Running against time

Definitely an annoying creature. Unbearable and genius. I grunted more irritated and tense, denying the sexual tension of my scorched body.

Creating energy portals always consumed a lot of strength. She could at least be awake and I wasn't carrying her body across my shoulders and taking a deep breath. I was tired, in a bad mood and hungry. Could very easily eat anything that those humans called food.

I laughed bitterly to myself. We didn't have much of a choice at N'Tirlay. Oh, I personally hated those terrible protein rations that served the Citadel's rabble.

A drink was all could wish for! And nothing fermented as the Edrians liked. My eating habits were considered quite strange after my rescue. It wouldn't be a bunch of roasted locusts that would appease my hunger. The surface of the hostile planet had an immense flora and fauna that attracted the attention of many hunters.

Zairon's black market. The entire citadel was divided into huge spheres as if they were a city nave and connected by energy dome, separating the sectors according to the breathable air there. We were several kilometers above the surface in a transition zone between the planet's atmosphere and outer space. 600Km from the surface. There was only helium, hydrogen and argon there to breathe. They were city spheres with an energy dome made of material resistant to high temperatures.

I could eat a big piece of roast rib from those local animals very easily. It was enough to remove the leather and the poison that they had in the breathing glands and I still wouldn't be satisfied. And the ships ... how many times I had not admired from afar.

The huge mother sphere housed my dreams. It was the exotic mixture of colors that even overshadowed the eyes and enormous. That was where the arriving ships were. One in particular always caught my eye. I had heard of the artificial intelligence system of the central computer. And other toys. A temporal probability generator. It was a medium-sized freighter and still had two exits for combat fighters. And the weapon system she had ... The camouflage system was incredible. She could take on the appearance of anything in the memory bank's data. And the speed that it reached ...

It was summed up as a technological marvel. Maneuverability and its advanced stealth system would make any owner rejoice. Flight and maneuvering tactics could make her sneak invisible. I managed to steal it from an old drunk alien before escaping that hell. Spartackus was my home, my pride.

Panting, I stopped for a moment in a dark alley. My wrist computer was still loaded. Nobody knew the ship completely but for me. Iron was the Spartackus artificial intelligence that I had reprogrammed after stealing the access codes.

-Captain ... - the metallic voice came out of the computer and I took a deep breath. - There are malfunctions in several defense mechanisms. The energy shields operate at part of full strength after being hit. And the probability generator ...

Shit, even the temporal probability generator? How am I going to fix this and get us all off this planet and go back to our time? Curse!

- Roger that, Iron. Keep access cleared for Scarlet and Bash to make the necessary repairs and keep under surveillance. Any changes not authorized by me will be considered denied.

I looked around again and dropped the girl there on the floor in a sweat. I needed some time and recover my energy. The portal I had opened was very far away and I was guided only by Iron's location data.

The girl. She was so much more than she looked on that innocent face. Her DNA ... The genes would probably be latent because of the hybridization process. It was unlucky that just an Edrian had been chosen by those bestial creatures. The girl had finally survived.

I moved the computer again, changing the frequency.

How much time did I still have? How had everything suddenly become so complicated ?!

-Captain ... - a voice caught my attention.

-How much time do we still have? - I asked worriedly.

-Not long. Repairs ... well, repairs are going to take more time than we could have expected. The protection shield ... If they don't ... find ... - the message failed with static.

Scarlet would have more work than she could think of after all.

-You know if we can't leave before ...- I started and stopped.

- I was born after the great invasion captain, but I am not interested in watching what will happen here.

Only 3,000 people had survived to face horror and hardship in a destroyed world. I thought when it all started. The sun ... The bright sole its smallest satellite that was the center of our system had been burned. The resources of my planet were plundered without any concern for future generations. And they were not simply renewable natural resources ...

Water ... Nothing was more valuable than water in the entire Universe. Without it, life was totally impossible.

They should have changed her memory and not resort to magic. The spell of forgetfulness always left traces. I seriously assessed the issue by poking the cracked body with the toe of his boot.

- Awake again, then? - I teased. It wouldn't hurt to lose a few pounds if you intend to be carried. - I purposely teased her hoping that the girl would react inflamed with anger.

Angel was a genius and temperamental child in Édrin. Her outbursts of humor created many problems with the ability to use fire. It was definitely not that lifeless, listless creature in front of me.

What did they do to you, damn it? It doesn't even look like you, Caílin!

Angel groaned, blinking. I was an apparition to her that was not real. Her hand touched the asphalt trying to absorb the details of the details.

It's not just a damn dream, sweetie!

-You ?! - she moaned softly. - Oh, God!

My face was bored, examining the girl with growing frustration. The outline of the small body ... I scratched my chin in frustration.

-Do you really need to show yourself like this to everyone? What is your problem? - irritation evolved unexpectedly to anger without my knowing the reason. - Do you have to go around showing off as a female?

Angel's eyes widened. The eyes slowly seemed to come to life!

- I'm not a bloody animal. And don't you dare call me that. Call it girl, girl, woman ... whatever you want! - she didn't even know she was raising her voice carried by tension. - What did you think I was? I ... This is not real. You cannot be real.

-And you need to stay around like this so that everyone knows ?! - Her astonishment and unbelief were limitless. - Or did you have fun doing your little show, believing you found another sucker?

She struggled to her feet. Have I said that the way the green eyes shone with anger made me want to always make you angry?

- I want to go home! Now! You can't just come and ...

I aimed her up and down enjoying myself.

-And why not? - I asked curiously. - You should at least thank me. In a few hours, the atmosphere of your planet will be contaminated by a lethal and alien virus. Few will survive. In less than a week all communication on your planet will stop. As if it never existed. The scientists you have will not have enough time or technology to isolate and identify the pathogen.

Angel looked at me as if evaluating what I was saying. Rays! It was not that difficult to understand the critical situation.

-I have proof Monday. And I'll be screwed! If this is one of the damned pranksters at school, I swear ... I swear I will ...

Prank call?

-Look at me, unhappy! - I screamed at the height of frustration.

And I realized seriously that it was not an act. She didn't really recognize me. The girl didn't remember anything about Édrin or even knew who she was. What a joke!

-I can't ...- Her voice shook for a moment. - Was I really abducted?

I answered nothing at first. Abducted? I did not like to know that they were tested with her on those occasions. Damn Confederacy policy. Ravenack didn't know where the girl was hiding. But the Federation government knew. What did they do to her?

-Was. I nodded coldly. It's called being taken by a bunch of little green men who aren't even green, I think so. You will! Are you going to try to convince me that you really don't know anything?

Her face showed signs of astonishment. And the sparkling eyes ... Damn. I had never endured watching Caílin cry and do nothing. I cleared my throat tense, fighting emotions. She was just a scam. A pretty face and that's it! And a beautiful body. Incredibly sexy breasts and that's it. Any human there would be no difference.

-I can't be abducted! - The explanation was slow.

I could see the signs that the girl was in shock. I was going to have more serious problems than I would like if she decided to freak out. I could barely create a portal at that moment if necessary, and containing an explosion of skills affected by her emotions did not seem at all attractive. A small arsonist. I tried to soothe my irritation.

- I can't take you back, but I can take you home.- My words were very clear.

A house. I had read on the enrollment forms that the girl ran from one foster home to another.


Yes, our world. Come on, hellish creature. It is impossible for mental programming not to react. Look into my eyes and react. Stop hiding. You know very well that you are not like them here. You are not even human!

-Do you know where I came from? Do you know who I am? - Angel looked scared again.

Is it fear that blocks your memories? Is that what they used to make her forget?

Changing or even erasing memories was not an easy or quick process. If there was no consent, it would be even more complicated. Almost a reprogramming was done in someone's brain. If that someone were lucky to survive without going crazy, it was always a bigger problem to break the psychic barriers of an induced blockade.

I looked like Caílin. It looked like the child I knew, and yet it wasn't her. I could clearly smell fear that she exhaled in her scent. I know they were doing monstrosities in N'Tirlay but the United Planets Federation had a series of guidelines that should be respected.

Impatiently I held her arm tightly, indifferent to the pleasant warmth that invaded me with physical contact. I examined her wrists, with all possessive and jealous attention imagining Ravenack leaving the marks of his fangs on what belonged to me.

Her temperature was high. And it wasn't a fever that attacked those humans. The power of magic was there inside her. The ability to cast an elementary power like fire was one of the rarest and most sought after skills. I outlined a worried appearance.

-You know you don't belong on this planet. - I spoke slowly and pausing the words so she could assimilate.

She looked at me and all I could see was confusion. If only I could maintain the slightest connection to her mind to help break through the lock on memories ...

Before I could think of anything else to say, the girl took me by surprise. Not believing what I was doing, my arms tightened around her chest after she had sought me out for refuge.

-I, I...

-It's gonna be okay. -I guarantee with a dry and hoarse voice. It was the worst temptation to betray my body. - I don't know how yet but let's get out of here before I can imagine.

My hand slid through the silky, loose hair as I mentally swore.

Do not forget. Eloas's life for hers. The girl belongs to Ravenack.