" Volt continues his interrogation while trying to wake up the employee from the hypnotization. It's not working and Voltaire is losing his temper.

"I didn't ask, sir. BUT he has an appointment with us. I'll check the logbook." Then she went to the front desk and starts browsing.

Meanwhile, Keisha at the back began to suspects the man he met earlier whom he assumed to be the plumber. She remembered him having a face mask and carrying a toolbox.

She decided to go out and find that man. Keisha strides fast, reaching the entrance of the company. She scanned every faces present at the scene but she failed to spot him.

"Now where could he be..." Her eyes began roaming around and sprints to her guts instinct.

Keisha entered the parking area and she was right. She saw the man she's been looking for. He was holding something. If you're an ordinary person and knows nothing about guns, you'll think that it was just a remote pointing at the wheels of those cars around him.

"I knew something's fishy with you...", Keisha luckily is not wearing any skirt so she rides her motorcycle secretly and pinned her eyes on him. She puts her earpiece on and so is her mask to cover. Pulling out her phone to send a message to Voltaire having an excuse of buying some medicine for her mother.

Keisha noticed the man talking to the phone so she jumps off and crawled under the nearby car to eavesdrop on his conversation. She attached herself under by gripping the metal parts under and there she listens.

"I told you, I did a pretty nice job. Sure there are some burdens but meh, I took care of it." The 'plumber' laughed after but that suddenly faded when he heard the news of his boss.

"What do you mean Voltaire? So he's here now? I should say hi to him then," He shrugged and rides his motorbike. "They found out? But I put him in the stock..." His lips parted after a realization hits him. He suddenly hanged up and yanked his hair.

"Stupid Aki!" He whispered before starting the engine.

Keisha glimpsed at him getting away so she quickly crawls out. She observed anxiousness in the plumber by his body language. By this, she took advantage and pull out the mic bugs on her pocket. She sets up the small gun and shoots it at the tank of the motorbike.

"Gotcha!" She whispered and starts her engine. Keisha was about to go out but she spotted someone. From there, Keisha knew that she's not alone, gawking at the suspicious guy.

It was Crixx, her comrade. She remembered Zylant's report to her last time and to confirm it, she lies low again with her motorcycle.

"Aight, I want some action but there's just too many to confirm. Darn it." Keisha sighed and intently pinned her sight to every movement upon the two.

Crixx is walking fast to head to the guy, as she secured a length between them, she behaved innocent which was her forte.

She obstructed his way which made the plumber flustered. Crixx greeted him with nonsense questions to give him more distraction.

"Hello sir, are you new here? I've never seen you before."

The 'plumber' shrugged and ignored her but since Crixx is patient in these kinds of dilemmas, she resumed scrutinizing him.

"Hey mister, you're familiar. Have we met before?"

"No, shut up." The plumber replied angrily and was about to leave but Crixx rides the back of his motorbike making him more aggravated.

"Go away you annoying crap!"

The situation goes on with Crixx annoying him making it consume time for him to escape.

Keisha suddenly wondered about her comrade's motive.

Is it positive or is it not? What's her purpose of actions?

Keisha doesn't entirely give her trust to Crixx instead, she acted completely clueless. She knew that something's off with the situation.

"What are you hiding, Crisa?"

Crixx flung a lost glance at Keisha to signal her to aim. Keisha was baffled at first but she nodded in response. The secretary pointed the syringe with the sleep solution at the 'plumber' guy. With full force, she shoots it targetting the man's neck.

Both of the two ladies' jaws drop as the 'plumber' immediately dodged it with full speed. He caught it instead with his left hand.

The man analyzes the syringe and laughed at the thought of him being drowsy because of it.

"Haist, maybe I don't stink at acting at all. Just a little." He chuckled before shifting glares at the two.

Crixx didn't squander any second but to obtain the benefit of the situation. Using her dominant hand, she whacks his nape having full power. The man is undeniably swift and gripped her hand before having the chance to land on him. To have his revenge, he mercilessly twisted it making Crixx moan in distress.

"You know, I don't hurt ladies since I have huge respect for them..." He jerked it more which resulted in Crixx's reflex. She used her left fist and punch his face, but again, he dodged it.

"But since you're invading my business, might as well bend my principles." He harshly dragged her twisted hand and tossed her out of his motorbike.

"Argh!" Crixx grunted.

He's not done yet. Having the syringe in his hand, he returned it back to Keisha's position by swiftly hurling it at the air.

"You thought I didn't notice you?" The plumber let out a soft chuckle.

Keisha escaped the sharp tip of the needle by simply ducking her head which earned her fall off from her motorbike.

"Who are you?!" screamed Keisha while lying her back on the ground but he only retorts chuckles.

The girl doesn't have enough patience so she rushed to his place with an undeniable pace without thinking carefully.

Right at that instant, she's desperate. Her heart is aching and is seeking explanations.

Keisha clenched her fists mid-air and strongly lands them on the man's face. She did another using her other hand.

"I want answers!" cried Keisha.

The 'plumber' had enough drama so he snatched Keisha's wrist and harshly hauled her to the ground making her cough painfully.

He witnesses the pain in her eyes but he chose to gaze away, sighing deeply and gripping her wrist. Swallowing his raging emotions inside, focusing his mind on his mission.

"You don't have to know who am I." The 'plumber' starts his engine and promptly left the scene.

The two girls were now lying on the dirty ground. Gasping in pain and discomfort but between the two, Crixx suffered more injuries.

Keisha did her best to support her comrade by standing up. She was wobbly but she remains strong and holds Crisa's waist for assistance.

"D-do you know... him?" Crixx asked that caught Keisha off guard. She gulped the lump in her throat and shakes her head in refusal.

Crixx scents her comrade's lies but she let it pass since she's not feeling well. Keisha, however, looked back in the direction where the 'plumber' went.

From the voice, the aura, and his skills, he's definitely that guy.

"It has been a long time, my old friend Hiroaki."