
Her thumps echoed across the hallway as she walks away from the scene. Stealing other's attention with her noise causing her to slow down. She gestures peace and hides her face away. Inhaling a deep breath while letting her eyes roamed in awe in their hallways. It was surely a dream school for others, seems like this belongs to a royalty school. Then, it hits her.

"Right, this school is for elite class families and I don't belong here." Jelena lets out a sad smile. It was a dream for her to be in here, accepted for who she is. That was her expectations, but she was wrong, for the nth time! She ended up getting bullied for the dumbest reason.

Enjoying her alone time when a group of girls approached her. They were wearing makeup, having stylish hairstyles, and luxurious pieces of jewelry were all over their toned bodies. Eyes of disgust were all poking their attention to the alone girl having a confused face.

"And y'all are?" Jelena shyly asked.

"Look girls, isn't she the one who goes viral on this campus?" One of them said.

"Yes, the one that queen Ashlyn embarrassed. I won't blame her if she did something like that to her, I mean look at that face," Each pair of eyes scanned Jelena's well being from head-to-toe. They laughed in unison.

"Gosh, so cheap!" The other one commented.

Jelena took another step back, afraid of another bullying. She nervously gazed at the surroundings to ask for help but saw no one. Nearby rooms were vacant, some were locked. The hallway that she's passing by seems to not be walked by ordinary students like her.

The tallest of the five girls approached her then gently grabs her hair and caressed it. She smiled wickedly and said, "Such an ugly hair, full of split ends and wait-- are your eyelids fake?! Gosh! So disgusting!"

With that being said, she harshly pulls Jelena's hair making her grown in pain.

"Please! Just stop!" She pleaded as tries to hold back herself from doing reprisal on them. They all didn't listen, instead, they tolerated the mean girl's action and starts attacking the miserable girl. Constantly pulling Jelena's hair, tearing her vest, and scratching her legs but Jelena remained her face covered with her arms, protecting her face from any damage.

Jelena was helplessly crying until she had the urge to fight back. Gathering all her grudges and converting it to a merciless punch, she threw it with the primary girl pulling her hair while constantly laughing.

"O-ouch! Ouchie! " The girl fell from the floor from Jelena's punch, having her face stunned and nose bleeding. Her other eye can't seem to open.

"Cassie! Your n-nose... Blood" The girl said having shocked written on her face. The said woman did wipe her face, witnessing bundles of blood coming out of the wounds.

"Mommy!!!" She squealed but Jelena remained standing, looking at her with a scared pair of eyes. Both of her knuckles were trembling but there's relief in her chest. Punching her made Jelena felt so good.

Jelena gazed at her clasped fist and let out a small smirk.

Cassie's best friend began to get angry at her best friend's state. She looks around the area and saw a thick blue pipe near the comfort room. Without any thoughts, she nonchalantly grabs it and walks back to the scene where Jelena is still speechless and terrified with the people circling her.

Gripping the tube tightly, she swayed it in the air until it hardly hits Jelena's head. The hapless girl immediately fell on the floor, her face landed on the ground while the back of her head bleeds with the impact of the hit. Her condition wasn't enough to feed the girl's satisfaction so she swayed the pipe again and hit Jelena's legs hard. The action done didn't even poke their hearts to have mercy on Jelena, they laugh it off and helped Cassie to stand up while wiping her nose.

"Let that b*tch die! She found death upon hurting us, that low-class orphan." Cassie muttered while trying to regain herself from the shock. She caressed and stretched her jaws when suddenly, flutes hit their heads which made the group complain in pain.

"Who's that bitc--" Cassie's eyes widened in surprise then added," Fvck! Girls run!" And so they did.

Running at his full speed, heading to the unconscious girl with tense breathing. Scanned her and felt sorry for being too late. He checked if she's still breathing but her pulse is irregular making him so frustrated and worried. He carried her in his arms and runs at full speed.

"I'm sorry, I was late," Voltaire thought, apologizing to the unconscious bleeding lady.

The attention of many was caught by Voltaire, faculty personnel contacted the ambulance as Volt rushed towards the school clinic. He collided with Zylant but the latter didn't even bother, he's still rushing his way to save Jelena.

Out of curiosity, Zylant started following them as he is also a friend of Jelena but of course, it's part of his job.

"I need to do this right," Zylant thought.

The school nurse did an overview of the patient, she gasped upon seeing the wound in her head.

"This is a sensitive area, we cannot touch her so please, remain calm." She explained to the man beside her.

Voltaire standing at the bottom of the bed while staring blankly at Jelena. She seems so pale and not responsive. He clasped his fist and gritted his teeth in anger at what they did to her.

"They'll pay for this."

Right at the moment when the hospital personnel arrived with stretchers and first aid kits. They checked her condition and carefully place her on their stretcher to go to the ambulance.

"Mr. Flammia, let me handle this. Go back to your class," Professor Beam said but Voltaire continued following Jelena, ignoring his professor.

"Sir, are you her guardian?" The nurse asked before going inside the ambulance.

"Just go inside and treat her! She's in excruciating pain can't you see?" Voltaire replied with an angry tone which surprised the man. He sighed and tried calming himself.

"Just, please, save her," Voltaire added.

It didn't take over ten minutes when they reached the hospital. They were rushing the bed to the emergency room for a whole check on the body.

"Just stay here, sir. You cannot enter inside," One of the nurses reminded.

Voltaire took a sit and facepalms. He tried controlling his emotions but whenever Jelena is involved, he's turning into another person.

"Damn, what am I doing here?" He whispered to himself and tried calming down.

At that moment, Voltaire is certain that he can't act straight as the cold guy he used to be. Fear, anxiousness, overthinking were swallowing his mind. All the coldness that he's pulling off were melting and exposing the real him. His mind is focusing only on one thing, or should I say, one person, Jelena Dianett Sullivan.

"Voltaire, what happened to the 'must not show' guy objective you have? This isn't you for Pete's sake. She's just your schoolmate! Why do you care so much about it?" His consciousness tried waking up some senses in him but he keeps on denying it and show what he truly feels.


Eyes were observing him how he change his behavior. Voltaire is quiet but it is obvious that he feels uneasy. It so much not like him especially when Ashlyn was the one hospitalized, he was calm and composed but now, he's so worried and exhausted.

"Could it be? My best friend is in love with my friend?" Zylant asked himself, concerned about their safety. He knew that once the enemy found out his frailty, he'll lose it, AGAIN.

"I must do something, or else, history might repeat itself." Zylant pulls out his phone and proceeds to his plan.

Voltaire instantly stood up as he saw a doctor walking out of the emergency room. The doctor took off his bloody gloves and throws them into the trash before he reported words.

"Luckily, the patient is still breathing. The contusion on the patient's head is mild however, we don't know the effect on it on her yet. Her legs were severely wounded with all the bruises and deep scratches. She's stable for now and resting. Later, we'll transfer her to a room."

Voltaire sighs in relief and thanked the doctor for his work. He enters the area and saw the woman with different clothes and a bandage on her head. She's peacefully sleeping while having an IV drips injected into her hands.

"Wake up..." He whispered before returning to his old self as their professors enter the area.

Mr. Beam and Ms. Fernandez look at the pitiful woman lying on the bed, completely unconscious.

"We already talked to the doctor and says she's fine, Mr. Flammia, you should head back to the university—"

"I took her here so I should be the first one she sees when her eyes opened." Voltaire nonchalantly claimed.

Ms. Fernandez plastered a suspicious smirk but Mr. Beam looked at him in disbelief.

"Let it go, Voltaire. I knew that this is going to be your downfall." Ms. Fernandez thought as she was about to touch Jelena's fluids but Voltaire grasps her hand before she had the chance.

"Don't touch," He said with a straight face.

"I believe you are being rude, son." Ms. Fernandez smirked.

"Did I ask?"

Ms. Fernandez's eyes grew wide as she saw his reaction, however, it gave her the satisfaction that she's craving and was anticipating.

"Alright, I still have classes to attend so I'll get going now. How 'bout you Mr. Beam?"

"I do have meetings to attend..." His eyes traveled in Voltaire's direction and saw him sitting beside the bed without any reactions.

"Mr. Flammia, can you look after her for now? We'll be back as soon as—"

"Go on your way without wasting my time." He bluntly replied before blankly gazing at them.

"Now, go," Voltaire added.

The professors felt a little timid with his intimidating eyes so they instantly nodded in response and walks away.

Nurses approached them and informed Voltaire that Jelena's room for recovery is ready.

His orifices roamed the inside of the room, it's small and has approximately four people who will fit inside. Voltaire checked the C.R. and realize how small it is, wandered a little then saw the cabinets having unfixed screws.

"This room won't do well. Should I purchase another one? A better one?" He asked himself while starring at the resting girl in front of him. He checked her breathing and IV drip if it's okay before sighing in disappointment.

"Guess I can't really keep my words, even the slightest protection I cannot provide. Stupid, Voltaire. You're doing it again"

His monologue was interrupted when an unfamiliar ringtone plays loudly across the room. He found Jelena's phone at the table and saw a contact call.


"Where was he? He was with Jelena when they left, and he didn't show up when she needs him. That jerk head left Jelena, and this happened."