Captivity in the Stars

Angel Forrester testimonial

Earth year of events: 2025

Ana Lunar 2425

The base of the Galactic Confederation

Tribune of Gaia

I have no idea if it's day or night. I don't even know how long I've been here between these cold, metallic walls and trying to maintain any kind of lucidity. I know my wrists are burning with the pain that radiates through my skin with something that looks like handcuffs on them.

It is a strange and scary world. Hopefully, I die and think death wouldn't be that bad. Chills run through my body. Ravenack ?! Was that one of the ships that these creatures brought to Earth? I'm afraid. The stories I heard about the mines of N'Tirlay fill my mind with frightening images. And remorse assails me when I remember Zorack a slave in those mines.

It had been because of me that ...

The door opened with a metallic sound making me catch my breath in my throat. My fear gave wings to the imagination after I had seen how painful and unviable the symbiosis process could be. At any moment someone like that would come in through that door ... Someone with open tentacles, claws and jaws ...

Someone who fatally fed on the blood and fluid of other creatures.

Puts! I'm only sixteen. I don't want to die here in the middle of strangers or in an unknown place. The poor light makes it very difficult to see the room around me. It doesn't make much difference. I doubt that would be able to stand or even try to escape. My body was a traitor and nothing obeyed.

- Organic handcuffs are never pleasant for those who have power like you, are they?

That voice is human. A man's voice and I can feel all his anger and frustration. Perhaps it was not the end. Maybe I could run away and ...

-Where am I? - I tried to ask with a dry throat.

Apparently, it was probably there for some time. The thirst is unbearable. I could die from a sip of water.

-Do you know how many creatures in this Universe fear and bend before Ravenack, child? How many worlds have challenged me and found destruction through their boldness?

Shit. Ravenack ...

Is he really Ravenack? The host story is very real and brings a thrill of horror. A perfect symbiosis. A living and healthy host to keep that parasite and ...

-Ravenack? I ask and I don't even know how found the voice.

It is strange how we react in situations like this. It's like an assault. You never know what your reaction will be ... There are those who react. Others indulge in an emotional outburst and without laughing ... I was struggling to keep my breathing steady and desperately noticing that the air pump was not in my pockets.

"I think you weren't that scared when you saw Zorack before, were you?" - the comment is dry and full of despair.

The steps approach and I can hardly see his face with the contorted expressions of an inexplicable hatred. Damn it! I've never seen this man before. And the hatred that his gaze shows when he looks at me ...

-There ... - I cry, fighting the pain.

His hands grab my hair with a sudden, violent tug, forcing me to stand. And it's not a gentle touch. Closer so I can capture the fury that feeds him. He's possessed and I don't even know why.

-There? It will do much more than that, you can be sure! he roared like an animal. - Bitch. Shaming our species like this by lying down with a damn Edrian ... The first female of my kind ... Females! Don't think it's that special because of your sex. My creatures can still reproduce asexually ... You were just a necessary experience. It was never really my goal, not you. It was another.

Finally, terror gains freedom for me when awkwardly and in balance I am dragged out of there and forced to follow it. The corridors are of blinding light that hurt my eyes after so long in the dark.

-You're hurting me. - I protested trying to fight against him. - Get your hands off me!

God. I'm going to die here. This thing will kill me! Or worst...

And I wasn't so lucky. Only now can I understand Zorack a little and his quiet way and the way to decide everything always alone. I am dragged by the hair between the deserted corridors and finally, when thought it would never end, we stopped in front of another door. The sound is the same. Like in my nightmares, or maybe worse. It is a huge room that vaguely resembles a laboratory with several benches and tables of immaculate whiteness that can hurt your eyes.

I start to stumble now very aware that I haven't eaten or drank anything for some time and struggling with vertigo and weakness. He doesn't stop like that, quite the contrary. Laughter echoes low and diabolical through the metal walls. Experiences?

My fear flies free with those words. But what experiences? What does that bastard talk about?

I know that I will die there. And my thoughts fly away and painfully remembering Zorack. How stupid to run away from the drug on the ship.

-You are ... miserable. - I scream and fall to the stoned ground after he let go screaming furiously when touching his face.

It was an involuntary reaction and the pain radiates throughout my body with the pressure I feel the handcuffs put on my wrists. Right. That didn't allow me to set things on fire then. What the hell. Really screwed.

-Unfortunate plague. - He screams out of himself. - Do you know the care I need to keep this peel healthy and without any damage? Do you have any idea how important this shell is to me?

He continues to scream and my shock reaction is replaced by anger when his hand comes down in a wide arc across my face and makes me dizzy.

Did that wretch dare?

I tried to fight to clear my mind immersed in torpor and not give myself up to darkness. It was cold there. A penetrating cold that left me freezing. It wasn't even a fight against that thing when claw-like hands started tearing at my clothes and I went crazy.

Experiences? I swallowed, trying not to imagine what kind of experiments they were doing there.

-Please do not. Please..

-Not? - he replied and for the first time, vertigo got me strong, understanding what the unfortunate man intended.

God! Was I going to be raped there on that cold floor? I couldn't get up or run. Those handcuffs gave the impression of weighing a ton and making me limp ...

He was very impatient and in a state of boundless anger. Mercy, I'm totally naked. With horror, I turned my body in an attempt to get up and react and that was the end of me. I screamed out loud, feeling his knee on my body and spreading my legs. The cold breath was of a corpse that walked and moved. The sensation of the tongue on my skin made me swallow the bile that went up to the closed throat.

-Now. Despite being a bitch like all the others, it tastes good. Can I perhaps hand you over to your lover after I have managed to teach you some new tricks? Would you please, my lady?

-Not! Do not do it!

I'm pressed against the ground because of his immense body, fighting horror and disgust when I feel him lick and bite me hard.

-Or maybe it will satisfy me as I like your blood.

Damn it. The air doesn't even seem to enter my lungs. The hands that slide over my body slowly tear at my skin making the blood flow slowly.

He remains stronger and more relentless forcing my legs to open. I tried in vain to fight him, thinking of Zorack with despair. Why hadn't I finally allowed myself to prove what both he and I wanted?

The invasion is brutal and without any preparation and scream of pain, feeling my channel tear with strong attacks. Each thrust ... And my terror was not complete. I felt his fangs deep in my neck as he roared like a furious animal with every hardest and harshest thrust.

God! I was sure it would split me in two. It hurt too much. And yet it was nothing when I thought about what Zorack and I were missing. What had been stolen from us. My vision was beginning to darken.

I didn't pass out when I was taken to a cold laboratory table and gasped without air and cringing. All that mattered was that he had moved away. Tears welled up on my face with imagined horror at what awaited me the most. An experience? He treated me no differently than any animal or guinea pig for his experiences driven by anger. The shock left me a little numb, but my eyes focus on difficulty on what looks like a syringe.

-What are you going to do? - my voice is weak.

-I don't intend to waste our black oil on guinea pigs like you. It is a small incentive for you to stay clear and enjoy everything I intend to do.

-You sadistic bastard ...

The stinging pain again brought the certainty that I was burning in agony. Careless hands caught me violently and the effect of what had been applied acted very quickly on my system. I think he turned me over. I had no more strength or breath to fight him. I was going to be very lucky to die. I vaguely noticed Ravenack holding my hip and the aching sting when he penetrated me with rage and brutality from behind.

The pain was mind-blowing and I screamed and cried until there was no breath left. Even my mind lost among cotton flakes because of the drug that had been injected, I knew that the pain was mind-blowing and unbearable. His weight on me ... his movements are more frantic than before. He was going to kill me.

And that animal howled with pleasure, daring to feel pleasure while I choked without air.

I wanted to scream with despair. How was I supposed to look at Zorack after all this? How would you look at me in the mirror? If only I could have resisted more ... Fought more ... Or thanks that monster to kill me ...

The fog begins to invade my mind. I'm dreaming about Zorack. I was dreaming about his kisses that left me ...

"I love you..."

-Oh, I seem to have overdosed, you bitch. Forgot where you are? There is no Zorack around here. You will never approach him again ... I will kill you if you dare to approach what belongs to me ...

-Not! Not!

This is not happening. It's just a goddamn nightmare! My strengths disappeared and my whole body protested ...

-Please do not...

-You leave this laboratory dead today. - The threat was very real ...

I no longer had any strength to fight him. The violation is brutal and intense. I let him do what he wanted without being able to react. I can't see anything else. All I want most is to die. Forget shame and humiliation. All my muscles are numb and pain ... The certainty that I can no longer face Zorack ...

The darkness was finally comforting to my despair, I can't stay awake or I don't want to. I just hear the voice of my dreams as promises that seem impossible ... Zorack ... His name seems the only thing that can keep my lucidity. And finally, it went away.

I hear more footsteps ...

-My Lord...

- Prepare the machines. This unfortunate plague damaged the skin I use. You know the importance of keeping it preserved and intact.

Damn it! Why are you so keen to keep this host's body intact?

-Naturally, my lord. What about the female ...

Just let me die ... please ...

-If there is any advantage to using humans it is the ease with which we can regenerate their bodies. Take care that your wounds are healed and that your memory ...

The last vision I had was his black, evil eyes, and then finally I let myself slide into the silence of nowhere ...