In the clutches of Ravenack

By Kalael

-How come the girl is not in the Spartackus?

Is she telling me that she hasn't found the girl? And the damn kid?

Zorack roared at the height of his irritation, forgetting the bandage when pulled the bandage off with a dry groan. It was to be expected that they had watched Angel while he was unable to do so. His look was fierce for Scarllet.

-I thought you said the girl meant nothing to you. - Scarllet provoked with the air of every abandoned woman and in front of a rival.

Not even the strong tug on her arm stopped her from complaining even though Max could rage more furiously than Zorack. It was no use fighting the facts. Scarllet had always been in love with Zorack. He did not like the thought that the Edriana he was trying to conquer could have imagined that there would be a way to satisfy his ambition. He suddenly had an understanding of what his lover imagined.

Legal unions in Édrin were recognized when there was a union between two men for each woman. He wanted the hellish Edriana to look at him the way she looked at Zorack.

-And that is why you found it convenient to share my bed with great pleasure, believing that I would subject myself not to be the dominant male of a union?

Max was shaking with anger as he faced Zorack tense. It had been a tremendous oversight not to have noticed the human's disappearance before. His anger doubled when he realized that Scarllet had somehow connived or facilitated the girl's escape because of jealousy.

She paused for a moment without speaking. Zorack advanced towards her possessed and shook her by the arms.

- Hellish creature. Can you see what you did? Did she help that fool to leave the safety of the ship, even though knew that Ravenack could finally get his hands on the first female of his kind?

-She almost killed you. It is dangerous and unstable. Sooner or later it will change. Council rulers were wrong to decide to save it. Sacrifices are tolerated in situations ...- She tried to argue.

.Zorack looked at his perplexed ex-lover.

-Not even Voltan or Asturi accepted that. Not after Irlaine's death. The girl should be protected and ...

Scarllet gasped in a high-pitched voice filled with emotions he was unaware of.

-Because they were wrong, Zorack. This aberration poses a danger to everything we know. If K'Aldriants can more easily adapt to their weaknesses, it will be the end of everything we have. You can say that the girl did not survive the virus. Say that she died.

Max grunted beside himself.

-Are you aware of the absurdity of what you're talking about? We are not murderers. And this is called ...

-Sacrifice. In a war, sacrifices are sometimes necessary. - She defended herself with the premonition of failure. - Leave her to her destiny. The planet is overtaken by virus contamination. If the diseases they bring do not kill them, perhaps the creatures of Ravenack's army will.

Zorack gasped, livid. Creatures. He closed his agonized eyes, imagining the abominable creatures that K'Aldriants brought. It was not negotiable to sacrifice the girl.

-Max, I need you to prepare the computers to track Angel's hybrid DNA. When did you last see her? Do you think she may have tried to go back to the foster family?

The first imediat took a deep breath and cursed his luck. The last images of the city were the worst possible. Human panic added to the devastation that the invasion would soon bring. Computer news showed murders, hysterics and looting in markets. And suddenly there was no longer any thermal sign of warm-blooded life forms in the Small Mountain region. Data readings indicated violent earthquakes. It was an apocalyptic scenario that I wouldn't have expected anytime soon.

- Zorack, we are trying ...- the explanations came with hesitation.

Zorack's gaze sparks fiery sparks at Scarllet as he looks at her.

-I kill you if something happens to the girl. - He warned very seriously and left the infirmary in search of Bash.

Zorack did not even notice that a small object was missing in his cabin. It had been hidden from everyone. It was a device that should have been destroyed that manipulated spacetime allowing time travel.


Sometimes desperate situations make us commit nonsense of which repentance is tremendous. And there is no turning back. All that remains is to move on. Face facts with your head up and bear the consequences.

Escaping the ship had been one of them. And it was no use Angel thinking about it after all the crazy things he had seen. A deserted and practically ghost town had not been the problem. This could be tackled. Finding someone with his face and older features had been a shock. She couldn't decide what was worse. There were also hideous creatures that emerged from the land in a threatening way.

-Stay where you are, Angie! Do not do anything! Deliver the mallet.

Who are you!

Was her? Older?! The floor seemed to be missing under her feet. It was a hallucination! Another one of those terrible and very real violent outbreaks of hallucination. The woman in front of her wore a face with strained expressions when she took a deep breath.

-It's all right. Just breathe, okay? It is like those old movies at dawn on TV. Only that.

Perhaps Zorack's vision was not so bad at that moment.

- Can you not make noise? These creatures are quite helpless when they change their shell, but after they wake up their appetite is monstrous and they don't make a selection. Anything will do.

-I'm just tired. I'm hungry and thirsty. Sleep. A sleepless person can easily start delusional. Or else I got cold. I have a fever.

-Look. I'm not a hallucination! You need to accept that. Things have changed. I really need you to take it and go back to the ship. You don't know what's going on!

Have they changed? That simple? A scorpion when big was maybe five or seven centimetres. Only that one was monstrous in size.

"I'm fine. Just scream. It's just a damn nightmare. Scream and wake up! A simple rule of cause and effect. You scream and wake up. WAKE UP!"

-You're just a nightmare. Fruit of my imagination. I am stressed because of the math test.

-Stressed ?! Well, thankfully, it's not PMS, Angie. I told you we shouldn't leave the damn ship. DIDN'T I TELL THAT IT WAS NOT TO ESCAPE THE DAMNED SHIP? I SAID! Of course, I did! And did you hear? Spike's voice echoed in her mind.

-Shut up!

-I always had my hair so dry and dull? Ah, forget the unfortunate hair! I want you to come back right now, girl. And it is an order.

-An order?! And since when do you give me orders? Who told you that you are in control of everything here?

-She's definitely in control. - Spike shouted whiter than a statue. - She has a gun. And you haven't. Does that gun do anything to that thing? Tell me it does! Please! I don't have much meat. I will die!

-Ah, don't worry. These things are not very demanding on the palate. They actually eat anything in front of them.

-Damn it, Angie! It is not the end of the world to find a boyfriend, even if he is not from this planet! Are you so afraid to admit that you have feelings? You are not even earthly. Did you pay attention to that detail?

-Don't you dare psychoanalyze me! I'm normal! And that doesn't exist in a normal world! You do not exist! It's all Zorack's fault and his hallucinations!

It was to fall and submerge in a sea of ​​unreality. The creature finally moved towards them. The laser shots ... Spike's screams ... Angie lost her dizziness, the images wavering in her mind, trying to get attached to anything real. Her hands slowly began to shine, emanating blue flames. There was a door! A door at the end of the hall. The sign was written in large letters with the word dressing.

-No, don't do that! The door ... drop the damn sphere. It is a time travel device!

The door at the end of the hall. It was the door to the school locker room. On that last day of school, she had almost taken too long and been stuck in the locker room with the cleaning ladies who were cleaning the place. It had been lucky. If she had stayed there, Zorack would never have found her. Not before the invasion started.

Angel looked at the girl, her mind making the connection. She could see it through the eyes of her younger self. The bewilderment and astonishment at the most unreal scene. It was reliving an old horror movie.

The pale, staggering girl had lost all voice and gave in to panic. The lights went out ... as she retreated shaking until her shoulders were pressed against the cold wall and slid slowly across the floor, bending her shaky knees.

Cursing, she forced Angie back to reality, shaking her violently by the arms.

The effort took all the air out of his lungs. She fell to the floor, oblivious to the pathetic protests of the irresponsible girl, defending herself from nails and bites.

-Hey! Stop there, you two! Now! This is no joke! You won't want to call it any more, will you? a thick, authoritative voice roared impatiently.

Angie's and Angel's bulging eyes were fixed on the man before them. It was the figure of a guerrilla. Strong and determined. His muscles stood out in an athletic body with developed muscles.

Angel sighed miserably.

-He will kill me! - she managed to groan desolate.

Angie looked at her and swallowed, unable to find her voice for an instant.

-Spike ?!

- Welcome to the multi-universe! Or what remains of him. - Angel explained, waving a hand in the air. - Alternative realities, my dear. I think she just met Spike. He is the new captain of the Terran Resistance against the insectoid invasion. If you or I was a pest at that age, just wait to see our original version that you never knew. Zorack.

They were in tremendous trouble! Another universe merging and alternative realities colliding.

Angel desperately wanted Zorack there. Even Angie was beginning to believe that maybe knowing Zorack hadn't been that bad in the face of a version of a determined, determined, robust Spike with muscles.