Face Ravenack

My hopes of maintaining control of the crew were too optimistic after we lost two crew members.

There was a science officer irritating and too curious about K'Aldriants' anatomy for a certain hybrid. And I didn't even talk about Spike. Heavens! If I could recommend him as a novice cadet to the Academy? His looks left me frustrated. I could have sworn they were admirable. It was hell as the kid seemed to have found a way to always be around. Recommend that annoying boy? Come on! The comments made my mind pound.

Do you know when you catch someone staring at you a lot? It was the kind of look filled with silent hints and with ulterior motives. Ah, Angel was a lot less smart in those matters. I could hardly hide emotions like that. Spike ..

I closed my mouth in annoyance. Spike actually took the slightest chance of bumping into me or any other pretext to touch me. It was my ordeal to put up with that. I would prefer it to be Angel like that. His behavior made me gnash my teeth. He was the typical inconvenient guy. He tried to please everything and made a point of calling attention to it. He was the perfect type to accuse others of failing. And he talked endlessly, talked about a thousand and one plans and expectations at the Academy. Arrogant. The unfortunate man seemed to be the owner of the truth. His attempt to get my attention with math skills was the worst. Was it so hard to share knowledge with others? It couldn't be that difficult.

I left the bridge angrily, returning to my cabin after the sensors had finally done their job helping to end the Zorkans infestation.

Perhaps hoped to get some well-deserved rest. And it was a huge mistake. I got in and stopped dead. The wall over there. I could read in clear letters a clear message:

Give the K'Aldriants hybrid to your species.

It was not pleasant to know that someone had been there in my absence.

-Lights. - I grunted angrily to clear the place and stopped half dumb.

Maybe Max was right after all, and a little sleep wouldn't hurt. I blinked my eyes and the vision remained the same. Was it Angel? Right there? My jaw dropped when I managed to assimilate the clothes she was wearing with great difficulty.

And something could only be very wrong. The Angel I knew would never do that after my mess. What the hell!

- You should be careful, Zorack. Sometimes fate can be quite cruel, fulfilling our wishes. I can fulfill your most intimate desires and let you know hell. I believe that our conversation can be a little more private.

That voice ...

I clenched my fists in anger as faced the lovely sight that disturbed my rest without believing. And yet it was not her voice at all. The low, metallic sound was still there and it was impossible for me not to recognize it. In the next instant, I noticed my body immobilized as if they were invisible claws, stopping my protests and her eyes that now glowed reddishly.

Angel showed a triumphant smile as she walked closer wearing a nightgown that was the most of my delusions. The black of the delicate fabric highlighted her pale complexion. Too pale. And that voice ...

Shit, no! It was by no means Angel.

K'Aldriants' metal skill was hell. There was telepathy. And the compulsion that dominated minds. On rare occasions, I had witnessed some species being possessed by those creatures. And it wasn't the Angel I would have expected even in dreams.

-You ...- I immediately dropped my hand on the tense pistol, when realized that it would be no use asking for help.

There was the crystalline sound of a laugh that made my nerves tighten with terrible understanding. could be away and yet somehow he had managed to control the girl. But how?

-Oh, Zorack! Is that how you welcome me after leaving N'Tirlay? I thought it would take some persuasion that I would not give up on our bargain. Didn't you really believe you didn't expect betrayal?

Curse! No, I do not.

Curse! No, I didn't expect it. There was no way I expected that. I didn't mean to just betray Ravenack. My plans were more ambitious." I wanted to see you dead. With my hands."

-Ravenack! -I greeted with contempt.- Leave the girl! What did you do ...?

That returned to smile very calmly, showing the innocent looks when looking at me.

-No need to be rude like that. A drink ... I think you could offer me a drink? You've been offering my child in the hope of being able to delay or prevent the inevitable, Zorack. She is one of us, no matter what she does.

My skeptical smile made it very clear that I doubted it. Ravenack had somehow possessed and dominated Angel's mind. It was very easy prey for me. He was too sure that I would not be a threat and he was wrong. It was what I had expected the most in those years. He was vulnerable.

The unfortunate man seemed to read what I thought. With her gaze fixed on mine, Angel's hands let the garment of the sweater slide down her feet in a soft rustle. I tried to maintain my indifference. life of my executioner. It would be so easy to strangle that girl ...

-Very easy. Too easy. "Ravenack didn't seem to care." No one, absolutely no one touches what belongs to me. you forgot a small detail that we are a collective conscience. The female should be delivered untouchable.

Damn it! Collective awareness. I hadn't thought about that detail because Angel didn't even know what it was. And it was my bad luck. I had somehow managed to connect with her mind more than I would have expected. Only Ravenack could capture the girl's intense emotions. Somehow the tension in our relationship had caught his attention. My conscience was relentless. This is not what I wanted.

"And why don't you face me?" I roared more irritably, overcoming the distance that separated us and my hand like a handcuff went to her delicate neck. Mint. She smelled like mint. My fingers smashed mint.

-And why wouldn't I kill you? - I replied angrier.

I didn't like to know or see that Ravenack controlled Angel's actions. It hurt me personally. Her mind, even unaware of her actions, kept a weak link and allowed me to assimilate the fear and confusion she experienced.

-Because you want that body.- the answer came very simply. You wanted from the first moment saw her. believed that you could reach me with a body that rightfully belongs to me. And now I will satisfy your desires. I will use your body while my mind dominates you by possessing that charming body.


Those words made me curse my existence. I knew Ravenack too well. He was too sadistic a tyrant to miss the opportunity to punish his slaves. It was Klaus's killer.

-Damn you. You're miserable and damn ... You can't do it ...

-I know you! - Ravenack said and the voice was finally not delicate or feminine to my relief. - No matter what you do. I will always be ahead of your plans. You still don't understand that you can't beat me. Your revenge goals ...

I lost all caution when pushing Violently against the wall, immobilizing his hands with mine, avoiding any kind of attack. There was no way I was going to give the pleasure of satisfying that unfortunate man. Hybridization research ... I was just a guinea pig and unwilling while my body was used in experiments copulating females that I had never seen before. I was now free.

It didn't matter how angry I was. After Ravenack realized how I felt about all that ... Ah, his refinement of punishments had gotten a lot worse. It wasn't that I was without the power of my actions, there was still aware of my actions. Voluntarily or not, I participated in the sexual experiences that that bastard liked to watch so much. There was not much to choose or decide. With the right stimuli and drugs, I was able to maintain sex more vigorously while trying to use my DNA in crossbreeding with the genome of other species in an attempt to isolate the gene that transmitted the skills among my people.

"You're hurting the hybrid!" Ravenack smiled even more. - And is it good. I like that very much. That's how you like it, isn't it?

Curse! Angel had had no chance of defending herself from that creature's mental attack. And it wasn't the way I wanted it. Not after that first disaster. The girl I wanted was a puppet and unwilling in the hands of my worst enemy. She was revolting.

"Release her!" Demanded possessed. It will free her and ...

I immediately felt what Ravenack wanted and disgusted me. He didn't expect me to have the girl that way. Not like that. The red eyes captured mine and as much as I struggled, the sensation of numbness hit me. Holy shit. He also tried to control my thoughts because of the symbiosis that we had shared. It was my undoing.

-Not! NO! - I almost screamed with distress.

- There's no way to face me! Not even now. And never. I will destroy everything you have ever loved. "Ravenack assured me with such conviction that I was unable to deny it. No one had resisted Ravenack or his demonic creatures.

It was a losing battle. Just like Édrin's battle of resistance as he fell under the enemy's feet. No one had resisted Ravenack or his demonic creatures. And again I watched the impossible by making the same mistakes. That wretch wouldn't have the courage to sacrifice the first female of his kind, would he?

Angel's physical state ... Her weakened way. Fuck! It was just like Klaus. Just like Klaus before he died. My anger tripled.

-What did you do with her?

That miserable creature outlined pure satisfaction.

-There is a bio-organic chip implanted in your body. Technology is not going to stop latent genes from manifesting, Zorack.

Not like that. Never like this. I wanted a provocative and participative Angel as well as very eager to share intimacy with me. Without wanting my hands they lost strength when holding Angel by the arms. In the next instant, it was me who was in that position with the girl of my dreams insinuating herself provocatively to me.

-Angel- I spoke softly, fighting hard to overcome the compulsion! - I need ...

Nothing was happening as it was supposed to facilitate. From somewhere in my mind, Ravenack's laughter echoed sarcastically and I watched dazed delicate hands make the straps slide over the small shoulders forcing me to swallow.

I took a deep, livid breath as I pushed the girl away from me, hands now holding my head as I gasped livid in pain at the pressure of Ravenack's control. And my worst fears have become too real.

I was able to assimilate the image of Angel fallen and dizzy looking astonished at me with wide eyes without life.

I dropped to my knees, panting when I immediately saw with tremendous relief her eyes jump wide and the black mist left with renewed strength and concentration, emanating also from her mouth and ears.

Angel's cry of terror as I finally came to my senses made me try to retreat. Without a host, I knew that Ravenack would leave for me. I could feel his evil presence around my body as I bowed in pain and agony in an attempt to resist.

And it was her genuine and intense fear that made the final call for me to continue to resist. I was absolutely sure that my whole body was on fire under the power of the k'Aldriants and I didn't even realize that I screamed in agony.

"Get out, get out of my mind!"

The screams called attention bringing the help I needed most. The door opened and soon Max was armed, accompanied by more crew. There was a thick, black cloud that enveloped me, sucking all the air out of my lungs.

- Damn creature! - Scarlet's voice sounded high and high approaching Angel. - What ... what did you do with Zorack?

-Insulate the cabin. Activate the ship's protection shields to the maximum. - Max commanded the most urgent measures. If we have more of these creatures around here we will lose all control ....

- Losing control, Max? - Now Scarlet really screamed. - We lost all control when Zorack brought a hybrid of K'Aldriants to this ship. We need to kill her and ...

I was unable to sketch any attitude or respond. My head exploded under pressure. There was no oxygen in the lungs that popped in my chest. And yet I was able to capture Ravenack's satisfaction and all of Angel's horror at hearing the words I so avoided.

I saw Scarlet advance towards the fallen girl and with much effort I raised my hand, conjuring with all the remaining forces my power to wrap Angel in a protective cocoon of energy and ...
